Night sweats


New member
I dont suffer much from night sweats but have done a few times. Just wondering if anyone knows what the cause of them is? Like does it mean you're body is dealing with infection? Im on ivs so often i cant remember if i was on ivs or not at the time, actually i think i was, but i woke up in the middle of th night and literally my back was soaking, i had to take off my top. Another few times iv woken in the morning and my back is damp. Any info? x


New member
Yep, it can indicate your body 'working' against infections. For me, night sweats generally coincide with a lung exacerbation- immediately after IVs, I don't really have them.


New member
I usually get them when I'm on IV's too, for about the first week or so...
I feel horrible, sometimes worse than when I came in. When I wake up, I'm literally soaked and exhausted like I've just run a marathon! The doc tells me that it's from the meds. and the infection.

Megan 24w/CF


I had also wondered about night sweats,
For me, it mostly occurred during the fall, but I definitely suspected it was when I was fighting a cold, or something.
Currently, the doctor put me on antibiotics (Just last night), but I hadn't experienced any night sweats.
When it would happen, it did it in the cold winter nights, which is terrible because my sweats are so bad, they soak the sheets, blankets and pajamas.
It must be unusual, because while married with my ex-wife, she'd get upset that I had that problem. (I think it was besides having to work on airing out the sheets, etc.)


New member
My worst sweats were while I was on Prednisone. I would sweat at the drop of a hat & stink like I was a 300 pounds man working in the sun all day.


New member
In Asian or Oriental Medicine:

Lung Yin Deficiency (Any Yin deficiency leads to a certain amount of emaciation)
Clinical manifestations:

Thin, emaciated body
Chronic dry cough, i.e. allergies
Lung TB, AIDS, both lead to this sort of emaciation
Cough with blood streaked sputum
Dry mouth, tidal fever, night sweats, and five-center heat
T: Red with scanty coat
P: Thready, rapid

Treatment principle:
Tonify Yin

When I doubt Western Medicine or I want to run parallel tracks on getting better, I consult an OMD or DOM (Oriental Medical Doctor or Doctor of Oriental Medicine). Depending on how bad I am, it has worked at making me perform and feel better (70%-80% of the time).