New to the Forum and need help


New member
I know that this is a topic that is talked about over and over and I have read those ones I am just kind of hoping for some new advice. My husband and I have been trying to concieve for close to 2 years with no luck. I am on my 4th cycle of chlomid and the last according to my OB. I have an appointment with a Reproductive Endocrinologist in a couple weeks. We have tested my husband and everything is normal with him so he is not the issue. I have taken monthly ovulation test. I have been taking Prenatals for 3 years my CF has been doing really well. I havent been in the hospital for 5 years YA!!! In addition I have tried taking one Mucinex a day.

Sorry I am trying to keep this short but informative <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Does anyone else have any recommendations for my husband and I?? Herbs, mucinex vs. robitussin (should I be taking more then one a day) How long do you guys stay laying down after intercourse. Or anything else I might not known or heard. Anything will help and I am sorry that I am bring up the same topic I am sure lots of people have.

23 w/CF


New member
I know that this is a topic that is talked about over and over and I have read those ones I am just kind of hoping for some new advice. My husband and I have been trying to concieve for close to 2 years with no luck. I am on my 4th cycle of chlomid and the last according to my OB. I have an appointment with a Reproductive Endocrinologist in a couple weeks. We have tested my husband and everything is normal with him so he is not the issue. I have taken monthly ovulation test. I have been taking Prenatals for 3 years my CF has been doing really well. I havent been in the hospital for 5 years YA!!! In addition I have tried taking one Mucinex a day.

Sorry I am trying to keep this short but informative <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Does anyone else have any recommendations for my husband and I?? Herbs, mucinex vs. robitussin (should I be taking more then one a day) How long do you guys stay laying down after intercourse. Or anything else I might not known or heard. Anything will help and I am sorry that I am bring up the same topic I am sure lots of people have.

23 w/CF


New member
I know that this is a topic that is talked about over and over and I have read those ones I am just kind of hoping for some new advice. My husband and I have been trying to concieve for close to 2 years with no luck. I am on my 4th cycle of chlomid and the last according to my OB. I have an appointment with a Reproductive Endocrinologist in a couple weeks. We have tested my husband and everything is normal with him so he is not the issue. I have taken monthly ovulation test. I have been taking Prenatals for 3 years my CF has been doing really well. I havent been in the hospital for 5 years YA!!! In addition I have tried taking one Mucinex a day.

Sorry I am trying to keep this short but informative <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Does anyone else have any recommendations for my husband and I?? Herbs, mucinex vs. robitussin (should I be taking more then one a day) How long do you guys stay laying down after intercourse. Or anything else I might not known or heard. Anything will help and I am sorry that I am bring up the same topic I am sure lots of people have.

23 w/CF


New member
I know that this is a topic that is talked about over and over and I have read those ones I am just kind of hoping for some new advice. My husband and I have been trying to concieve for close to 2 years with no luck. I am on my 4th cycle of chlomid and the last according to my OB. I have an appointment with a Reproductive Endocrinologist in a couple weeks. We have tested my husband and everything is normal with him so he is not the issue. I have taken monthly ovulation test. I have been taking Prenatals for 3 years my CF has been doing really well. I havent been in the hospital for 5 years YA!!! In addition I have tried taking one Mucinex a day.

Sorry I am trying to keep this short but informative <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Does anyone else have any recommendations for my husband and I?? Herbs, mucinex vs. robitussin (should I be taking more then one a day) How long do you guys stay laying down after intercourse. Or anything else I might not known or heard. Anything will help and I am sorry that I am bring up the same topic I am sure lots of people have.

23 w/CF


New member
I know that this is a topic that is talked about over and over and I have read those ones I am just kind of hoping for some new advice. My husband and I have been trying to concieve for close to 2 years with no luck. I am on my 4th cycle of chlomid and the last according to my OB. I have an appointment with a Reproductive Endocrinologist in a couple weeks. We have tested my husband and everything is normal with him so he is not the issue. I have taken monthly ovulation test. I have been taking Prenatals for 3 years my CF has been doing really well. I havent been in the hospital for 5 years YA!!! In addition I have tried taking one Mucinex a day.
<br />
<br />Sorry I am trying to keep this short but informative <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Does anyone else have any recommendations for my husband and I?? Herbs, mucinex vs. robitussin (should I be taking more then one a day) How long do you guys stay laying down after intercourse. Or anything else I might not known or heard. Anything will help and I am sorry that I am bring up the same topic I am sure lots of people have.
<br />
<br />Shevy
<br />23 w/CF


New member
This may be info you already know, but, just in case, I'll say it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> As CFers, a lot of us have thick, sticky cervical mucus that even the most macho sperm can't penetrate. And Clomid won't help with that - Clomid helps with ovulation. But if the sperm can't get to the egg, then it doesn't do much good. In fact, Clomid could make it worse because it can dry you out down there.

So that's the bad news. The good news is that, if your only problem is cervical mucus, then hopefully all it will take is getting the sperm past the cervical mucus using IUI. We are going to try that next month and I'm very excited about it.

If you have been trying for 2 years, it's definitely time to see an RE. My husband and I saw one for the first time and he was the one who told me most of the info I just shared with you.

Oh, and Mucinex may help things. I have been TTC for 8 cycles and have been taking mucinex. I take the 12-hour extended release version, maximum strength. No success yet, but I figure it can't hurt.

Good luck! And welcome to the board - it is a fantastic resource and so great to have other CFers to share this experience with.


New member
This may be info you already know, but, just in case, I'll say it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> As CFers, a lot of us have thick, sticky cervical mucus that even the most macho sperm can't penetrate. And Clomid won't help with that - Clomid helps with ovulation. But if the sperm can't get to the egg, then it doesn't do much good. In fact, Clomid could make it worse because it can dry you out down there.

So that's the bad news. The good news is that, if your only problem is cervical mucus, then hopefully all it will take is getting the sperm past the cervical mucus using IUI. We are going to try that next month and I'm very excited about it.

If you have been trying for 2 years, it's definitely time to see an RE. My husband and I saw one for the first time and he was the one who told me most of the info I just shared with you.

Oh, and Mucinex may help things. I have been TTC for 8 cycles and have been taking mucinex. I take the 12-hour extended release version, maximum strength. No success yet, but I figure it can't hurt.

Good luck! And welcome to the board - it is a fantastic resource and so great to have other CFers to share this experience with.


New member
This may be info you already know, but, just in case, I'll say it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> As CFers, a lot of us have thick, sticky cervical mucus that even the most macho sperm can't penetrate. And Clomid won't help with that - Clomid helps with ovulation. But if the sperm can't get to the egg, then it doesn't do much good. In fact, Clomid could make it worse because it can dry you out down there.

So that's the bad news. The good news is that, if your only problem is cervical mucus, then hopefully all it will take is getting the sperm past the cervical mucus using IUI. We are going to try that next month and I'm very excited about it.

If you have been trying for 2 years, it's definitely time to see an RE. My husband and I saw one for the first time and he was the one who told me most of the info I just shared with you.

Oh, and Mucinex may help things. I have been TTC for 8 cycles and have been taking mucinex. I take the 12-hour extended release version, maximum strength. No success yet, but I figure it can't hurt.

Good luck! And welcome to the board - it is a fantastic resource and so great to have other CFers to share this experience with.


New member
This may be info you already know, but, just in case, I'll say it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> As CFers, a lot of us have thick, sticky cervical mucus that even the most macho sperm can't penetrate. And Clomid won't help with that - Clomid helps with ovulation. But if the sperm can't get to the egg, then it doesn't do much good. In fact, Clomid could make it worse because it can dry you out down there.

So that's the bad news. The good news is that, if your only problem is cervical mucus, then hopefully all it will take is getting the sperm past the cervical mucus using IUI. We are going to try that next month and I'm very excited about it.

If you have been trying for 2 years, it's definitely time to see an RE. My husband and I saw one for the first time and he was the one who told me most of the info I just shared with you.

Oh, and Mucinex may help things. I have been TTC for 8 cycles and have been taking mucinex. I take the 12-hour extended release version, maximum strength. No success yet, but I figure it can't hurt.

Good luck! And welcome to the board - it is a fantastic resource and so great to have other CFers to share this experience with.


New member
This may be info you already know, but, just in case, I'll say it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> As CFers, a lot of us have thick, sticky cervical mucus that even the most macho sperm can't penetrate. And Clomid won't help with that - Clomid helps with ovulation. But if the sperm can't get to the egg, then it doesn't do much good. In fact, Clomid could make it worse because it can dry you out down there.
<br />
<br />So that's the bad news. The good news is that, if your only problem is cervical mucus, then hopefully all it will take is getting the sperm past the cervical mucus using IUI. We are going to try that next month and I'm very excited about it.
<br />
<br />If you have been trying for 2 years, it's definitely time to see an RE. My husband and I saw one for the first time and he was the one who told me most of the info I just shared with you.
<br />
<br />Oh, and Mucinex may help things. I have been TTC for 8 cycles and have been taking mucinex. I take the 12-hour extended release version, maximum strength. No success yet, but I figure it can't hurt.
<br />
<br />Good luck! And welcome to the board - it is a fantastic resource and so great to have other CFers to share this experience with.


New member

I'm hardly around anymore, but your post drew my attention.

My hubby and I are at 3 years without any luck. I will also be starting Clomid 50 mg in April. I pray that it does the trick. I ovulate, but my eggs never fully mature, thus can't be fertilized...I have never been on Clomid before so we'll see...

<b>Have you tried PreSeed?</b> It is the only sperm-friendly lubricant on the market. PreSeed basically replaces the cervical fluid that women either don't have or lose due to Clomid or whatever else.

There are many women <b>without</b> CF that take PreSeed while trying with Clomid due to the terrible dryness. I was doing some research last night for myself because of starting Clomid in April. <b>There is a 40% decrease in womens' cervical mucus due to Clomid!!! </b>

I wish you would have posted your concern sooner since you have already been on Clomid for 3 months. If I may ask, has Clomid helped your eggs mature or is it not working at all? I would STRONGLY SUGGEST buying some PreSeed right away. You only need to use it during the fertile phase of your cycle. Six pre-filled applicators are about $14.99. It isn't the easiest thing to find, but on Ebay or you can find it.

I would give it a shot. I'm not saying it will work, but it certainly can't hurt.

Mucinex is used by CF women and others to 'thin cervical mucus'. I have also tried it. I took 600 mg twice a day. HOWEVER, you are on Clomid which is drying out your natural secretions. You need to <b>replace</b> what you don't have! Mucinex can't thin your cervical mucus <b>IF </b>Clomid is drying you out! Make sense!?!

You can keep taking Mucinex, but I would focus on 'replacing' not 'fixing'.

Good Luck! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member

I'm hardly around anymore, but your post drew my attention.

My hubby and I are at 3 years without any luck. I will also be starting Clomid 50 mg in April. I pray that it does the trick. I ovulate, but my eggs never fully mature, thus can't be fertilized...I have never been on Clomid before so we'll see...

<b>Have you tried PreSeed?</b> It is the only sperm-friendly lubricant on the market. PreSeed basically replaces the cervical fluid that women either don't have or lose due to Clomid or whatever else.

There are many women <b>without</b> CF that take PreSeed while trying with Clomid due to the terrible dryness. I was doing some research last night for myself because of starting Clomid in April. <b>There is a 40% decrease in womens' cervical mucus due to Clomid!!! </b>

I wish you would have posted your concern sooner since you have already been on Clomid for 3 months. If I may ask, has Clomid helped your eggs mature or is it not working at all? I would STRONGLY SUGGEST buying some PreSeed right away. You only need to use it during the fertile phase of your cycle. Six pre-filled applicators are about $14.99. It isn't the easiest thing to find, but on Ebay or you can find it.

I would give it a shot. I'm not saying it will work, but it certainly can't hurt.

Mucinex is used by CF women and others to 'thin cervical mucus'. I have also tried it. I took 600 mg twice a day. HOWEVER, you are on Clomid which is drying out your natural secretions. You need to <b>replace</b> what you don't have! Mucinex can't thin your cervical mucus <b>IF </b>Clomid is drying you out! Make sense!?!

You can keep taking Mucinex, but I would focus on 'replacing' not 'fixing'.

Good Luck! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member

I'm hardly around anymore, but your post drew my attention.

My hubby and I are at 3 years without any luck. I will also be starting Clomid 50 mg in April. I pray that it does the trick. I ovulate, but my eggs never fully mature, thus can't be fertilized...I have never been on Clomid before so we'll see...

<b>Have you tried PreSeed?</b> It is the only sperm-friendly lubricant on the market. PreSeed basically replaces the cervical fluid that women either don't have or lose due to Clomid or whatever else.

There are many women <b>without</b> CF that take PreSeed while trying with Clomid due to the terrible dryness. I was doing some research last night for myself because of starting Clomid in April. <b>There is a 40% decrease in womens' cervical mucus due to Clomid!!! </b>

I wish you would have posted your concern sooner since you have already been on Clomid for 3 months. If I may ask, has Clomid helped your eggs mature or is it not working at all? I would STRONGLY SUGGEST buying some PreSeed right away. You only need to use it during the fertile phase of your cycle. Six pre-filled applicators are about $14.99. It isn't the easiest thing to find, but on Ebay or you can find it.

I would give it a shot. I'm not saying it will work, but it certainly can't hurt.

Mucinex is used by CF women and others to 'thin cervical mucus'. I have also tried it. I took 600 mg twice a day. HOWEVER, you are on Clomid which is drying out your natural secretions. You need to <b>replace</b> what you don't have! Mucinex can't thin your cervical mucus <b>IF </b>Clomid is drying you out! Make sense!?!

You can keep taking Mucinex, but I would focus on 'replacing' not 'fixing'.

Good Luck! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member

I'm hardly around anymore, but your post drew my attention.

My hubby and I are at 3 years without any luck. I will also be starting Clomid 50 mg in April. I pray that it does the trick. I ovulate, but my eggs never fully mature, thus can't be fertilized...I have never been on Clomid before so we'll see...

<b>Have you tried PreSeed?</b> It is the only sperm-friendly lubricant on the market. PreSeed basically replaces the cervical fluid that women either don't have or lose due to Clomid or whatever else.

There are many women <b>without</b> CF that take PreSeed while trying with Clomid due to the terrible dryness. I was doing some research last night for myself because of starting Clomid in April. <b>There is a 40% decrease in womens' cervical mucus due to Clomid!!! </b>

I wish you would have posted your concern sooner since you have already been on Clomid for 3 months. If I may ask, has Clomid helped your eggs mature or is it not working at all? I would STRONGLY SUGGEST buying some PreSeed right away. You only need to use it during the fertile phase of your cycle. Six pre-filled applicators are about $14.99. It isn't the easiest thing to find, but on Ebay or you can find it.

I would give it a shot. I'm not saying it will work, but it certainly can't hurt.

Mucinex is used by CF women and others to 'thin cervical mucus'. I have also tried it. I took 600 mg twice a day. HOWEVER, you are on Clomid which is drying out your natural secretions. You need to <b>replace</b> what you don't have! Mucinex can't thin your cervical mucus <b>IF </b>Clomid is drying you out! Make sense!?!

You can keep taking Mucinex, but I would focus on 'replacing' not 'fixing'.

Good Luck! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
<br />
<br />I'm hardly around anymore, but your post drew my attention.
<br />
<br />My hubby and I are at 3 years without any luck. I will also be starting Clomid 50 mg in April. I pray that it does the trick. I ovulate, but my eggs never fully mature, thus can't be fertilized...I have never been on Clomid before so we'll see...
<br />
<br /><b>Have you tried PreSeed?</b> It is the only sperm-friendly lubricant on the market. PreSeed basically replaces the cervical fluid that women either don't have or lose due to Clomid or whatever else.
<br />
<br />There are many women <b>without</b> CF that take PreSeed while trying with Clomid due to the terrible dryness. I was doing some research last night for myself because of starting Clomid in April. <b>There is a 40% decrease in womens' cervical mucus due to Clomid!!! </b>
<br />
<br />I wish you would have posted your concern sooner since you have already been on Clomid for 3 months. If I may ask, has Clomid helped your eggs mature or is it not working at all? I would STRONGLY SUGGEST buying some PreSeed right away. You only need to use it during the fertile phase of your cycle. Six pre-filled applicators are about $14.99. It isn't the easiest thing to find, but on Ebay or you can find it.
<br />
<br />I would give it a shot. I'm not saying it will work, but it certainly can't hurt.
<br />
<br />Mucinex is used by CF women and others to 'thin cervical mucus'. I have also tried it. I took 600 mg twice a day. HOWEVER, you are on Clomid which is drying out your natural secretions. You need to <b>replace</b> what you don't have! Mucinex can't thin your cervical mucus <b>IF </b>Clomid is drying you out! Make sense!?!
<br />
<br />You can keep taking Mucinex, but I would focus on 'replacing' not 'fixing'.
<br />
<br />Good Luck! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh...I just wanted to add...

I don't know how much you are paying for your Clomid, but at Walmart you can pay $9.00 for 1 cycle of 50 mg tablets. It costs $18.00 for 1 cycle of 100 mg tablets.

I know I'm far ahead for April! LOL!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh...I just wanted to add...

I don't know how much you are paying for your Clomid, but at Walmart you can pay $9.00 for 1 cycle of 50 mg tablets. It costs $18.00 for 1 cycle of 100 mg tablets.

I know I'm far ahead for April! LOL!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh...I just wanted to add...

I don't know how much you are paying for your Clomid, but at Walmart you can pay $9.00 for 1 cycle of 50 mg tablets. It costs $18.00 for 1 cycle of 100 mg tablets.

I know I'm far ahead for April! LOL!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh...I just wanted to add...

I don't know how much you are paying for your Clomid, but at Walmart you can pay $9.00 for 1 cycle of 50 mg tablets. It costs $18.00 for 1 cycle of 100 mg tablets.

I know I'm far ahead for April! LOL!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh...I just wanted to add...
<br />
<br />I don't know how much you are paying for your Clomid, but at Walmart you can pay $9.00 for 1 cycle of 50 mg tablets. It costs $18.00 for 1 cycle of 100 mg tablets.
<br />
<br />I know I'm far ahead for April! LOL!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">