not gaining weight at 1 yr



I am a parent of a cf child. I've posted a thread like this before wanting advice on helping my lil one with weight gain. I've been giving her pedisure, pudding, cheetos, yogurt, juice, vd milk, and now I bou ghten new stuff like chef boy'rd cheese ravoli , and just all kids. One sugessted I use ovaltine. So I got ovaltine and nesquick to add. But she's teething and is being real finicky. Calories are getting so hard to get into her diet. I'm just running out of ideas on what I can do to help her gain weight and eat more. I need what ever advice any one has. Yes salt and adek viatims are added in her diet. I just don't know how to get her to eat more.


Staff member
I mix up Carnation instant breakfast powder mixed with whole milk (8 ounces) and ounce of cream. I'd add a bit of olive oil to his food --- spagettios, Mac and cheese. Trial and error prepackaged single serving soups, pasta dishes. Yo baby or Greek yogurt. At that age I still gave him baby foods he still liked, ham patties, hamburger patties, Vienna sausage. He didn't like certain textures --- toast, bread, ground beef. Stuck with things I knew he liked and shoveled them in but the carnation breakfast was the main one. I got vanilla or chocolate powder at sams, nowadays I get it at Costco. I once took him to the grocery store during a holiday sample day and he tried shrimp and aged cheese cheese. Kinda weird buying expensive aged cheddar for your child, but whatever he'd eat.


Super Moderator
Teething can be a tough time. One child of mine was consoled biting on a standard iced teething ring and the other wanted nothing to do with anything but a cold washcloth to bite on. And despite my pediatricians revelation that they dont suggest anbesol for kids anymore, I used it anyway with good success. I just don't believe in pain. Be patient with this stage. It sounds like you're slinging enough things at her to keep the weight going in the right direction eventually. It can take time. My CFer was a very poor gainer until after 1 year old and developed the taste for real food. Most kids that age will love mac and cheese. Even that awful boxed kind or in the little tubs. Something about the chemical cheese that get them!!!!! And what about ice cream? Or make a milk shake with it and use a bit of cream with the milk, or add Ovaltine or Carnation breakfast for a vitamin boost. I used to make a chicken stew filled with beans, veggies, and tomato sauce that had my 2 year old CFer spooning it like he was starving - that was before he understood that he was supposed to hate vegetables and could actually identify them. So don't be afraid she won't eat real food. Just find something she likes and keep feeding it.


Super Moderator
By the way, most kids don't like malt flavored ovaltine, only the plain chocolate kind.....just to be sure! Its the same idea as Carnation though. And some kids prefer the strawberry flavored drinks rather than chocolate or vanilla. And my guy won't drink any flavor of Ensure and only one of the Boost.....the original chocolate one, without the extra protein etc in it. It might not be as high cal as some others but he'll drink three in a day if i let him. So do try different flavors.


You are very helpful. I believe you were the one who suggested the ovaltine on here in the past. Shes going through this teething stage. Plus textures are something with her. She wants to feed herself so I let her much on things that way she can feed herself. But then she doesn't want any food when I try to give it to her to a spoon. I know its just a stage. Weight is a issue still. She only gaing like 3oz in two weeks because of her teeth. I'm just counting down to when her chompers are in so she can have more of that "biggie girl" food that she wants but can't quite chew.


New member
I sent you my phone number in a private message. I am working on a cf cookbook and would be happy to share


Super Moderator
Hey Dowling...visitor messages are public so you mdon't get want to delete and resend as a p I ate one...I did that once by mistake too!


Super Moderator
Yes. We had weeks where he actually went backwards and lost weight despite my efforts. But it was two steps forward and one back. What kind of food does she like? Is she a citrus kid (oranges, lemon and lime flavors? Verries?) Or a chocolate kid? Just have to find that food that makes her smile. ..... But always keep a higher calorie drink nearby for her to choose to drink whenever. Convenience can be key. Don't hover. And perhaps try that chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup and marshmalow cream in a bowl without trying to spoon it to her. She just may enjoy it more with her fingers!!!! Or don't give her a bowl at all, but sit with one of your own and eat it slowly while saying yum!!!!!
Let me ask you one thing more......are you hiding her enzymes in those spoons or food she's refusing? If so, dont. Make sure she sees you with her Zymies so she doesn't think you're pulling one over on her......


New member
I am not dealing with your age, but my son LOVES halva (maybe available in a health food store if you can't find it at your regular grocerie store. That was a tip from our dietician. It is high calorie and made from sesame seeds, so relatively healthy.


Staff member
Ds was such a terrible eater, I admit I still used a bottle til 18 months for a final late night feeding or early morning feeding and later used straw cups with some carnation instant breakfast or milk. Ds was more relaxed, not so busy when he was sleepy so I was able to sneak in extra calories