I toss my freezer bricks that I get with my mail order meds in a basket at the bottom of our deep freeze, and I also keep the big styrofoam containers that my meds come in (I used to think I was being a pack rat, but when the freezer died, turns out I was actually being prepared, lol). We also have a generator, and I got a Trek S with the battery/car hook up in case it is just a short outage.
Our power usually doesn't stay off long here though (at our last place, we were rural, rural, rural and it stayed out for days at a time), since there is a nursing home on the next road up, directly behind our house.
Oh, and kinda OT, but along the "emergency" lines, I made up business cards that have all my doctors (including what kind they are) and their phone numbers, and another card listing all my meds and then possible meds, and put it in my wallet. I gave copies to my husband, and I have extra copies for my parents, sister, etc.