Not to be to Gross!!


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Plese forgive me for just jumping in here but I have a question that I have been embarrassed to bring up to my Doc. Or Pulmo. All my life I have struggled with severe asthma only during colds and a long time after a cold.I suffer from bronchitis a least 3 to 4 times a year and getting walking pnemua a least two times a year. I take advair 250 and steroids most of the year. Here comes my gross question . By the way I have never been diagonsed with c.f. I never even heard of it untill my youngest was giagnosed with failure to thrive with asthma a year and a half ago. she has a big brother and sister with severe asthma.Any way back to the subject I have been getting at. A lot of time I feel like something in my throat and after a lot of throat clearing and hard swallowing I bring up these nasty smelling peanut loonking chunks of hard mucas. Now I am sorry for this but this month I have had a nother bad case of Bronchitis that is not getting better even after steroids and cefzil I have had a slight sore throat for a week and felt like there was something stuck on the side of my throat I took a flash light and looked in there and I saw this what looked like strep throat with white pus . So I took a long q-tip and tried to see if it was pus but I saw it was hard as I opened my throat I saw it was a pocket in my throat full of this hard mucas so it stared to come out big pieces at a time and I can see there is more packed in there. I have a appointment tommorow with my general doc. What do you think he will say? Or does evry body get this/ Sorry it took so long I need somw input if any body could help. Thanks, Kathy


New member
I don't know if it is cf or not, but I kinda had the same problem with my tonsils. they kept getting white puss pockets in them. So I had to have them taken out. I do not have cf, but my son does. Good luck at the Doc.Jamie


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I really don't know how to respond. I have CF, but don't have peanut looking mucus, if you mean it's the color of peanuts?? Mine is greenish. Some of your other symptoms may be indicitive of CF, or may be severe asthma and/or allergies. The white stuff on your throat could be sinus drainage that goes down the back of your throat, which would explain the sore throat too. It is getting to be spring now & the time for allergy flare-ups, so if you're prone to allergies, then that could be part of your present situation.I would ask your doctor tomorrow for a sweat test or even a blood test to check for CF, then you can know for sure what you're dealing with. If it is CF, there are a whole lot of meds a doctor that specializes in CF could prescribe for you that would make life easier.Hang in there<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay, I have that. I always have it. I've had it for years now. No doctor even knows what it is. So, if you find out, please let me know. They don't even know what to do about it. I completely understand what you are talking about. It is so gross and annoying!


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Thanks for everybodys input I hust came back from the Doctors and although I am not wheezing he says I still have a bronchial cough it is to the point that I think that they think I am crazy. I am having a lot of coughing he also said that the mucas in my throat is from a bacterial infection and put me on azithromycin. I dont understand how my chest can feel so tight and them not hear it I cant seem to take in a deep breaht with out coughing. He also said c.f is not a concern for me because they would have tested me by now since I am 35 and it is alway picked up in childhood. My mother did not bring us to the docor when we were liitle with five kids and no insurance she could not afford it!! She use to constaly give me liquid aburatal. Any way thanks for the ear!!! Kathy


Hi, I realize that I might be talking about something completely different, but occasionally when I coughed I would bring up some hard little balls with my phlem. I asked my doctor and what she said, was that they were plugs. Just phlem that had solidified in the lungs and had been brought up by coughing. I'm not sure if this helps, but maybe it gives y'all something to go on...


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Kathy,You need to see another doctor that knows a little more about CF. There are many people that are diagnosed later in life. In fact, there are some on this board and Cystic-L.Tammy 43wcf


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Can anyone reply to this?? I don't know. But here is what I think.You will probably get a sputum culture done to find out what exactly you are spitting up. From my experience with Cystic Fobrosis, the hard mucus that comes up is the mucus that was stuck the most and finally surfaced. Even the embarrrasssing smelly ones; because it stays down far for too long and accumulates more bacteria than the mucus that comes up most frequently. Think about it; if you were stuck some where warm without a way to breathe or remove yourself AND you grow a fungus or germ, you might be smelly, too ( sorry-not to be gross)! I am not a professional doctor, not even a doctor, but am a professional CF patient. SOmetimes I cough those nasty things too. But don't be embarrassed. If you are too embarrassed, you might not catch the important, serious things that could make your health worse. I cough up thick gross smelling and tasting things when I am most sick or getting sick. But in my professional CF experience, that kind of mucus is finally removing itself from your chest walls and is gross tasting because it was there for so long.This probably didn't give a great ( nor accurate) answer but I tried through my trials and tribulations to say what I think it is. Medicine also, if you take nebulizer treatments, can make your sputum taste not so good.Take care! I pray you feel better and your illnesses are far and few between!~Micah Dallas<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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I agree w/ Tammy regarding you getting a second opinion from another doctor. Just for your peace of mind so you don't have to worry. I have heard of many, many people not diagnosed until they were older. Ideally, I hope this is not the case (CF), but it sure will settle things for you, I think, just knowing for sure.Good Luck


New member
Kathy, you may have tonsilloliths, AKA 'tonsil stones' which are actually very common (unfortunately!!). I have them too, you're not alone, and I understand your frustration. If you are worried about CF though, you should go and get yourself tested. I was tested when I was a kid b/c I've had asthma all of my life and my Dr. wanted to rule out CF. They just did a simple salinity test of my skin (they test the salt level of your skin, if it's extremely high, you probably have CF). I will also put a disclaimer in here- I'm not a DR! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Good luck, Patty


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hi, I have them too. Those hard, off-white bumpy things. I can feel them in the back of my throat and it drives me crazy. I have to constrict my throat and cough. It then comes up. I can see it in the back of my throat. Its totally disgusting and even more disgusting trying to get that sucker out of my mouth. Just to let you know, your not aloneJILL


New member
I had the same problem, and it was fixed by having my tonsils taken out. Ended the constant sore throats and pus infected headaches/fevers.Jeff


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I've had a few "tonsel stones" they feel like having a piece of popcorn stuck in the back of your throat. IT sounds gross, but it's no big deal. Sometimes food can get trapped in the pores of the tonsels and inflame them. Kind of like a zit in your mouth. You can use a q-tip to coax it out. Tastes gross, but easy to get rid of. Debbie23 w/ CF


New member
Well you guys! I don't have CF, unless I got it in the last 6 months ago. I don't have a soar throat or a cough, and I still have the darn nasty things. I used to get them and the soar throat when I was little. They were going to remove my tonsils but it all stopped. I just find it weird that I don't have any symptoms and they are there. They are so nasty and I think it makes my beath stink. I guess we have to live with them.


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>Can anyone reply to this?? I don't know. But here is what I think.You will probably get a sputum culture done to find out what exactly you are spitting up. From my experience with Cystic Fobrosis, the hard mucus that comes up is the mucus that was stuck the most and finally surfaced. Even the embarrrasssing smelly ones; because it stays down far for too long and accumulates more bacteria than the mucus that comes up most frequently. Think about it; if you were stuck some where warm without a way to breathe or remove yourself AND you grow a fungus or germ, you might be smelly, too ( sorry-not to be gross)! I am not a professional doctor, not even a doctor, but am a professional CF patient. SOmetimes I cough those nasty things too. But don't be embarrassed. If you are too embarrassed, you might not catch the important, serious things that could make your health worse. I cough up thick gross smelling and tasting things when I am most sick or getting sick. But in my professional CF experience, that kind of mucus is finally removing itself from your chest walls and is gross tasting because it was there for so long.This probably didn't give a great ( nor accurate) answer but I tried through my trials and tribulations to say what I think it is. Medicine also, if you take nebulizer treatments, can make your sputum taste not so good.Take care! I pray you feel better and your illnesses are far and few between!~Micah Dallas<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"><hr></blockquote>


New member
Oh Jill that is my sisters name. I remember as far back as junior high sitting in class and feeling a lump in the back of my throat. I wouuld go to caugh and this white or sometime greenish clump would land on my desk. I would often show my best friend in hopes that she too would say she gets these pus pockets. Although she would just say gross, that stinks. So possibly if you are my sister we could have something hereditary. I would like to know if any one has a cure or diagnosis for these intollerable, stinky, pusys. please write soon if its you weezy or if you are another concerned sister out there. Thaks for listening, JOY