New to site/CF


New member
Hey Erica,

My husband Mark has CF. He was diagnosed as a toddler. This website is great. There are a few other partners/spouses on this site. My husband is 26 and I'm 23. We just had triplets that were concieved through IVF.

Hope you find some great information and wonderful friendships as I have here!!!


New member
Welcome Erica, somehow I missed your post! You will find lifetime friends here, and such good advice the doctors will wonder who you've been talking to! Hope you can find your answers and some assurance that there are others here that are walking in your shoes also. I look forward to your posts.


New member
Welcome Erica, somehow I missed your post! You will find lifetime friends here, and such good advice the doctors will wonder who you've been talking to! Hope you can find your answers and some assurance that there are others here that are walking in your shoes also. I look forward to your posts.


New member
Welcome Erica, somehow I missed your post! You will find lifetime friends here, and such good advice the doctors will wonder who you've been talking to! Hope you can find your answers and some assurance that there are others here that are walking in your shoes also. I look forward to your posts.