Not Too Young for Lungs!!! Sarah Murnaghan needs our help NOW


New member
Am posting this in both the family and adult forums.

Please read the below article excerpt and consider signing the online petition and personally calling or emailing Katheen Sebelius at HHS ... and using social media to get the word out to everyone you know. Time is running out for this poor little girl. National media is on the story so I'm hopeful for a positive outcome.

Ten-year-old Sarah Murnaghan has end-stage CF and has been on the lung transplant list for 18 months. Too sick to leave Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for three months, she has only a week or two before she will lose her battle. If she were two years older, she would have a high probability of receiving lungs in time. Sarah is eligible for adult donor lungs, but because of her age, she will only receive them after all adult candidates, regardless of how sick they are, have the opportunity to accept them.

You can read the full story on the petition site:

Sarah's mom is on Facebook if you want to personally support her (Janet Ruddock Murnaghan) least I think it's her.

Thanks so much for considering the above.