hello, i am new to this forum. i am a 28 year old female, who has had a chronic cough for over a year. i have had numerous CT scans, and chest Xrays. i had chronic sinusitis and had surgery in april. i had the surgery b/c a few doctors believed that the blockage was causing my infection.i haven't been on any medicine since a year ago while my doctor tries to diagnose. just this past friday, my doctor looked at my CT scan (for the tenth time i swear) and mentions that there is an abnormal bronchial tube and then says he wants to test me for CF(which i had never heard of diagnosis in adults). he said i have micro baceteria avium? and some form of staph but can't make a proper diagnosis since they messed up my lab results and i have to resubmit samples. i am very scared b/c i don't understand why this wasn't mentioned to me the entire year i was trying to diagnosis this with him. and he dropped this in the conversation offering no support.... i am otherwise very healthy other than the cough and sinus thing (which is gone) i have sometimes stomach issues but they aren't severe at all. i just want to know if you all think he could be giving me worst case scenario? or if just b/c i had no symptoms my whole life doesn't necessarily out rule it. i took my blood test today but they said it could take up to 2 months. i don't want to unnecessarily worry my family so i am turning to this site for advice....thanks in advance!