DS was diagnosed shortly after he was born because of a bowel obstruction. The first year is pretty much a blur -- dealing with meds, cpt, diagnosis, denial -- kept thinking it was all a big mistake. No family history. I've combed the internet trying to find out how long people with his same gene mutation live, what are their symptoms -- but there can be children in the same family who have very very different symptoms -- some are bowel related, sinuses, lung...
I can remember feeling absolutely crushed when I asked the doctor about the possiblity of it just being "mild" cf and was told CF was a progressive disease -- it progesses differently with each person. They're born with normal lungs, but with infections, thick mucus problems occur, so it's important to practice good lung care, be proactive with your child's health care....
DS is a busy toddler. He goes to preschool. Has been in daycare since he was 3 months old. Tonight he starts up swimming lessons again. Like Folione's little guy, I swear DS does much better healthwise than some of his classmates and cousins who don't have CF.
Oh, and our state JUST began screening last January for CF. The first month there were 3 children in our City who were diagnosed. Prior to that there wasn't newborn screening. And the state to our east began screening last April.
I can remember feeling absolutely crushed when I asked the doctor about the possiblity of it just being "mild" cf and was told CF was a progressive disease -- it progesses differently with each person. They're born with normal lungs, but with infections, thick mucus problems occur, so it's important to practice good lung care, be proactive with your child's health care....
DS is a busy toddler. He goes to preschool. Has been in daycare since he was 3 months old. Tonight he starts up swimming lessons again. Like Folione's little guy, I swear DS does much better healthwise than some of his classmates and cousins who don't have CF.
Oh, and our state JUST began screening last January for CF. The first month there were 3 children in our City who were diagnosed. Prior to that there wasn't newborn screening. And the state to our east began screening last April.