not sleeping and leg pain


New member
My 3year old daughter is not a sleeper at all, we have to give her medicine most of the time to help her sleep. I was wondering if anybody else with CF kids has this problem and what they do. Also, she had just in the last month or so started complaning of leg pain. Most of the time I can rub her legs and she will stop crying. Should I be concerned?


New member
My 3year old daughter is not a sleeper at all, we have to give her medicine most of the time to help her sleep. I was wondering if anybody else with CF kids has this problem and what they do. Also, she had just in the last month or so started complaning of leg pain. Most of the time I can rub her legs and she will stop crying. Should I be concerned?


New member
My 3year old daughter is not a sleeper at all, we have to give her medicine most of the time to help her sleep. I was wondering if anybody else with CF kids has this problem and what they do. Also, she had just in the last month or so started complaning of leg pain. Most of the time I can rub her legs and she will stop crying. Should I be concerned?


New member
Sleeping can be disrupted for many reasons. Her leg pain could be growing pain or even sychatica nerve. Is she a big cougher? Trying massaging her lower back in addition to the leg itself. Make sure she is hydrated. Dehydration can cause muscle cramps. What meds is she on?


New member
Sleeping can be disrupted for many reasons. Her leg pain could be growing pain or even sychatica nerve. Is she a big cougher? Trying massaging her lower back in addition to the leg itself. Make sure she is hydrated. Dehydration can cause muscle cramps. What meds is she on?


New member
Sleeping can be disrupted for many reasons. Her leg pain could be growing pain or even sychatica nerve. Is she a big cougher? Trying massaging her lower back in addition to the leg itself. Make sure she is hydrated. Dehydration can cause muscle cramps. What meds is she on?


New member
She has never been a real good sleeper, it is not that her sleep is disrupted it is that she won't go to sleep. On an average she sleeps between 4-5 hours daily. her o2 sats run between 90 and 94. I have tried not letting her take naps and that didn't make a difference. If she takes an hour nap then she will only sleep about 3 hours that night. She wakes up for something to drink even though she gets 600cc of milk continously at night. She takes pancreacarb ms-8, prevacid, reglan, albuterol, tobi, pulmozyme,and elecare formula. Shei s always well hydrated she drinks a ton of water a day and gets night feeding
The leg pain is new, she also complianes of her arms hurting as well.


New member
She has never been a real good sleeper, it is not that her sleep is disrupted it is that she won't go to sleep. On an average she sleeps between 4-5 hours daily. her o2 sats run between 90 and 94. I have tried not letting her take naps and that didn't make a difference. If she takes an hour nap then she will only sleep about 3 hours that night. She wakes up for something to drink even though she gets 600cc of milk continously at night. She takes pancreacarb ms-8, prevacid, reglan, albuterol, tobi, pulmozyme,and elecare formula. Shei s always well hydrated she drinks a ton of water a day and gets night feeding
The leg pain is new, she also complianes of her arms hurting as well.


New member
She has never been a real good sleeper, it is not that her sleep is disrupted it is that she won't go to sleep. On an average she sleeps between 4-5 hours daily. her o2 sats run between 90 and 94. I have tried not letting her take naps and that didn't make a difference. If she takes an hour nap then she will only sleep about 3 hours that night. She wakes up for something to drink even though she gets 600cc of milk continously at night. She takes pancreacarb ms-8, prevacid, reglan, albuterol, tobi, pulmozyme,and elecare formula. Shei s always well hydrated she drinks a ton of water a day and gets night feeding
The leg pain is new, she also complianes of her arms hurting as well.


New member
The pain sounds like growing pains to me then. The sleeping I dont think is CF related. I worked with a girl whose son did the same thing. Actually he slept less than your child. She had to extend her maternity leave because she wasnt getting sleep. To this day he functions on little sleep and he will be 12. Sorry I dont have any advice for you!


New member
The pain sounds like growing pains to me then. The sleeping I dont think is CF related. I worked with a girl whose son did the same thing. Actually he slept less than your child. She had to extend her maternity leave because she wasnt getting sleep. To this day he functions on little sleep and he will be 12. Sorry I dont have any advice for you!


New member
The pain sounds like growing pains to me then. The sleeping I dont think is CF related. I worked with a girl whose son did the same thing. Actually he slept less than your child. She had to extend her maternity leave because she wasnt getting sleep. To this day he functions on little sleep and he will be 12. Sorry I dont have any advice for you!


New member
My daughter also complains of leg pain. She has been growing a lot since her g tube was inserted last summer. I also thought it was growing pains. She is on pulmozyme, pancreacarb ms-8...I wonder if this is a side effect. But, she has been on these drugs for over a year & just started the tube feeding this past summer. It is never bad enough to complain to the doc, but she has shot up on the growth charts from the 5% to over 50% in 8 guess would be growing painsfor Erin. But if your child leg pain gets too uncomfortable definitely bring it up at your next appointment.


New member
My daughter also complains of leg pain. She has been growing a lot since her g tube was inserted last summer. I also thought it was growing pains. She is on pulmozyme, pancreacarb ms-8...I wonder if this is a side effect. But, she has been on these drugs for over a year & just started the tube feeding this past summer. It is never bad enough to complain to the doc, but she has shot up on the growth charts from the 5% to over 50% in 8 guess would be growing painsfor Erin. But if your child leg pain gets too uncomfortable definitely bring it up at your next appointment.


New member
My daughter also complains of leg pain. She has been growing a lot since her g tube was inserted last summer. I also thought it was growing pains. She is on pulmozyme, pancreacarb ms-8...I wonder if this is a side effect. But, she has been on these drugs for over a year & just started the tube feeding this past summer. It is never bad enough to complain to the doc, but she has shot up on the growth charts from the 5% to over 50% in 8 guess would be growing painsfor Erin. But if your child leg pain gets too uncomfortable definitely bring it up at your next appointment.


New member
Reece has also been complaining of his legs feeling "wobbly" at night. He kicks the covers off, thrashes his legs back & forth before he settles down, sorta like RLS. He has me rub them & he falls asleep, but he does whimper a few times even when Im rubbing his legs. His just started as well (while in the hosptial) Hes on Xopenox, Pulmozyme, Flovent, Zyvox, Zyson, Tobra, Iron, Euthromyicn, Cyproheptad (anti) & Prevacid. The new ones are the antibotics & Iron. We did up his feeds so in his case they could be growing pains too. But, he has had his feeds for a year now. He did gain some weight while in the hosptial though! How long will growing pains last?


New member
Reece has also been complaining of his legs feeling "wobbly" at night. He kicks the covers off, thrashes his legs back & forth before he settles down, sorta like RLS. He has me rub them & he falls asleep, but he does whimper a few times even when Im rubbing his legs. His just started as well (while in the hosptial) Hes on Xopenox, Pulmozyme, Flovent, Zyvox, Zyson, Tobra, Iron, Euthromyicn, Cyproheptad (anti) & Prevacid. The new ones are the antibotics & Iron. We did up his feeds so in his case they could be growing pains too. But, he has had his feeds for a year now. He did gain some weight while in the hosptial though! How long will growing pains last?


New member
Reece has also been complaining of his legs feeling "wobbly" at night. He kicks the covers off, thrashes his legs back & forth before he settles down, sorta like RLS. He has me rub them & he falls asleep, but he does whimper a few times even when Im rubbing his legs. His just started as well (while in the hosptial) Hes on Xopenox, Pulmozyme, Flovent, Zyvox, Zyson, Tobra, Iron, Euthromyicn, Cyproheptad (anti) & Prevacid. The new ones are the antibotics & Iron. We did up his feeds so in his case they could be growing pains too. But, he has had his feeds for a year now. He did gain some weight while in the hosptial though! How long will growing pains last?