I am new to all of this niece was diagnosed with cf about 3 months ago. She had all the symptoms, but we were just unaware of the disease. She was given a sweat test and from my understanding her level was 100 and anything over 40 is cf...I could be wrong...I am also curious to know now if she had the gene test I am really curious now that I read everyones, and would like to know what her mutations are. I also thought I asked my dad about there being mild cases and I remembering him saying if you have it you have it...there is no better or worse cf...maybe just symptoms?....or maybe he meant if your sweat test came bak 60 or 100 it is still cf?... like I said I am still confused about everything too, but I would definitally go to a cf specialtist my niece was sick for since she was born...her regular doctor didn't even send her to the wasn't until she was rushed to the hospital because she was having trouble breathing that they finally decided she was doing any better thay were sending her for tests...and that also told us don't worry she doesn't have, this is just to rule out the bad things. My sister was not worried at all and she did have it after all....Bottom line I don't regular doctors know to much about cf....especially because most peditrtions are getting old and never learned anything about this...if they did my niece would have been going for these tests sooner. Good Luck and let us know how you are doing. ok.
Nicole 23 w/o cf
Alexis 13 months w/cf
I am new to all of this niece was diagnosed with cf about 3 months ago. She had all the symptoms, but we were just unaware of the disease. She was given a sweat test and from my understanding her level was 100 and anything over 40 is cf...I could be wrong...I am also curious to know now if she had the gene test I am really curious now that I read everyones, and would like to know what her mutations are. I also thought I asked my dad about there being mild cases and I remembering him saying if you have it you have it...there is no better or worse cf...maybe just symptoms?....or maybe he meant if your sweat test came bak 60 or 100 it is still cf?... like I said I am still confused about everything too, but I would definitally go to a cf specialtist my niece was sick for since she was born...her regular doctor didn't even send her to the wasn't until she was rushed to the hospital because she was having trouble breathing that they finally decided she was doing any better thay were sending her for tests...and that also told us don't worry she doesn't have, this is just to rule out the bad things. My sister was not worried at all and she did have it after all....Bottom line I don't regular doctors know to much about cf....especially because most peditrtions are getting old and never learned anything about this...if they did my niece would have been going for these tests sooner. Good Luck and let us know how you are doing. ok.
Nicole 23 w/o cf
Alexis 13 months w/cf