Not to be to Gross!!


New member
Oh Geeze, I have a brother named Jeffysonybroth. I am starting to believe this is hereditary. If these are my siblings and we didn't discuss the embarrassing truth about are stinky pustuals with each other than We need to sit down together and find out what is going on in our throats. Is this a normal every day occurence? or does it come and go? I notice mine are more frequent during and after a cold. I thought I was all alone with my smelly little friends. Now I come to find out that it is in my own back yard. Thanks for speaking out guys. Keep me posted on your ordeal. May the force be with you. Sister sledge, JOY


New member
Maybe this will help. I am also not a doctor, but I am in the process of recovering from a tonsillectomy.I had the tonsil stones the nasty taste the whole thing. My dr. said that after years of throat infections and other stuff your tonsils can become what is called cryptic. This is where your tonsils get little holes, thatcan turn into pretty nasty big holes. These holes, or crypts trap food and all kinds of other stuff, I once had a pill get stuck in mine. Anyways the stuff gets in there and it gets pretty nasty, and can cause you to get throat infections more frequently. I had a sore throat for as long as I can remember almost constantly.The dr. said the only thing to do is get my tonsils out. They really don't like to take tonsils out for adults,he said because the older you are the worse the recovery would be. I had mine out and let me tell youit was the most painful experience ever(I'm 25)I barley got out of bed for the first 10 days, but 2 weeks later even though it is still a little sore and hard to swallow I am already relieved. It was definatley worth it. I'm not saying you should have your tonsils out, and again I am no doctor. Just sounded so familiar,if you do decide to have them out don't think they are exagerating about how bad the recovery will be. I myself do not have cf, I am a mom. Hope I could help.