Night Sweats


New member
i do find that i sweat more than the average person in the armpit/groin/face area.. i asked my doctor about it; he said a lot of people have that problem (i believe its called hyperhidrosis). apparently you can get an operation where they remove the sweat glands from your arm pits (which should reduce/remove sweat from all around the body). although it is moderately serious (said something about lungs collapsing), i'm definitely considering it tho.

also: I have been using a antiperspirant product called 'Driclor' it's basically a really strong roll-on with no smell. the first time you use it, it itches, itches bad but after a while it stops stinging/itching (can wash it off easily if it's unbearable). I find if I put it on 3 times a week before bed it COMPLETELY removes sweating from my arm pits. from what i can gather tho it wouldn't be very effective/practical to put on groin/face/wherever else.


New member
i do find that i sweat more than the average person in the armpit/groin/face area.. i asked my doctor about it; he said a lot of people have that problem (i believe its called hyperhidrosis). apparently you can get an operation where they remove the sweat glands from your arm pits (which should reduce/remove sweat from all around the body). although it is moderately serious (said something about lungs collapsing), i'm definitely considering it tho.

also: I have been using a antiperspirant product called 'Driclor' it's basically a really strong roll-on with no smell. the first time you use it, it itches, itches bad but after a while it stops stinging/itching (can wash it off easily if it's unbearable). I find if I put it on 3 times a week before bed it COMPLETELY removes sweating from my arm pits. from what i can gather tho it wouldn't be very effective/practical to put on groin/face/wherever else.


New member
i do find that i sweat more than the average person in the armpit/groin/face area.. i asked my doctor about it; he said a lot of people have that problem (i believe its called hyperhidrosis). apparently you can get an operation where they remove the sweat glands from your arm pits (which should reduce/remove sweat from all around the body). although it is moderately serious (said something about lungs collapsing), i'm definitely considering it tho.

also: I have been using a antiperspirant product called 'Driclor' it's basically a really strong roll-on with no smell. the first time you use it, it itches, itches bad but after a while it stops stinging/itching (can wash it off easily if it's unbearable). I find if I put it on 3 times a week before bed it COMPLETELY removes sweating from my arm pits. from what i can gather tho it wouldn't be very effective/practical to put on groin/face/wherever else.


New member
i do find that i sweat more than the average person in the armpit/groin/face area.. i asked my doctor about it; he said a lot of people have that problem (i believe its called hyperhidrosis). apparently you can get an operation where they remove the sweat glands from your arm pits (which should reduce/remove sweat from all around the body). although it is moderately serious (said something about lungs collapsing), i'm definitely considering it tho.

also: I have been using a antiperspirant product called 'Driclor' it's basically a really strong roll-on with no smell. the first time you use it, it itches, itches bad but after a while it stops stinging/itching (can wash it off easily if it's unbearable). I find if I put it on 3 times a week before bed it COMPLETELY removes sweating from my arm pits. from what i can gather tho it wouldn't be very effective/practical to put on groin/face/wherever else.


New member
i do find that i sweat more than the average person in the armpit/groin/face area.. i asked my doctor about it; he said a lot of people have that problem (i believe its called hyperhidrosis). apparently you can get an operation where they remove the sweat glands from your arm pits (which should reduce/remove sweat from all around the body). although it is moderately serious (said something about lungs collapsing), i'm definitely considering it tho.

also: I have been using a antiperspirant product called 'Driclor' it's basically a really strong roll-on with no smell. the first time you use it, it itches, itches bad but after a while it stops stinging/itching (can wash it off easily if it's unbearable). I find if I put it on 3 times a week before bed it COMPLETELY removes sweating from my arm pits. from what i can gather tho it wouldn't be very effective/practical to put on groin/face/wherever else.


New member
CFers do sweat a lot, but more than unnatural sweat CFers sweat out a lot more electrolytes and salts.
I strongly prefer sleeping in hold rather than heat, if I'm the slightest bit hot when I sleep I sweat like crazy. Also I've learned more recently that WHAT I sleep on makes a difference. For instance, sleeping on blow up mattresses, I guess it's the plastic being under me so the air doesn't circulate, my back (or what ever is facing the mattress) will sweat like crazy.
Try putting a blanket or sheets under you, but the most helpful thing to do is to put the AC on or (if you're all about saving the energy bill, like me) put a fan on you at night, but be warned that fans circulate dust, so if you are in a dusty room it will blow things right on you that you don't want blowing on you.
Ask your doctor next time you see him for more tips.


New member
CFers do sweat a lot, but more than unnatural sweat CFers sweat out a lot more electrolytes and salts.
I strongly prefer sleeping in hold rather than heat, if I'm the slightest bit hot when I sleep I sweat like crazy. Also I've learned more recently that WHAT I sleep on makes a difference. For instance, sleeping on blow up mattresses, I guess it's the plastic being under me so the air doesn't circulate, my back (or what ever is facing the mattress) will sweat like crazy.
Try putting a blanket or sheets under you, but the most helpful thing to do is to put the AC on or (if you're all about saving the energy bill, like me) put a fan on you at night, but be warned that fans circulate dust, so if you are in a dusty room it will blow things right on you that you don't want blowing on you.
Ask your doctor next time you see him for more tips.


New member
CFers do sweat a lot, but more than unnatural sweat CFers sweat out a lot more electrolytes and salts.
I strongly prefer sleeping in hold rather than heat, if I'm the slightest bit hot when I sleep I sweat like crazy. Also I've learned more recently that WHAT I sleep on makes a difference. For instance, sleeping on blow up mattresses, I guess it's the plastic being under me so the air doesn't circulate, my back (or what ever is facing the mattress) will sweat like crazy.
Try putting a blanket or sheets under you, but the most helpful thing to do is to put the AC on or (if you're all about saving the energy bill, like me) put a fan on you at night, but be warned that fans circulate dust, so if you are in a dusty room it will blow things right on you that you don't want blowing on you.
Ask your doctor next time you see him for more tips.


New member
CFers do sweat a lot, but more than unnatural sweat CFers sweat out a lot more electrolytes and salts.
I strongly prefer sleeping in hold rather than heat, if I'm the slightest bit hot when I sleep I sweat like crazy. Also I've learned more recently that WHAT I sleep on makes a difference. For instance, sleeping on blow up mattresses, I guess it's the plastic being under me so the air doesn't circulate, my back (or what ever is facing the mattress) will sweat like crazy.
Try putting a blanket or sheets under you, but the most helpful thing to do is to put the AC on or (if you're all about saving the energy bill, like me) put a fan on you at night, but be warned that fans circulate dust, so if you are in a dusty room it will blow things right on you that you don't want blowing on you.
Ask your doctor next time you see him for more tips.


New member
CFers do sweat a lot, but more than unnatural sweat CFers sweat out a lot more electrolytes and salts.
I strongly prefer sleeping in hold rather than heat, if I'm the slightest bit hot when I sleep I sweat like crazy. Also I've learned more recently that WHAT I sleep on makes a difference. For instance, sleeping on blow up mattresses, I guess it's the plastic being under me so the air doesn't circulate, my back (or what ever is facing the mattress) will sweat like crazy.
Try putting a blanket or sheets under you, but the most helpful thing to do is to put the AC on or (if you're all about saving the energy bill, like me) put a fan on you at night, but be warned that fans circulate dust, so if you are in a dusty room it will blow things right on you that you don't want blowing on you.
Ask your doctor next time you see him for more tips.


hi late diagnosis,i actually posted a topic called late diagnosis,i too was diagnosed at 14,and turned 19 last wk,looks like we've got something in common


hi late diagnosis,i actually posted a topic called late diagnosis,i too was diagnosed at 14,and turned 19 last wk,looks like we've got something in common


hi late diagnosis,i actually posted a topic called late diagnosis,i too was diagnosed at 14,and turned 19 last wk,looks like we've got something in common


hi late diagnosis,i actually posted a topic called late diagnosis,i too was diagnosed at 14,and turned 19 last wk,looks like we've got something in common


hi late diagnosis,i actually posted a topic called late diagnosis,i too was diagnosed at 14,and turned 19 last wk,looks like we've got something in common


New member
It's normal to sweat constantly as you have CF because you don't retain salt as others usually you sweat the salt out.


New member
It's normal to sweat constantly as you have CF because you don't retain salt as others usually you sweat the salt out.


New member
It's normal to sweat constantly as you have CF because you don't retain salt as others usually you sweat the salt out.


New member
It's normal to sweat constantly as you have CF because you don't retain salt as others usually you sweat the salt out.


New member
It's normal to sweat constantly as you have CF because you don't retain salt as others usually you sweat the salt out.