Night sweats [updated 5/3/08]


New member
Night sweats

I've been having these for the past few months also! I thought they were related to infection. I wake up nearly EVERY morning drenched and shivering cold from sweating... YUCK! Makes it really hard to wake up.

Anyway, I've now been on IV meds and my FEV1 is back up above baseline a bit and I still get the same sweats. My doc has prescribed a sleep study that I will probably have in a week or two. He is thinking I am de-satting and like someone mentioned my body is "panting" and trying to make up for the lack of O2 in my sleep. OR, he is thinking I could be stopping breathing altogether (sleep apnea) and my body is trying to make up for the pause in breathing.

I have CFRD (mild) and have actually checked my glucose when I wake up sweating. It is usually around 80 or so, which is not too low for me (I get into the 40s sometimes when awake). So, though that was mine (and doc's) first thought, it isn't the only thing that could cause it.

Also, wanted to mention that cereal is oftentimes a HUGE issue for hypoglycemia for me. I used to eat a bowl before bed with whole milk, thinking the proteins are balancing out the sugar in cereal, but I'd always either wake up feeling and having really low blood sugar or even during the night I'd wake up and need carbs FAST. It actually happened a lot with grape nuts. I think they have a LOT of carbs... My uncle loves grape nuts and when he was diagnosed with Type II diabetes they told him that was one of the cereals he had to cut down or cut out cause of the high amount of carbs/sugars.

Good luck and keep me posted... Apparently we're not alone in our sweatiness! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Night sweats

I've been having these for the past few months also! I thought they were related to infection. I wake up nearly EVERY morning drenched and shivering cold from sweating... YUCK! Makes it really hard to wake up.

Anyway, I've now been on IV meds and my FEV1 is back up above baseline a bit and I still get the same sweats. My doc has prescribed a sleep study that I will probably have in a week or two. He is thinking I am de-satting and like someone mentioned my body is "panting" and trying to make up for the lack of O2 in my sleep. OR, he is thinking I could be stopping breathing altogether (sleep apnea) and my body is trying to make up for the pause in breathing.

I have CFRD (mild) and have actually checked my glucose when I wake up sweating. It is usually around 80 or so, which is not too low for me (I get into the 40s sometimes when awake). So, though that was mine (and doc's) first thought, it isn't the only thing that could cause it.

Also, wanted to mention that cereal is oftentimes a HUGE issue for hypoglycemia for me. I used to eat a bowl before bed with whole milk, thinking the proteins are balancing out the sugar in cereal, but I'd always either wake up feeling and having really low blood sugar or even during the night I'd wake up and need carbs FAST. It actually happened a lot with grape nuts. I think they have a LOT of carbs... My uncle loves grape nuts and when he was diagnosed with Type II diabetes they told him that was one of the cereals he had to cut down or cut out cause of the high amount of carbs/sugars.

Good luck and keep me posted... Apparently we're not alone in our sweatiness! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Night sweats

I've been having these for the past few months also! I thought they were related to infection. I wake up nearly EVERY morning drenched and shivering cold from sweating... YUCK! Makes it really hard to wake up.

Anyway, I've now been on IV meds and my FEV1 is back up above baseline a bit and I still get the same sweats. My doc has prescribed a sleep study that I will probably have in a week or two. He is thinking I am de-satting and like someone mentioned my body is "panting" and trying to make up for the lack of O2 in my sleep. OR, he is thinking I could be stopping breathing altogether (sleep apnea) and my body is trying to make up for the pause in breathing.

I have CFRD (mild) and have actually checked my glucose when I wake up sweating. It is usually around 80 or so, which is not too low for me (I get into the 40s sometimes when awake). So, though that was mine (and doc's) first thought, it isn't the only thing that could cause it.

Also, wanted to mention that cereal is oftentimes a HUGE issue for hypoglycemia for me. I used to eat a bowl before bed with whole milk, thinking the proteins are balancing out the sugar in cereal, but I'd always either wake up feeling and having really low blood sugar or even during the night I'd wake up and need carbs FAST. It actually happened a lot with grape nuts. I think they have a LOT of carbs... My uncle loves grape nuts and when he was diagnosed with Type II diabetes they told him that was one of the cereals he had to cut down or cut out cause of the high amount of carbs/sugars.

Good luck and keep me posted... Apparently we're not alone in our sweatiness! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Night sweats

I've been having these for the past few months also! I thought they were related to infection. I wake up nearly EVERY morning drenched and shivering cold from sweating... YUCK! Makes it really hard to wake up.

Anyway, I've now been on IV meds and my FEV1 is back up above baseline a bit and I still get the same sweats. My doc has prescribed a sleep study that I will probably have in a week or two. He is thinking I am de-satting and like someone mentioned my body is "panting" and trying to make up for the lack of O2 in my sleep. OR, he is thinking I could be stopping breathing altogether (sleep apnea) and my body is trying to make up for the pause in breathing.

I have CFRD (mild) and have actually checked my glucose when I wake up sweating. It is usually around 80 or so, which is not too low for me (I get into the 40s sometimes when awake). So, though that was mine (and doc's) first thought, it isn't the only thing that could cause it.

Also, wanted to mention that cereal is oftentimes a HUGE issue for hypoglycemia for me. I used to eat a bowl before bed with whole milk, thinking the proteins are balancing out the sugar in cereal, but I'd always either wake up feeling and having really low blood sugar or even during the night I'd wake up and need carbs FAST. It actually happened a lot with grape nuts. I think they have a LOT of carbs... My uncle loves grape nuts and when he was diagnosed with Type II diabetes they told him that was one of the cereals he had to cut down or cut out cause of the high amount of carbs/sugars.

Good luck and keep me posted... Apparently we're not alone in our sweatiness! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Night sweats

I've been having these for the past few months also! I thought they were related to infection. I wake up nearly EVERY morning drenched and shivering cold from sweating... YUCK! Makes it really hard to wake up.
<br />
<br />Anyway, I've now been on IV meds and my FEV1 is back up above baseline a bit and I still get the same sweats. My doc has prescribed a sleep study that I will probably have in a week or two. He is thinking I am de-satting and like someone mentioned my body is "panting" and trying to make up for the lack of O2 in my sleep. OR, he is thinking I could be stopping breathing altogether (sleep apnea) and my body is trying to make up for the pause in breathing.
<br />
<br />I have CFRD (mild) and have actually checked my glucose when I wake up sweating. It is usually around 80 or so, which is not too low for me (I get into the 40s sometimes when awake). So, though that was mine (and doc's) first thought, it isn't the only thing that could cause it.
<br />
<br />Also, wanted to mention that cereal is oftentimes a HUGE issue for hypoglycemia for me. I used to eat a bowl before bed with whole milk, thinking the proteins are balancing out the sugar in cereal, but I'd always either wake up feeling and having really low blood sugar or even during the night I'd wake up and need carbs FAST. It actually happened a lot with grape nuts. I think they have a LOT of carbs... My uncle loves grape nuts and when he was diagnosed with Type II diabetes they told him that was one of the cereals he had to cut down or cut out cause of the high amount of carbs/sugars.
<br />
<br />Good luck and keep me posted... Apparently we're not alone in our sweatiness! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Night sweats

Mine are completely hormone related - I always get them before my period - and i had them when pregnant - I would guess it is a progesterone thing. Do you have them EVERY night, or just off and on for three months? I would seriously look into the hormone thing since everything else, CF wise, looks good.


New member
Night sweats

Mine are completely hormone related - I always get them before my period - and i had them when pregnant - I would guess it is a progesterone thing. Do you have them EVERY night, or just off and on for three months? I would seriously look into the hormone thing since everything else, CF wise, looks good.


New member
Night sweats

Mine are completely hormone related - I always get them before my period - and i had them when pregnant - I would guess it is a progesterone thing. Do you have them EVERY night, or just off and on for three months? I would seriously look into the hormone thing since everything else, CF wise, looks good.


New member
Night sweats

Mine are completely hormone related - I always get them before my period - and i had them when pregnant - I would guess it is a progesterone thing. Do you have them EVERY night, or just off and on for three months? I would seriously look into the hormone thing since everything else, CF wise, looks good.


New member
Night sweats

Mine are completely hormone related - I always get them before my period - and i had them when pregnant - I would guess it is a progesterone thing. Do you have them EVERY night, or just off and on for three months? I would seriously look into the hormone thing since everything else, CF wise, looks good.


Night sweats

DH (no CF) had them for a few weeks once, his doc said it was some kind of viral infection. It was strange because he felt fine otherwise. I didn't get any while pregnant/postpartum, just warm and sweaty but not like the profuse sweat DH woke up in. He'd be surrounded by what must have been at least a gallon of water. I hope you are having a little extra fruit juice/electrolyte drink and water in the morning. Feel better.



Night sweats

DH (no CF) had them for a few weeks once, his doc said it was some kind of viral infection. It was strange because he felt fine otherwise. I didn't get any while pregnant/postpartum, just warm and sweaty but not like the profuse sweat DH woke up in. He'd be surrounded by what must have been at least a gallon of water. I hope you are having a little extra fruit juice/electrolyte drink and water in the morning. Feel better.



Night sweats

DH (no CF) had them for a few weeks once, his doc said it was some kind of viral infection. It was strange because he felt fine otherwise. I didn't get any while pregnant/postpartum, just warm and sweaty but not like the profuse sweat DH woke up in. He'd be surrounded by what must have been at least a gallon of water. I hope you are having a little extra fruit juice/electrolyte drink and water in the morning. Feel better.



Night sweats

DH (no CF) had them for a few weeks once, his doc said it was some kind of viral infection. It was strange because he felt fine otherwise. I didn't get any while pregnant/postpartum, just warm and sweaty but not like the profuse sweat DH woke up in. He'd be surrounded by what must have been at least a gallon of water. I hope you are having a little extra fruit juice/electrolyte drink and water in the morning. Feel better.



Night sweats

DH (no CF) had them for a few weeks once, his doc said it was some kind of viral infection. It was strange because he felt fine otherwise. I didn't get any while pregnant/postpartum, just warm and sweaty but not like the profuse sweat DH woke up in. He'd be surrounded by what must have been at least a gallon of water. I hope you are having a little extra fruit juice/electrolyte drink and water in the morning. Feel better.
<br />
<br />Bonnie


Night sweats

Have they done an AFB culture on your sputum to test for mycobacteriums. I had my worst night sweats when I had one. I am wondering if they normally do an AFB culture on your sputum or they only do it when they see symptoms of a mycobacterium. It would be good to ask if you don't know the answer.
Also, bcps caused them for me.

I hope you find the cause... cause they really do suck!!


Night sweats

Have they done an AFB culture on your sputum to test for mycobacteriums. I had my worst night sweats when I had one. I am wondering if they normally do an AFB culture on your sputum or they only do it when they see symptoms of a mycobacterium. It would be good to ask if you don't know the answer.
Also, bcps caused them for me.

I hope you find the cause... cause they really do suck!!


Night sweats

Have they done an AFB culture on your sputum to test for mycobacteriums. I had my worst night sweats when I had one. I am wondering if they normally do an AFB culture on your sputum or they only do it when they see symptoms of a mycobacterium. It would be good to ask if you don't know the answer.
Also, bcps caused them for me.

I hope you find the cause... cause they really do suck!!


Night sweats

Have they done an AFB culture on your sputum to test for mycobacteriums. I had my worst night sweats when I had one. I am wondering if they normally do an AFB culture on your sputum or they only do it when they see symptoms of a mycobacterium. It would be good to ask if you don't know the answer.
Also, bcps caused them for me.

I hope you find the cause... cause they really do suck!!


Night sweats

Have they done an AFB culture on your sputum to test for mycobacteriums. I had my worst night sweats when I had one. I am wondering if they normally do an AFB culture on your sputum or they only do it when they see symptoms of a mycobacterium. It would be good to ask if you don't know the answer.
<br />Also, bcps caused them for me.
<br />
<br />I hope you find the cause... cause they really do suck!!