NIssen Fundoplication


New member
I need advice...My son has CF and severe reflux.. He had a G tube placement 3 years ago, but didn't gain an ounce for the whole year he had it because he threw up every night feeding..We had it changed to a G/J tube (g port goes to the stomach and J port goes to intestines, had all overnight feeds going to intestines to avoid the throwing up)..and it was great for 10 months.. He gained 10 pounds, starting looking healthy, Chubby face and a little gut around his belly..Well, the G/j tube had to be replaced because the little plastic insert broke off and it starting leaking..Had it replaced in 10/06 to another one..Then in 12/06, he starting throwing up formula...With an xray they said that the J tube had curled up into the stomach...So it was replaced again on 1/2/07...Well, last week he started throwing up again and they said that the J tube had curled up into the stomach again, so yesterday they changed it to an new G/J tube...The doctors are telling us to consider the Nissen Funoplication at this point because this keeps happening and that this may be a better alternative to his reflux..We met with surgeon and are just not sure what to do...Has anyone ever had the NIssen Fundoplication procedure and if so could you tell me how it is going and the long term effects?..I would appreciate any advice and this point..


New member
I need advice...My son has CF and severe reflux.. He had a G tube placement 3 years ago, but didn't gain an ounce for the whole year he had it because he threw up every night feeding..We had it changed to a G/J tube (g port goes to the stomach and J port goes to intestines, had all overnight feeds going to intestines to avoid the throwing up)..and it was great for 10 months.. He gained 10 pounds, starting looking healthy, Chubby face and a little gut around his belly..Well, the G/j tube had to be replaced because the little plastic insert broke off and it starting leaking..Had it replaced in 10/06 to another one..Then in 12/06, he starting throwing up formula...With an xray they said that the J tube had curled up into the stomach...So it was replaced again on 1/2/07...Well, last week he started throwing up again and they said that the J tube had curled up into the stomach again, so yesterday they changed it to an new G/J tube...The doctors are telling us to consider the Nissen Funoplication at this point because this keeps happening and that this may be a better alternative to his reflux..We met with surgeon and are just not sure what to do...Has anyone ever had the NIssen Fundoplication procedure and if so could you tell me how it is going and the long term effects?..I would appreciate any advice and this point..


New member
I need advice...My son has CF and severe reflux.. He had a G tube placement 3 years ago, but didn't gain an ounce for the whole year he had it because he threw up every night feeding..We had it changed to a G/J tube (g port goes to the stomach and J port goes to intestines, had all overnight feeds going to intestines to avoid the throwing up)..and it was great for 10 months.. He gained 10 pounds, starting looking healthy, Chubby face and a little gut around his belly..Well, the G/j tube had to be replaced because the little plastic insert broke off and it starting leaking..Had it replaced in 10/06 to another one..Then in 12/06, he starting throwing up formula...With an xray they said that the J tube had curled up into the stomach...So it was replaced again on 1/2/07...Well, last week he started throwing up again and they said that the J tube had curled up into the stomach again, so yesterday they changed it to an new G/J tube...The doctors are telling us to consider the Nissen Funoplication at this point because this keeps happening and that this may be a better alternative to his reflux..We met with surgeon and are just not sure what to do...Has anyone ever had the NIssen Fundoplication procedure and if so could you tell me how it is going and the long term effects?..I would appreciate any advice and this point..


My daughter had a g-tube placed and a nissan fundoplication done six days ago. She got home two days ago and is running around like she didn't have it done. She is also eating her regular meals and has not had any problems.

She needed the feeding tube because she has not gained weight in a year. We knew she had reflux as a baby when she had a severe milk allergy, but she has not had reflux problems since. She does wake up at night occassionally coughing. They suggested we do reflux testing (endoscopy, reflux probe, etc) since she getting the g-tube. Testing showed she had severe reflux and they were afraid she was already aspirating into her lungs. It took about 6 months for us to get over all of our fears about the surgery. I think I read about every possibility that could go wrong on-line. It seems that about 5% can have problems with the nissan. A lot go on line looking for help and it is a bit scary to read about them. The doctors said the majority of people do really well with them and they don't go on-line complaining about it. But we spoke to a few family friends that have had it done and they said it was wonderful. No more reflux or asthma problems for them. Sophia did have it done laprascopically which is a much easier recovery I hear. I have also been told that an experienced doctor is the key to a successful procedure.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 5 and Jack, 3 both with cf


My daughter had a g-tube placed and a nissan fundoplication done six days ago. She got home two days ago and is running around like she didn't have it done. She is also eating her regular meals and has not had any problems.

She needed the feeding tube because she has not gained weight in a year. We knew she had reflux as a baby when she had a severe milk allergy, but she has not had reflux problems since. She does wake up at night occassionally coughing. They suggested we do reflux testing (endoscopy, reflux probe, etc) since she getting the g-tube. Testing showed she had severe reflux and they were afraid she was already aspirating into her lungs. It took about 6 months for us to get over all of our fears about the surgery. I think I read about every possibility that could go wrong on-line. It seems that about 5% can have problems with the nissan. A lot go on line looking for help and it is a bit scary to read about them. The doctors said the majority of people do really well with them and they don't go on-line complaining about it. But we spoke to a few family friends that have had it done and they said it was wonderful. No more reflux or asthma problems for them. Sophia did have it done laprascopically which is a much easier recovery I hear. I have also been told that an experienced doctor is the key to a successful procedure.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 5 and Jack, 3 both with cf


My daughter had a g-tube placed and a nissan fundoplication done six days ago. She got home two days ago and is running around like she didn't have it done. She is also eating her regular meals and has not had any problems.

She needed the feeding tube because she has not gained weight in a year. We knew she had reflux as a baby when she had a severe milk allergy, but she has not had reflux problems since. She does wake up at night occassionally coughing. They suggested we do reflux testing (endoscopy, reflux probe, etc) since she getting the g-tube. Testing showed she had severe reflux and they were afraid she was already aspirating into her lungs. It took about 6 months for us to get over all of our fears about the surgery. I think I read about every possibility that could go wrong on-line. It seems that about 5% can have problems with the nissan. A lot go on line looking for help and it is a bit scary to read about them. The doctors said the majority of people do really well with them and they don't go on-line complaining about it. But we spoke to a few family friends that have had it done and they said it was wonderful. No more reflux or asthma problems for them. Sophia did have it done laprascopically which is a much easier recovery I hear. I have also been told that an experienced doctor is the key to a successful procedure.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 5 and Jack, 3 both with cf


New member
My son had the nissan surgery at 5 months old, it has now been 4 months post surgery and he has done absolutly wonderful. We have had a few retching episodes, but that is expected as they can not get anything back up. Other than the retching we have had no complications from the surgery.

I do agree with the above poster, I would not let the stories on the internet about the nissan sway your decision in any way. Most people seem to only tell bad experiences than the good expereiences. Although, I would not take the decision lightly, I would research the surgery with an open mind and address any concerns or questions with the operating surgeon and gastro docs.

Best wishes in your decision,


New member
My son had the nissan surgery at 5 months old, it has now been 4 months post surgery and he has done absolutly wonderful. We have had a few retching episodes, but that is expected as they can not get anything back up. Other than the retching we have had no complications from the surgery.

I do agree with the above poster, I would not let the stories on the internet about the nissan sway your decision in any way. Most people seem to only tell bad experiences than the good expereiences. Although, I would not take the decision lightly, I would research the surgery with an open mind and address any concerns or questions with the operating surgeon and gastro docs.

Best wishes in your decision,


New member
My son had the nissan surgery at 5 months old, it has now been 4 months post surgery and he has done absolutly wonderful. We have had a few retching episodes, but that is expected as they can not get anything back up. Other than the retching we have had no complications from the surgery.

I do agree with the above poster, I would not let the stories on the internet about the nissan sway your decision in any way. Most people seem to only tell bad experiences than the good expereiences. Although, I would not take the decision lightly, I would research the surgery with an open mind and address any concerns or questions with the operating surgeon and gastro docs.

Best wishes in your decision,


New member

I am so glad that Sophia's surgery went so well! Woo Hoo!! I had been wondering if you had it done or not ! Please come over to the Infant and Toddler board when you get a chance and give us an update! I am sure there are others wondering how you guys are doing!!


New member

I am so glad that Sophia's surgery went so well! Woo Hoo!! I had been wondering if you had it done or not ! Please come over to the Infant and Toddler board when you get a chance and give us an update! I am sure there are others wondering how you guys are doing!!


New member

I am so glad that Sophia's surgery went so well! Woo Hoo!! I had been wondering if you had it done or not ! Please come over to the Infant and Toddler board when you get a chance and give us an update! I am sure there are others wondering how you guys are doing!!


New member

My daughter Hayley, who is now 3 years old, had the Nissen at 3 months old becaue she had SEVERE reflux and she was aspriating into her lungs and actually stopped breathing. We did not even know she had CF at this point, just throught we were dealing with the reflux, she was diagnosed with CF after the surgery, when she continued to have respiratory issues. ANyway, the Nissen has been a godsend for us and she has had no problems at all. She has gained weight and just done wonderful!

I do think the key to the procedure is an EXPERIENCED SURGEON!!! I think I was probably one of the people that gave that advice to Sharon (who also posted a reply to you!). Our surgeon was wonderful and had done several hundred Nissen's. ALso I believe the other posters are right, the only people who usually post online are the ones with problems, the ones who do well have nothing to complain about. We are almost 3 years post surgery and still doing well. I would say with all the problems your little one is having with the vomiting, it could help a lot! Just make sure you get a good, experienced surgeon and good luck!


New member

My daughter Hayley, who is now 3 years old, had the Nissen at 3 months old becaue she had SEVERE reflux and she was aspriating into her lungs and actually stopped breathing. We did not even know she had CF at this point, just throught we were dealing with the reflux, she was diagnosed with CF after the surgery, when she continued to have respiratory issues. ANyway, the Nissen has been a godsend for us and she has had no problems at all. She has gained weight and just done wonderful!

I do think the key to the procedure is an EXPERIENCED SURGEON!!! I think I was probably one of the people that gave that advice to Sharon (who also posted a reply to you!). Our surgeon was wonderful and had done several hundred Nissen's. ALso I believe the other posters are right, the only people who usually post online are the ones with problems, the ones who do well have nothing to complain about. We are almost 3 years post surgery and still doing well. I would say with all the problems your little one is having with the vomiting, it could help a lot! Just make sure you get a good, experienced surgeon and good luck!


New member

My daughter Hayley, who is now 3 years old, had the Nissen at 3 months old becaue she had SEVERE reflux and she was aspriating into her lungs and actually stopped breathing. We did not even know she had CF at this point, just throught we were dealing with the reflux, she was diagnosed with CF after the surgery, when she continued to have respiratory issues. ANyway, the Nissen has been a godsend for us and she has had no problems at all. She has gained weight and just done wonderful!

I do think the key to the procedure is an EXPERIENCED SURGEON!!! I think I was probably one of the people that gave that advice to Sharon (who also posted a reply to you!). Our surgeon was wonderful and had done several hundred Nissen's. ALso I believe the other posters are right, the only people who usually post online are the ones with problems, the ones who do well have nothing to complain about. We are almost 3 years post surgery and still doing well. I would say with all the problems your little one is having with the vomiting, it could help a lot! Just make sure you get a good, experienced surgeon and good luck!


New member
My son Keith will be 6 years old in April. He had his Fundo done when they placed his g-tube. He was 4months old. He had horrible Acid Reflux and was constantly throwing up. Since the placement, he's been doing great. The only problem that he has is when he gets a stomach bug or gets overloaded with his tube feedings, he can't throw-up. He dry heaves alot. Then the stuff the wanted to be thrown up is passed through his bowels and well, know the rest.


New member
My son Keith will be 6 years old in April. He had his Fundo done when they placed his g-tube. He was 4months old. He had horrible Acid Reflux and was constantly throwing up. Since the placement, he's been doing great. The only problem that he has is when he gets a stomach bug or gets overloaded with his tube feedings, he can't throw-up. He dry heaves alot. Then the stuff the wanted to be thrown up is passed through his bowels and well, know the rest.


New member
My son Keith will be 6 years old in April. He had his Fundo done when they placed his g-tube. He was 4months old. He had horrible Acid Reflux and was constantly throwing up. Since the placement, he's been doing great. The only problem that he has is when he gets a stomach bug or gets overloaded with his tube feedings, he can't throw-up. He dry heaves alot. Then the stuff the wanted to be thrown up is passed through his bowels and well, know the rest.