Not diagnosed or been to the doctor, just need advice


New member
If you want my opinion, I REALLY do not think you have CF. The swollen fingers have nothing to do with CF. If you are thinking that that is what clubbing is you are wrong. It is a good idea to get a sweat test done just to be safe though. I'm just positive that you don't have CF. People with CF usually only have thick GREEN mucus; not clear. The sore throat, ear infections, and canker sores also have nothing to do with CF. CF doesn't cause any of that. The strained bowel movements do not represent CF either. If you had the Delta F 508 gene, you would be having oily diarrhea on every BM, you would not be constipated. Before I was diagnosed, I was NEVER constipated. I had diarrhea all the time and once I was put on enzymes I was THEN constipated. You never mentioned being unrealistically skinny or having many lung problems (other than the pnuemonia as an infant) So it's a good bet that you don't have CF. If you want to be sure, it wouldn't hurt to go get that test done though.


New member
If you want my opinion, I REALLY do not think you have CF. The swollen fingers have nothing to do with CF. If you are thinking that that is what clubbing is you are wrong. It is a good idea to get a sweat test done just to be safe though. I'm just positive that you don't have CF. People with CF usually only have thick GREEN mucus; not clear. The sore throat, ear infections, and canker sores also have nothing to do with CF. CF doesn't cause any of that. The strained bowel movements do not represent CF either. If you had the Delta F 508 gene, you would be having oily diarrhea on every BM, you would not be constipated. Before I was diagnosed, I was NEVER constipated. I had diarrhea all the time and once I was put on enzymes I was THEN constipated. You never mentioned being unrealistically skinny or having many lung problems (other than the pnuemonia as an infant) So it's a good bet that you don't have CF. If you want to be sure, it wouldn't hurt to go get that test done though.


New member
If you want my opinion, I REALLY do not think you have CF. The swollen fingers have nothing to do with CF. If you are thinking that that is what clubbing is you are wrong. It is a good idea to get a sweat test done just to be safe though. I'm just positive that you don't have CF. People with CF usually only have thick GREEN mucus; not clear. The sore throat, ear infections, and canker sores also have nothing to do with CF. CF doesn't cause any of that. The strained bowel movements do not represent CF either. If you had the Delta F 508 gene, you would be having oily diarrhea on every BM, you would not be constipated. Before I was diagnosed, I was NEVER constipated. I had diarrhea all the time and once I was put on enzymes I was THEN constipated. You never mentioned being unrealistically skinny or having many lung problems (other than the pnuemonia as an infant) So it's a good bet that you don't have CF. If you want to be sure, it wouldn't hurt to go get that test done though.


New member
If you want my opinion, I REALLY do not think you have CF. The swollen fingers have nothing to do with CF. If you are thinking that that is what clubbing is you are wrong. It is a good idea to get a sweat test done just to be safe though. I'm just positive that you don't have CF. People with CF usually only have thick GREEN mucus; not clear. The sore throat, ear infections, and canker sores also have nothing to do with CF. CF doesn't cause any of that. The strained bowel movements do not represent CF either. If you had the Delta F 508 gene, you would be having oily diarrhea on every BM, you would not be constipated. Before I was diagnosed, I was NEVER constipated. I had diarrhea all the time and once I was put on enzymes I was THEN constipated. You never mentioned being unrealistically skinny or having many lung problems (other than the pnuemonia as an infant) So it's a good bet that you don't have CF. If you want to be sure, it wouldn't hurt to go get that test done though.


New member
If you want my opinion, I REALLY do not think you have CF. The swollen fingers have nothing to do with CF. If you are thinking that that is what clubbing is you are wrong. It is a good idea to get a sweat test done just to be safe though. I'm just positive that you don't have CF. People with CF usually only have thick GREEN mucus; not clear. The sore throat, ear infections, and canker sores also have nothing to do with CF. CF doesn't cause any of that. The strained bowel movements do not represent CF either. If you had the Delta F 508 gene, you would be having oily diarrhea on every BM, you would not be constipated. Before I was diagnosed, I was NEVER constipated. I had diarrhea all the time and once I was put on enzymes I was THEN constipated. You never mentioned being unrealistically skinny or having many lung problems (other than the pnuemonia as an infant) So it's a good bet that you don't have CF. If you want to be sure, it wouldn't hurt to go get that test done though.


New member
If you want my opinion, I REALLY do not think you have CF. The swollen fingers have nothing to do with CF. If you are thinking that that is what clubbing is you are wrong. It is a good idea to get a sweat test done just to be safe though. I'm just positive that you don't have CF. People with CF usually only have thick GREEN mucus; not clear. The sore throat, ear infections, and canker sores also have nothing to do with CF. CF doesn't cause any of that. The strained bowel movements do not represent CF either. If you had the Delta F 508 gene, you would be having oily diarrhea on every BM, you would not be constipated. Before I was diagnosed, I was NEVER constipated. I had diarrhea all the time and once I was put on enzymes I was THEN constipated. You never mentioned being unrealistically skinny or having many lung problems (other than the pnuemonia as an infant) So it's a good bet that you don't have CF. If you want to be sure, it wouldn't hurt to go get that test done though.


New member
If you want my opinion, I REALLY do not think you have CF. The swollen fingers have nothing to do with CF. If you are thinking that that is what clubbing is you are wrong. It is a good idea to get a sweat test done just to be safe though. I'm just positive that you don't have CF. People with CF usually only have thick GREEN mucus; not clear. The sore throat, ear infections, and canker sores also have nothing to do with CF. CF doesn't cause any of that. The strained bowel movements do not represent CF either. If you had the Delta F 508 gene, you would be having oily diarrhea on every BM, you would not be constipated. Before I was diagnosed, I was NEVER constipated. I had diarrhea all the time and once I was put on enzymes I was THEN constipated. You never mentioned being unrealistically skinny or having many lung problems (other than the pnuemonia as an infant) So it's a good bet that you don't have CF. If you want to be sure, it wouldn't hurt to go get that test done though.


New member
Also, some people don't have green mucous all of the time...Mine ranges from fairly clear (when I am done with IV's and my lungs are cleaned out), to yellow, to green. It just depends....As for stools, I am mildly PI, yet constipation can be an issue at times. My advice, if you have any doubts, get tested at a CF accredited center. The docs will more than likely do a sweat test first, they aren't always positive in some people with CF, me included. I am high borderline (50's), but I do have CF. I guess I am saying is that don't stop at the sweat test even if it is negative or borderline if you have any doubt. Get genetic testing (the full sequencing test from Ambry that tests for 1600+ mutations if your insurance will allow, it is fairly expensive otherwise).

If you do indeed have CF, you will get the treatments that you need and will feel better. If it isn't CF, then it could be other things such as allergies, etc...Wicked post nasal drip can make mucous stick in the back of your throat. Either way, a visit to the doctor to discuss all of this is warranted. Good luck, I hope you get answers either way.

Jen 39 w/CF


New member
Also, some people don't have green mucous all of the time...Mine ranges from fairly clear (when I am done with IV's and my lungs are cleaned out), to yellow, to green. It just depends....As for stools, I am mildly PI, yet constipation can be an issue at times. My advice, if you have any doubts, get tested at a CF accredited center. The docs will more than likely do a sweat test first, they aren't always positive in some people with CF, me included. I am high borderline (50's), but I do have CF. I guess I am saying is that don't stop at the sweat test even if it is negative or borderline if you have any doubt. Get genetic testing (the full sequencing test from Ambry that tests for 1600+ mutations if your insurance will allow, it is fairly expensive otherwise).

If you do indeed have CF, you will get the treatments that you need and will feel better. If it isn't CF, then it could be other things such as allergies, etc...Wicked post nasal drip can make mucous stick in the back of your throat. Either way, a visit to the doctor to discuss all of this is warranted. Good luck, I hope you get answers either way.

Jen 39 w/CF


New member
Also, some people don't have green mucous all of the time...Mine ranges from fairly clear (when I am done with IV's and my lungs are cleaned out), to yellow, to green. It just depends....As for stools, I am mildly PI, yet constipation can be an issue at times. My advice, if you have any doubts, get tested at a CF accredited center. The docs will more than likely do a sweat test first, they aren't always positive in some people with CF, me included. I am high borderline (50's), but I do have CF. I guess I am saying is that don't stop at the sweat test even if it is negative or borderline if you have any doubt. Get genetic testing (the full sequencing test from Ambry that tests for 1600+ mutations if your insurance will allow, it is fairly expensive otherwise).

If you do indeed have CF, you will get the treatments that you need and will feel better. If it isn't CF, then it could be other things such as allergies, etc...Wicked post nasal drip can make mucous stick in the back of your throat. Either way, a visit to the doctor to discuss all of this is warranted. Good luck, I hope you get answers either way.

Jen 39 w/CF


Active member
I was dx at age 47 so 20 is not old to be dx. You have enough symptoms to justify further screening. You need to contact an APPROVED CF CENTER (not your local Doctor). At the top/right of this page you will see "Find a CF Center". The Doctors there will walk you through everything that you need. Additionally, I would bring sister with you.

Good luck,


Active member
I was dx at age 47 so 20 is not old to be dx. You have enough symptoms to justify further screening. You need to contact an APPROVED CF CENTER (not your local Doctor). At the top/right of this page you will see "Find a CF Center". The Doctors there will walk you through everything that you need. Additionally, I would bring sister with you.

Good luck,


Active member
I was dx at age 47 so 20 is not old to be dx. You have enough symptoms to justify further screening. You need to contact an APPROVED CF CENTER (not your local Doctor). At the top/right of this page you will see "Find a CF Center". The Doctors there will walk you through everything that you need. Additionally, I would bring sister with you.

Good luck,


New member
I want to add that I do encourage to get that test. Jen, (I'm not sure if you were talking to me hahaha) but I said usually people with CF have green or yellow mucus. It's rarely clear if you're sick because (I might be wrong) green mucus means infection and yellow mucus means inflammation. But 20 is definitely not too late to be diagnosed so that's not an issue. I was diagnosed when I was 7. If you have pancreas problems your stool would be very very oily and fatty diarrhea. I have awful constipation issues. I'm on mirilax 3 times a day. So I'm trying to say that constipation would not be a symptom but diarrhea would because of not digesting food. This was the case for me. After I got diagnosed and was put on enzymes I didn't have diarrhea anymore but I developed 24 hr constipation.

Anyway, I was definitely not trying to be rude in any way. I wish you all the luck you can get and I hope you don't have CF. Just get some answers <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">