My son (now 3 months) tested positive in his well baby check however we still do not know if he is a carrier or if he has CF. My frustration is that Im stationed overseas and do not have access to the medical care I would like. Everytime I have a question his Dr has to email a Dr in the states to get an answer which takes forever. My son had 2 sweat tests done in a german hospital which were inconclusive, they tested his stool and siad that his pancreas is fine. My concern is that he has had this congestion since he was born that is getting worse. On friday I finally got some nose drops for him but the Dr wouldn't do an xray to check his lungs because she said they sounded fine and he wasn't acting sick. Im worried that even if he only has a mild case of CF that this might be a symptom. Im wondering how sick he is going to have to get before they do something. Any advice from anyone?????