no symptoms for years


New member
My son is 34 and has not had symptoms since he was nine years old. Now he has discovered damage to the reproduction organs and has major digestive problems. Is there anyone with a similar experience. Worried mom


New member
The reproductive organs are not damaged but are actually a "sypmtom" of males the vas deferans is either completely not there or blocked by mucus and sperm cannot get out. As for the digestive problems...I have heard that some people may have very mild problems and never notice but the pancrease gets over worked, stressed, damaged and can cause problems down the road if nothing was done (such as enzymes) early on)...some people never have digestive problems and some devolp problems over time.
I dont have any similar experiences. I jsut want to say dont worry. The worst is over, the unknowing, now he can get help when he needs it.


New member
Thank you for your response. He is to have surgery in a week for a weak spinchter in the stomach which has caused him major digestive problems. I just spoke to his wife and they have sent home a breathing monitor to ensure his lungs don't collapse. This is probably routine but the whole idea is new to us. I am fortunate to have found this forum as I had not been able to get information with respect to undiagnosed CF in childhood. I will certainly try not to worry. Willow