No where to turn!


New member
<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"> I'm having a hard time getting my so with (cf) transportation to and from school. I all started last year when my family and I moved from one school zone to another. I had two children going to the same school one just starting and the other about to end. When I went to the school department to change address. They told me that my children had to change schools remind you it was in the middle of the school year. I told them that my children loved their school and so did I. What ended up happening is we had to take them to and from school the best way we could. Once my son doctor found out what had happen, she wrote a letter explaining that my son needed to be bussed. I went through alot of people to get some answers. At the end of last school year I received a letter stating that he had been approved. Now here it is a few days before school start back I get a letter stating he really don't have a bus assignment. I called everywhere and no one have him on their list as getting a buss assignment. I took the letter I received last year and now their saying I have to go though the process again. Then they tell me that I might get denied. I can't believe this is happening to us all over again. My son can't go through another winter being dragged to and from school through all that bad weather. You would think as a parent you could choose to keep child in the school of your chose without all this headache.

Please anyone with any advice for me, on what else I can do to get this problem straighten out?
Thank you



New member
A family I know whose son needed to attend a school local to their
home was able to get a letter written by a social worker who was
able to push it through the channels to the school and city
officials. Sounds like that's the route you have already pursued,
but I encourage you to keep at it in order to get your son what he
Is carpooling with anyone else from his class or driving him there
yourself an option? That would be ideal for many reasons.


New member
Everyone that I know and trust lives out there. I pretty much don't know anyone out here where we live that child go to my son's school that he could catch a ride with. I'm way out of the school zone as they say.

mother of four
6 (cf)
6 months


New member
I would contact the Principals office, the doctor again, and the county in charge of the school district and scream in a lovely voice health health and CF.


New member
I'll try again but it's so hard to keep your cool when people act like they really don't care unless it's someone they now.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I would contact the Principals office, the doctor again, and the county in charge of the school district and scream in a lovely voice health health and CF.</end quote></div>

This is to the original poster as well...I don't see how him switching schools is CF related. You said they just loved thier old school. Understandable, but not CF related. I don't think it's cool to call up the principal and scream "Cf" when its not a problem Cf wise. It's kind of the the boy who cried wolf. And then when you DO have a CF problem, they'll think "she's just making it up". So fight it, yes, but I don't think using CF is quite fair. Just my opinion though.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Allie</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I would contact the Principals office, the doctor again, and the county in charge of the school district and scream in a lovely voice health health and CF.</end quote></div>

This is to the original poster as well...I don't see how him switching schools is CF related. You said they just loved thier old school. Understandable, but not CF related. I don't think it's cool to call up the principal and scream "Cf" when its not a problem Cf wise. It's kind of the the boy who cried wolf. And then when you DO have a CF problem, they'll think "she's just making it up". So fight it, yes, but I don't think using CF is quite fair. Just my opinion though.</end quote></div>

True, but what i understand is that the doctor wrote the letter, stating the child needed to be bussed.

If you are going through this all because you are still going to the old original school, and they won't provide bus transportation because you are not in there jurisdiction, then ya, you could easily remedy this by going to the school you are assigned, and they will provide bus transportation.

If the new school won't even provide bus transportation, then I would fight it. How far is the walk? I am assuming he is walking? It could also be good for him too though no? Walking in high snow in the winter does wonders for the lungs...haha depending on how good they are. Anyways, I am assuming you are doing this cause you have to, and I hope things work out for you. From my experience though, they will have to give them bus trans. And if they don't accept you, write a letter to the paper. Schools love bad publicity, it will make the principal and such look stupid <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> Gotta love the media


New member
I read the post by the original poster and now I am a little your child going to the school he is assigned by the
district you live in? If so, it is a requirement that (if it is his
<i>assigned</i> school) that they make every reasonable
accommodation for his disability by law. According to Disabilities
Act 504: "The Section 504 regulation requires a school
district to provide a "free appropriate public education"
(FAPE) to each qualified student with a disability who is in the
school district's jurisdiction, regardless of the nature or
severity of the disability. FAPE consists of the provision of
regular or special education and related aids and services designed
to meet the student's individual needs."<br>
But, if it is a school he is attending that is not in his assigned
district, he is allowed to attended that school (provided there is
room at the school). However, transportation must be supplied by
the parent/guardian or student. They aren't obligated to
accommodate students out of district.<br>
Hope this helps.