Hi guys. So, I was admitted for a tuneup on the 12th, was in house until the 16th and I've been doing the IV abx at home since. I'm on Ceftaz 3 times a day and Tobra once a day. I'm also on oral Septra and just started hypertonic saline twice a day. I'm on half an hour of vest three times a day, Xopenex twice or three times a day, Pulmozyme, and a bunch of vitamins and calcium supplements. I went in last Thursday for a follow up and my PFTs had dropped ten percent from admission. I'm going back in today and I'm not feeling good about what my numbers will be. Also, my joints are KILLING me today, which is a surefire sign for me that I've got something going on in my chest; my doctors and I realized that when I'm sick EVERYTHING reacts by becoming inflamed. That's gotten worse in the past 24 hours. I just feel terrible too. I'd love to blame it on the IVs, but I've been on this exact regimen before and by 2.5 weeks I was feeling awesome. Should I go back into the hospital? What can I do? I'm getting discouraged here. I cultured steno in the hospital culture. I also culture pseudo (have for 8-10 years).