Not eating enough?!?!?!


New member
I belong to a forum with other mommies, but most of which don't have CF. My son is 3-1/2 months old and it seems there are other babies his age that eat at least twice of what he eats!

I am a little concerned and I of course have to increase the caloric content of his bottles, but he almost never eats more than 3oz at a time! I usually make a 4oz bottle, which contains the same calories of a 5oz bottle, but most of the time he wont eat it. I am not exactly sure how many calories he should have each day, but I am a little worried he may not be getting enough.

He has been gaining weight though, so the CF clinic isnt overly concerned, but he is in the bottom 3-5% for his size!

To make up for a lot of the calories he seems to lose, I have been giving him some oatmeal and rice cereal with some formula and baby fruit to try and make up for his lost calories from the formula.

Here is what his normal diet appears to be:

8-9am- 3oz from bottle
12pm- vitamins, zantac, 2oz from bottle and 2/3 serving of cereal, 1oz serving of formula powder (used to mix in w/cereal), 1/2 container of bananas, apple sauce, pears, peaches, or other baby fruit.
3pm- 3oz from bottle
6pm- 2-3oz from bottle + 1/2 container of baby food (fruit or veggies)
9pm- 2/3 serving cereal, 1oz serving of formula powder, 1/2 container of baby food (veggies, usually), 2-3oz from bottle.
12-1am- vitamins, zantac + 3-4oz from bottle

This is a pretty standard schedule he has, and seems to stick to it. Sometimes he may take more or less from the bottle, but i ALWAYS make 4oz. 90% of the time, he won't drink all of it, but occasionally he does.

We have our monthly appointment w/cf clinic on the 8th, but really, they still dont seem concerned, but I am because he doesnt eat much in my eyes for his age/size.

I am not sure why he doesnt seem to eat very much, but I am hoping that he starts eating more soon! Just an FYI, i started giving him the cereal because he keeps getting fussy when I feed him a bottle. He'll eat a couple oz and then push it away. I wish he was able to TALK already to tell me whats wrong! LOL


New member
I belong to a forum with other mommies, but most of which don't have CF. My son is 3-1/2 months old and it seems there are other babies his age that eat at least twice of what he eats!

I am a little concerned and I of course have to increase the caloric content of his bottles, but he almost never eats more than 3oz at a time! I usually make a 4oz bottle, which contains the same calories of a 5oz bottle, but most of the time he wont eat it. I am not exactly sure how many calories he should have each day, but I am a little worried he may not be getting enough.

He has been gaining weight though, so the CF clinic isnt overly concerned, but he is in the bottom 3-5% for his size!

To make up for a lot of the calories he seems to lose, I have been giving him some oatmeal and rice cereal with some formula and baby fruit to try and make up for his lost calories from the formula.

Here is what his normal diet appears to be:

8-9am- 3oz from bottle
12pm- vitamins, zantac, 2oz from bottle and 2/3 serving of cereal, 1oz serving of formula powder (used to mix in w/cereal), 1/2 container of bananas, apple sauce, pears, peaches, or other baby fruit.
3pm- 3oz from bottle
6pm- 2-3oz from bottle + 1/2 container of baby food (fruit or veggies)
9pm- 2/3 serving cereal, 1oz serving of formula powder, 1/2 container of baby food (veggies, usually), 2-3oz from bottle.
12-1am- vitamins, zantac + 3-4oz from bottle

This is a pretty standard schedule he has, and seems to stick to it. Sometimes he may take more or less from the bottle, but i ALWAYS make 4oz. 90% of the time, he won't drink all of it, but occasionally he does.

We have our monthly appointment w/cf clinic on the 8th, but really, they still dont seem concerned, but I am because he doesnt eat much in my eyes for his age/size.

I am not sure why he doesnt seem to eat very much, but I am hoping that he starts eating more soon! Just an FYI, i started giving him the cereal because he keeps getting fussy when I feed him a bottle. He'll eat a couple oz and then push it away. I wish he was able to TALK already to tell me whats wrong! LOL


New member
I belong to a forum with other mommies, but most of which don't have CF. My son is 3-1/2 months old and it seems there are other babies his age that eat at least twice of what he eats!

I am a little concerned and I of course have to increase the caloric content of his bottles, but he almost never eats more than 3oz at a time! I usually make a 4oz bottle, which contains the same calories of a 5oz bottle, but most of the time he wont eat it. I am not exactly sure how many calories he should have each day, but I am a little worried he may not be getting enough.

He has been gaining weight though, so the CF clinic isnt overly concerned, but he is in the bottom 3-5% for his size!

To make up for a lot of the calories he seems to lose, I have been giving him some oatmeal and rice cereal with some formula and baby fruit to try and make up for his lost calories from the formula.

Here is what his normal diet appears to be:

8-9am- 3oz from bottle
12pm- vitamins, zantac, 2oz from bottle and 2/3 serving of cereal, 1oz serving of formula powder (used to mix in w/cereal), 1/2 container of bananas, apple sauce, pears, peaches, or other baby fruit.
3pm- 3oz from bottle
6pm- 2-3oz from bottle + 1/2 container of baby food (fruit or veggies)
9pm- 2/3 serving cereal, 1oz serving of formula powder, 1/2 container of baby food (veggies, usually), 2-3oz from bottle.
12-1am- vitamins, zantac + 3-4oz from bottle

This is a pretty standard schedule he has, and seems to stick to it. Sometimes he may take more or less from the bottle, but i ALWAYS make 4oz. 90% of the time, he won't drink all of it, but occasionally he does.

We have our monthly appointment w/cf clinic on the 8th, but really, they still dont seem concerned, but I am because he doesnt eat much in my eyes for his age/size.

I am not sure why he doesnt seem to eat very much, but I am hoping that he starts eating more soon! Just an FYI, i started giving him the cereal because he keeps getting fussy when I feed him a bottle. He'll eat a couple oz and then push it away. I wish he was able to TALK already to tell me whats wrong! LOL


New member
I belong to a forum with other mommies, but most of which don't have CF. My son is 3-1/2 months old and it seems there are other babies his age that eat at least twice of what he eats!

I am a little concerned and I of course have to increase the caloric content of his bottles, but he almost never eats more than 3oz at a time! I usually make a 4oz bottle, which contains the same calories of a 5oz bottle, but most of the time he wont eat it. I am not exactly sure how many calories he should have each day, but I am a little worried he may not be getting enough.

He has been gaining weight though, so the CF clinic isnt overly concerned, but he is in the bottom 3-5% for his size!

To make up for a lot of the calories he seems to lose, I have been giving him some oatmeal and rice cereal with some formula and baby fruit to try and make up for his lost calories from the formula.

Here is what his normal diet appears to be:

8-9am- 3oz from bottle
12pm- vitamins, zantac, 2oz from bottle and 2/3 serving of cereal, 1oz serving of formula powder (used to mix in w/cereal), 1/2 container of bananas, apple sauce, pears, peaches, or other baby fruit.
3pm- 3oz from bottle
6pm- 2-3oz from bottle + 1/2 container of baby food (fruit or veggies)
9pm- 2/3 serving cereal, 1oz serving of formula powder, 1/2 container of baby food (veggies, usually), 2-3oz from bottle.
12-1am- vitamins, zantac + 3-4oz from bottle

This is a pretty standard schedule he has, and seems to stick to it. Sometimes he may take more or less from the bottle, but i ALWAYS make 4oz. 90% of the time, he won't drink all of it, but occasionally he does.

We have our monthly appointment w/cf clinic on the 8th, but really, they still dont seem concerned, but I am because he doesnt eat much in my eyes for his age/size.

I am not sure why he doesnt seem to eat very much, but I am hoping that he starts eating more soon! Just an FYI, i started giving him the cereal because he keeps getting fussy when I feed him a bottle. He'll eat a couple oz and then push it away. I wish he was able to TALK already to tell me whats wrong! LOL


New member
I belong to a forum with other mommies, but most of which don't have CF. My son is 3-1/2 months old and it seems there are other babies his age that eat at least twice of what he eats!
<br />
<br />I am a little concerned and I of course have to increase the caloric content of his bottles, but he almost never eats more than 3oz at a time! I usually make a 4oz bottle, which contains the same calories of a 5oz bottle, but most of the time he wont eat it. I am not exactly sure how many calories he should have each day, but I am a little worried he may not be getting enough.
<br />
<br />He has been gaining weight though, so the CF clinic isnt overly concerned, but he is in the bottom 3-5% for his size!
<br />
<br />To make up for a lot of the calories he seems to lose, I have been giving him some oatmeal and rice cereal with some formula and baby fruit to try and make up for his lost calories from the formula.
<br />
<br />Here is what his normal diet appears to be:
<br />
<br />8-9am- 3oz from bottle
<br />12pm- vitamins, zantac, 2oz from bottle and 2/3 serving of cereal, 1oz serving of formula powder (used to mix in w/cereal), 1/2 container of bananas, apple sauce, pears, peaches, or other baby fruit.
<br />3pm- 3oz from bottle
<br />6pm- 2-3oz from bottle + 1/2 container of baby food (fruit or veggies)
<br />9pm- 2/3 serving cereal, 1oz serving of formula powder, 1/2 container of baby food (veggies, usually), 2-3oz from bottle.
<br />12-1am- vitamins, zantac + 3-4oz from bottle
<br />
<br />This is a pretty standard schedule he has, and seems to stick to it. Sometimes he may take more or less from the bottle, but i ALWAYS make 4oz. 90% of the time, he won't drink all of it, but occasionally he does.
<br />
<br />We have our monthly appointment w/cf clinic on the 8th, but really, they still dont seem concerned, but I am because he doesnt eat much in my eyes for his age/size.
<br />
<br />I am not sure why he doesnt seem to eat very much, but I am hoping that he starts eating more soon! Just an FYI, i started giving him the cereal because he keeps getting fussy when I feed him a bottle. He'll eat a couple oz and then push it away. I wish he was able to TALK already to tell me whats wrong! LOL


Staff member
Used to drive me NUTS! Other kids would down a huge bottle and DS could care less. The dietician would have a set volume that DS should be drinking/eating and he would rarely drink more than 3-4 ounces. We used higher calorie formula (more powder to liquid ratio).

Calorie-wise he was fine when she'd calculate what he was consuming. When he started eating solids, at daycare they ground up whatever everyone else was eating. At home he got whole milk yogurt, I'd add butter and salt to his babyfood.


Staff member
Used to drive me NUTS! Other kids would down a huge bottle and DS could care less. The dietician would have a set volume that DS should be drinking/eating and he would rarely drink more than 3-4 ounces. We used higher calorie formula (more powder to liquid ratio).

Calorie-wise he was fine when she'd calculate what he was consuming. When he started eating solids, at daycare they ground up whatever everyone else was eating. At home he got whole milk yogurt, I'd add butter and salt to his babyfood.


Staff member
Used to drive me NUTS! Other kids would down a huge bottle and DS could care less. The dietician would have a set volume that DS should be drinking/eating and he would rarely drink more than 3-4 ounces. We used higher calorie formula (more powder to liquid ratio).

Calorie-wise he was fine when she'd calculate what he was consuming. When he started eating solids, at daycare they ground up whatever everyone else was eating. At home he got whole milk yogurt, I'd add butter and salt to his babyfood.


Staff member
Used to drive me NUTS! Other kids would down a huge bottle and DS could care less. The dietician would have a set volume that DS should be drinking/eating and he would rarely drink more than 3-4 ounces. We used higher calorie formula (more powder to liquid ratio).

Calorie-wise he was fine when she'd calculate what he was consuming. When he started eating solids, at daycare they ground up whatever everyone else was eating. At home he got whole milk yogurt, I'd add butter and salt to his babyfood.


Staff member
Used to drive me NUTS! Other kids would down a huge bottle and DS could care less. The dietician would have a set volume that DS should be drinking/eating and he would rarely drink more than 3-4 ounces. We used higher calorie formula (more powder to liquid ratio).
<br />
<br />Calorie-wise he was fine when she'd calculate what he was consuming. When he started eating solids, at daycare they ground up whatever everyone else was eating. At home he got whole milk yogurt, I'd add butter and salt to his babyfood.


New member
Here are some thoughts/questions. They are some issues we had in getting our Avery to eat more.

What size nipple are you using? Is he having to work too hard for the food to come out?

What about not feeding him baby food? Maybe he is getting full on baby food instead of the formula?

What kind of formula is it? Maybe he doesn't like the taste of it?

I don't know if any of this helps...


New member
Here are some thoughts/questions. They are some issues we had in getting our Avery to eat more.

What size nipple are you using? Is he having to work too hard for the food to come out?

What about not feeding him baby food? Maybe he is getting full on baby food instead of the formula?

What kind of formula is it? Maybe he doesn't like the taste of it?

I don't know if any of this helps...


New member
Here are some thoughts/questions. They are some issues we had in getting our Avery to eat more.

What size nipple are you using? Is he having to work too hard for the food to come out?

What about not feeding him baby food? Maybe he is getting full on baby food instead of the formula?

What kind of formula is it? Maybe he doesn't like the taste of it?

I don't know if any of this helps...


New member
Here are some thoughts/questions. They are some issues we had in getting our Avery to eat more.

What size nipple are you using? Is he having to work too hard for the food to come out?

What about not feeding him baby food? Maybe he is getting full on baby food instead of the formula?

What kind of formula is it? Maybe he doesn't like the taste of it?

I don't know if any of this helps...


New member
Here are some thoughts/questions. They are some issues we had in getting our Avery to eat more.
<br />
<br />What size nipple are you using? Is he having to work too hard for the food to come out?
<br />
<br />What about not feeding him baby food? Maybe he is getting full on baby food instead of the formula?
<br />
<br />What kind of formula is it? Maybe he doesn't like the taste of it?
<br />
<br />I don't know if any of this helps...