Newly diagnosed


New member
My baby girl was diagnosed with DDF508 at 4 weeks. It's been very hard since we had no idea we were carriers and big brother is healthy as can be. But she's a fighter! ^.^ Doing really well. Was at 3% for height vs weight. Now three months old and at 46.5%!


Super Moderator
Welcome. Your baby's growth is great. It can be overwhelming. This is a great place for support; someone here has been through the same thing. My daughter is now 10 1/2 years old with CF. Any questions; ask away.


New member
My baby girl is also DDF508. She was diagnosed at 10 days and it was a shock for us as well. I also found those first few months very hard. It's really tough to come to terms with what is going on, and it can be really scary. As with most things, I found that time heals. You get into a routine and treatments and enzymes are just part of the day-to-day. Not to say I don't still have those days where I just wish she could live a normal life, I'm sure every parent does, but those thoughts don't dominate my mind any more. The whole experience has really taught me the importance of enjoying life. Find joy in each moment. So that's how I've tried to live. Don't always succeed, but hey no one's perfect.

If you have any questions at all I would be happy to give my experiences. And you can always message me to talk.


nice to meet you, Sarahraezer :) it's quite the shock getting that call, isn't it? I find myself constantly bouncing back and forth between worry and contentment, and then wondering if my contentment is really just denial. LOL. My Kory is just a few months older than your daughter. - Heidi, mom to Dekorrah - 5mo son with ddf508 cf



  当事司机称,他的左脚受伤,为缓解疼痛将脚æ*起片刻  客运公司表现,这名司机伤口痊愈前不得开车;对其违规行为予以å¿*告处罚  时光:5月29日上午  地点:河东建设路口  事件:一公交司机左脚踏车窗上开车被网友曝光  湘æ½*在线5月30日讯(湘æ½*晚报记者 郑镱慧å*) “左脚搁在车窗上开车,太危险了吧?”5月29æ—¥,一条曝光我市公交车司机不文明行为的微博引发网友çƒ*议。  网友:抬脚开车的司机太不负责  “这就是我们大湘æ½*司机的ç´*è´¨!车上可是性命啊!您的左脚能放在ä½*该放的地位吗?”5月29日上午10点18分,网友“湘æ½*嫩满哥”的这条微博刚一发出,就引来了不少其余湘æ½*网友的关注跟评论。  “湘æ½*嫩满哥”称,当天上午10点左右,他坐在友人私人车的副驾驶座上。在建设路口转盘处,他看到旁边一辆108路公交车上司机的举措后很不安。“司机左脚æ*在驾驶座车窗玻璃上开车。”这名网友向我们描写称,å›*为他坐在小车副驾驶座,离这辆公交车很近,很显明看到司机æ*得高高的左脚。  在“湘æ½*嫩满哥”贴出的图片ä¸*,咱们看到一位衣着T恤的男司机左脚æ*在车窗上,车å*æ*£ä»Žå»ºè®¾è·¯å£è½¬ç›˜å¾€å»ºè®¾ä¸*路转,车上还有不少乘客。  “建设路口那一段路况原来就庞杂,车上还坐着乘客,è¿™æ*·å¤ªä¸ä¿é™©äº†!”对这位司机的不文化行动,“湘æ½*嫩满哥”觉得很愤慨,就拍下了这一幕,并将其在网上曝光。  司机:为缓解疼痛,我æ*了一下脚,我心想ä½*去做婴儿脚踏车好了!  就网友反应的问题,当天下战书,我们找到了这辆108路所属的莲城客运公司,见到了当事司机周师傅,他坦白否认确有æ*¤äº‹ã€‚  “今天上午10点,我确切是开车到了建设路口邻近,由于脚上的伤口太疼,我就把脚放到了车窗玻璃上。”周师傅边说边脱下了左脚的鞋å*ã€‚我们看到,周师傅左脚ä¸*指有一个长约1厘米、深半厘米的伤口,已经化脓了。  “我知道把脚æ*起来错误,但切实是疼,为了缓解痛苦悲伤我就æ*了一下,很快就放下来了,相对不始终æ*着脚开车!”周师傅说,他也晓得这æ*·åšæ—¢ä¸å¹³å®‰åˆä¸é›…,是违规的。å›*而,在实现当次ç*线后,周师傅赶快找了位副ç*司机顶替,之后就没有跑车了。  莲城公司108路车队负责人表示,依照公司相干划定,公交司机开车时是绝对不容许把脚æ*在车窗上的。但斟酌到周师傅违规行为的特别性,将酌情对周师傅进行批驳教导,并处è*¦å‘Šå¤„分,请求其在伤口痊愈前不得再开 婴儿脚踏车: ,“假如再有违规行为将处以200元以上的罚款。”对这一处置成果,举报网友“湘æ½*嫩满哥”也表示非常满足。

John O

Hi Sarah,

Here is my two cents that I tell all newly diagnosed parents with a CFer…

I assume you feel overwhelmed as CF is very new to a lot of parents when
their child gets diagnosed. I think the feelings that you are dealing with are
very normal when it comes to newly diagnosed CF parents. I assume you have never
heard the two letters “CF”? Most parents of newly diagnosed children have never
ever heard those two letters. This can be scary but the world of CF that we live
in doesn’t have to be that way at all.

Let me ask you did you Google CF like any other person would? I assume you
found a bunch of negative information about how awful this disease is and how
devastating it can be. The key here is yes it can be this and it can be that but
it really doesn’t have to be all that bad and negative.

I also want you to understand that putting your daughter's health first is
the main priority right now. You are setting the FOUNDATION for your daughter at
an early age with this disease. Try to be as compliant as possible when it comes
to airway clearance, taking all the medicines, and attending doctor
appointments. This will pay dividends for her health in the years to come. She
will thank you not right away but when she is older and can understand how much
of a POSITIVE influence you have been in her life.

But you have to also remember she is a “normal” baby/child. Se will go to
school, she will have a bunch of friends, she will be just as active as any
other child who doesn’t have a disease. Your daughter will view CF as you view
CF. If you paint CF as a dark and scary picture she will as well. You have to
try and show her that CF is a part of her life and your life but paint a picture
that things will be ok and she will follow this lead as well. Whatever happens
you will face it as a family and you can tackle it. Just remember enjoy every
moment with your young daughter because they are so precious!!

There are so many POSITVE stories out there momma about people who are living
out their dreams with this disease. Those are the people you need to find in
this community. The more POSITIVE people you surround yourself and your daughter
with the better you will feel about this disease. You will find that the people
who truly care about you and your daughter will show the greatest support for

I know many fibros and cysters who are living normal “healthy”lives with this
disease. I for one feel I am in that boat. I have had many dreams come true. I
have a loving wife, I have a little baby girl, I have graduated college, I have
a career, the list goes on and on. Oh and I am 28 years old kicking butt with
this disease everyday.

So what I want you to do is see this disease as something that will shape
your daughter into a STRONGER person as well as you as mother. She will go on to
achieve many things in life just like every one else. She has the potential to
be GREAT just like every one else does every time they get out of bed in the
morning! CF will never define who we are. WE define who we are!!

If you ever have any questions on this disease please message me through the

Here is my blog about me kicking CF butt everyday. Feel free to read :)
Please feel free to ask me any questions. I love to answer tham.


28 year old fibro!


New member
Hi Sarah...nearly same story as we baby girl was diagnosed with df508 & r553x shortly after birth (meconiumileus).
We also had no idea we were carriers and her big brother also is healthy (not known if he's carrier).
46,5 % sounds great - tell her to go on like this!!! :)
Stay strong and keep your head up - big hug for you!