New to the Forum and need help


New member
I agree I should have came to you guys sooner. I have been a watcher/reader for quiet a few years but never really commented. I know that you guys are very helpful and informative. I need to stop being so independent and come to you. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Sorry I was a little vague on my posting. I am on month 4 of Chlomid of 150 mg. I am finally ovulating with the dose at 150mg I was not on 50mg and I did once on 100mg. Honestly I dont know about the maturity of my eggs they have never tested it or ask so Im not sure as far as that goes. My hormone levels are extreamly low when they tested them. I also had a histrosalpingogram done and my falopian tubes are open but my cervix is way off to the left and my uterus is tilted to the right. What this means or how it effects my fetility I have no idea so hopefully the RE Doc can tell me. As far as CM I have no idea, if mine is thick or thin. I have never had discharge except when I was on BC. Which I finally understand know that they tell me I never have ovulated tell now. With the Chlomid I do have some and I assume those are my fertile days and confirm it with OPK. I have never tested my basil temp, and never tried any spermicides because I didnt know what kinds were ok and which were not.

I hope this helps and is a little more informative thank you so much for the comments and suggestions so far I will try and let you know how it works out. Thanks for the tip about Mucinex I wasnt sure if I should continue taking it.

Now that you know all about my personal life <3 I am open for suggestions <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Thanks again for everything, this really does help even to just vent and talk to people with CF that are going threw the same thing and understand is so helpful. Sorry that some of you have with threw this but it is comforting to know Im not alone.

Shevy 23/CF


New member
I agree I should have came to you guys sooner. I have been a watcher/reader for quiet a few years but never really commented. I know that you guys are very helpful and informative. I need to stop being so independent and come to you. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Sorry I was a little vague on my posting. I am on month 4 of Chlomid of 150 mg. I am finally ovulating with the dose at 150mg I was not on 50mg and I did once on 100mg. Honestly I dont know about the maturity of my eggs they have never tested it or ask so Im not sure as far as that goes. My hormone levels are extreamly low when they tested them. I also had a histrosalpingogram done and my falopian tubes are open but my cervix is way off to the left and my uterus is tilted to the right. What this means or how it effects my fetility I have no idea so hopefully the RE Doc can tell me. As far as CM I have no idea, if mine is thick or thin. I have never had discharge except when I was on BC. Which I finally understand know that they tell me I never have ovulated tell now. With the Chlomid I do have some and I assume those are my fertile days and confirm it with OPK. I have never tested my basil temp, and never tried any spermicides because I didnt know what kinds were ok and which were not.

I hope this helps and is a little more informative thank you so much for the comments and suggestions so far I will try and let you know how it works out. Thanks for the tip about Mucinex I wasnt sure if I should continue taking it.

Now that you know all about my personal life <3 I am open for suggestions <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Thanks again for everything, this really does help even to just vent and talk to people with CF that are going threw the same thing and understand is so helpful. Sorry that some of you have with threw this but it is comforting to know Im not alone.

Shevy 23/CF


New member
I agree I should have came to you guys sooner. I have been a watcher/reader for quiet a few years but never really commented. I know that you guys are very helpful and informative. I need to stop being so independent and come to you. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Sorry I was a little vague on my posting. I am on month 4 of Chlomid of 150 mg. I am finally ovulating with the dose at 150mg I was not on 50mg and I did once on 100mg. Honestly I dont know about the maturity of my eggs they have never tested it or ask so Im not sure as far as that goes. My hormone levels are extreamly low when they tested them. I also had a histrosalpingogram done and my falopian tubes are open but my cervix is way off to the left and my uterus is tilted to the right. What this means or how it effects my fetility I have no idea so hopefully the RE Doc can tell me. As far as CM I have no idea, if mine is thick or thin. I have never had discharge except when I was on BC. Which I finally understand know that they tell me I never have ovulated tell now. With the Chlomid I do have some and I assume those are my fertile days and confirm it with OPK. I have never tested my basil temp, and never tried any spermicides because I didnt know what kinds were ok and which were not.

I hope this helps and is a little more informative thank you so much for the comments and suggestions so far I will try and let you know how it works out. Thanks for the tip about Mucinex I wasnt sure if I should continue taking it.

Now that you know all about my personal life <3 I am open for suggestions <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Thanks again for everything, this really does help even to just vent and talk to people with CF that are going threw the same thing and understand is so helpful. Sorry that some of you have with threw this but it is comforting to know Im not alone.

Shevy 23/CF


New member
I agree I should have came to you guys sooner. I have been a watcher/reader for quiet a few years but never really commented. I know that you guys are very helpful and informative. I need to stop being so independent and come to you. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Sorry I was a little vague on my posting. I am on month 4 of Chlomid of 150 mg. I am finally ovulating with the dose at 150mg I was not on 50mg and I did once on 100mg. Honestly I dont know about the maturity of my eggs they have never tested it or ask so Im not sure as far as that goes. My hormone levels are extreamly low when they tested them. I also had a histrosalpingogram done and my falopian tubes are open but my cervix is way off to the left and my uterus is tilted to the right. What this means or how it effects my fetility I have no idea so hopefully the RE Doc can tell me. As far as CM I have no idea, if mine is thick or thin. I have never had discharge except when I was on BC. Which I finally understand know that they tell me I never have ovulated tell now. With the Chlomid I do have some and I assume those are my fertile days and confirm it with OPK. I have never tested my basil temp, and never tried any spermicides because I didnt know what kinds were ok and which were not.

I hope this helps and is a little more informative thank you so much for the comments and suggestions so far I will try and let you know how it works out. Thanks for the tip about Mucinex I wasnt sure if I should continue taking it.

Now that you know all about my personal life <3 I am open for suggestions <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Thanks again for everything, this really does help even to just vent and talk to people with CF that are going threw the same thing and understand is so helpful. Sorry that some of you have with threw this but it is comforting to know Im not alone.

Shevy 23/CF


New member
I agree I should have came to you guys sooner. I have been a watcher/reader for quiet a few years but never really commented. I know that you guys are very helpful and informative. I need to stop being so independent and come to you. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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<br />Sorry I was a little vague on my posting. I am on month 4 of Chlomid of 150 mg. I am finally ovulating with the dose at 150mg I was not on 50mg and I did once on 100mg. Honestly I dont know about the maturity of my eggs they have never tested it or ask so Im not sure as far as that goes. My hormone levels are extreamly low when they tested them. I also had a histrosalpingogram done and my falopian tubes are open but my cervix is way off to the left and my uterus is tilted to the right. What this means or how it effects my fetility I have no idea so hopefully the RE Doc can tell me. As far as CM I have no idea, if mine is thick or thin. I have never had discharge except when I was on BC. Which I finally understand know that they tell me I never have ovulated tell now. With the Chlomid I do have some and I assume those are my fertile days and confirm it with OPK. I have never tested my basil temp, and never tried any spermicides because I didnt know what kinds were ok and which were not.
<br />
<br />I hope this helps and is a little more informative thank you so much for the comments and suggestions so far I will try and let you know how it works out. Thanks for the tip about Mucinex I wasnt sure if I should continue taking it.
<br />
<br />Now that you know all about my personal life <3 I am open for suggestions <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Thanks again for everything, this really does help even to just vent and talk to people with CF that are going threw the same thing and understand is so helpful. Sorry that some of you have with threw this but it is comforting to know Im not alone.
<br />
<br />Shevy 23/CF


New member
How did they know you were ovulating? Did they do an ultrasound or bloodwork? Or were you hainvg irregular periods? I don't know what the results of the HSG mean, but I would def. think your RE could help answer those questions.

I am a big fan of charting basal body temperature because I love knowing exactly what is going on with my body. But it's up to you & your doctors if you want to do that.

Luckily, your RE appointment isn't too far away, so you should have some answers soon!

My GUESS would be that, if you aren't ovulating on your own, your RE will keep you on Clomid and try IUI along with it as a starting point.

As far as what to do before your first meeting with the RE, you could try charting to confirm your ovulation day and determine the length of your luetal phase (because if it's too short that could be another reason why you aren't PG), keep up the mucinex & OPKs, and try preseed (I've ordered it online from Baby Hopes). Also, I've heard some people drink green tea to help produce more fertile quality cervical mucus, so you could also give that a try if you wanted to.


New member
How did they know you were ovulating? Did they do an ultrasound or bloodwork? Or were you hainvg irregular periods? I don't know what the results of the HSG mean, but I would def. think your RE could help answer those questions.

I am a big fan of charting basal body temperature because I love knowing exactly what is going on with my body. But it's up to you & your doctors if you want to do that.

Luckily, your RE appointment isn't too far away, so you should have some answers soon!

My GUESS would be that, if you aren't ovulating on your own, your RE will keep you on Clomid and try IUI along with it as a starting point.

As far as what to do before your first meeting with the RE, you could try charting to confirm your ovulation day and determine the length of your luetal phase (because if it's too short that could be another reason why you aren't PG), keep up the mucinex & OPKs, and try preseed (I've ordered it online from Baby Hopes). Also, I've heard some people drink green tea to help produce more fertile quality cervical mucus, so you could also give that a try if you wanted to.


New member
How did they know you were ovulating? Did they do an ultrasound or bloodwork? Or were you hainvg irregular periods? I don't know what the results of the HSG mean, but I would def. think your RE could help answer those questions.

I am a big fan of charting basal body temperature because I love knowing exactly what is going on with my body. But it's up to you & your doctors if you want to do that.

Luckily, your RE appointment isn't too far away, so you should have some answers soon!

My GUESS would be that, if you aren't ovulating on your own, your RE will keep you on Clomid and try IUI along with it as a starting point.

As far as what to do before your first meeting with the RE, you could try charting to confirm your ovulation day and determine the length of your luetal phase (because if it's too short that could be another reason why you aren't PG), keep up the mucinex & OPKs, and try preseed (I've ordered it online from Baby Hopes). Also, I've heard some people drink green tea to help produce more fertile quality cervical mucus, so you could also give that a try if you wanted to.


New member
How did they know you were ovulating? Did they do an ultrasound or bloodwork? Or were you hainvg irregular periods? I don't know what the results of the HSG mean, but I would def. think your RE could help answer those questions.

I am a big fan of charting basal body temperature because I love knowing exactly what is going on with my body. But it's up to you & your doctors if you want to do that.

Luckily, your RE appointment isn't too far away, so you should have some answers soon!

My GUESS would be that, if you aren't ovulating on your own, your RE will keep you on Clomid and try IUI along with it as a starting point.

As far as what to do before your first meeting with the RE, you could try charting to confirm your ovulation day and determine the length of your luetal phase (because if it's too short that could be another reason why you aren't PG), keep up the mucinex & OPKs, and try preseed (I've ordered it online from Baby Hopes). Also, I've heard some people drink green tea to help produce more fertile quality cervical mucus, so you could also give that a try if you wanted to.


New member
How did they know you were ovulating? Did they do an ultrasound or bloodwork? Or were you hainvg irregular periods? I don't know what the results of the HSG mean, but I would def. think your RE could help answer those questions.
<br />
<br />I am a big fan of charting basal body temperature because I love knowing exactly what is going on with my body. But it's up to you & your doctors if you want to do that.
<br />
<br />Luckily, your RE appointment isn't too far away, so you should have some answers soon!
<br />
<br />My GUESS would be that, if you aren't ovulating on your own, your RE will keep you on Clomid and try IUI along with it as a starting point.
<br />
<br />As far as what to do before your first meeting with the RE, you could try charting to confirm your ovulation day and determine the length of your luetal phase (because if it's too short that could be another reason why you aren't PG), keep up the mucinex & OPKs, and try preseed (I've ordered it online from Baby Hopes). Also, I've heard some people drink green tea to help produce more fertile quality cervical mucus, so you could also give that a try if you wanted to.