Not working


New member
Hi everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well (ok, well as good as you can be<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ). I have a question for those who do not work. If you don't work what do you do all day?

I just took a teaching job and now realize that it was a huge mistake. I have a 45 lung function and just can't keep up with all of the standing and work. I can't quit (can I?)but have a feeling that if i get through the year i am going to have to take a year off.

I am mostly talking about those who do not have kids, so have no one to raise. I just don't want to sit around and do nothing all day so I was wondering what you all do to pass the time. Do you ever get sad that you don't have a job?



New member
sitting on the net, shopping, cleaning, walking/caring for the dog, finding little projects to do, watching tv, playing video games. are you able to work part time?


New member
parttime and volunteer jobs for teachers include: tutoring (for money- under or over the table), volunteering (often thru library) to teach reading/literacy or English as a second language. Your town might have committees that need folks to research stuff for them (grants to be written too).With training you can work a Samaritans hotline or other help hotline. There are some sites on the web (search volunteer) that list volunteer jobs.


Digital opinion leader
Do you teach in a school that could have a shared teaching position? Its usually not possible in elementary, but in older grades sometimes they do that.


New member
Well ... I do volunteer work on occasion. I play with our dog, go for walks, run errands, clean house (with 4 cats and a dog it is a full time job sometimes), get together with friends when they are available, play on th comp and occasionally watch TV. It really is amazing how out of touch I am with current events for someone that does not work.

I was actually in a similar position as you at the beginning of the year. My lung function was around 40-45%, but I felt good and I just knew I could work. I got a job and started getting sick within a few weeks. My goal was to work part time, but they had given me too many hours to start with. Within 1 month I felt horrible, then by month 2 I put in a request for time off because I knew I was going to be making a visit to the hospital. I ended up not going back after my request for time off. I had lost close to 10 lbs, my PFTs had dropped by almost 10% (in 2 months), my blood sugars were out of control and over all I was exhausted and felt like crap. I realized I couldn't work and maintain my health. Since I quit I have gained the 10 lbs I lost, gotten my PFTs back up to 40%, been getting plenty of rest and I feel a whole heck of a lot better.

As for can you quit, yes you can. I felt badly about quiting because I had only worked a short time, but I knew deep down if I didn't look out for me the place I worked for wasn't going to do it. It is up to you to judge how you are going to handle the work load, if you don't think you can do it then walk away from it. Talk to them tell them you misjudged your capabilities you are sorry, you thought you could handle it but are not physically ready. If they have a problem who cares - you are quitting anyway.

I get down on occasion but I got upset a lot more before I tried working this year. Once I tried and realized how hard it was on me I kind of stopped feling bad about not working. Do volunteer work - it is will occupy the time and if you can't do it one day no big deal because you are not getting paid.

Hope you work things out,


New member
If teaching seems like too much after you've had a month or two under you belt, then I would seriously consider telling your administration that come the end of the first semester that you will either be resigning or ask them if team teaching (every other day), as Jane mentioned, would be an option for you. There may be another teacher that would love to teach, but not every day and this would be a win/win for both of you?
As for what I do. I remember when I quit working I had no idea what in the world I would do all day, but strangly enough, I seem to find plenty to do raising my daughter, keeping up the house, visiting family if time permits, etc. I used to volunteer at school, but after getting colds every month, I decided that that may not be best idea.


New member
Volunteer religious teacher, taking care of the house-(which I still haven't mastered! lol.), I also live on a horse farm that we share with our in laws, so taking care of the farm and horses when I can.
I love decorating, painting the house-I know I shouldn't be painting-, and keeping up with my artwork.

Just wanted to say, there's so many people here doing volunteer work-what a charitable bunch!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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I do alot of sleeping, I clean, I watch some TV, I talk to you loverly people, I run errands, and I play with my puppies (2 dogs n a cat), exercise, read

Yes Its 100% BORING however I just look at it as A time to take good care of myself and try and get well enough so I can work/or be a mom.

I mean my day is purty filled but they are all the same.


New member
Having been in management for the last 9 years, I`m finding it
harder top keep up these days. I do a minimum 45hr working week,
sometimes 50, including a few nasty 12 to 14 hour days. My job has
always been fairly physical too, as I managed wine shops, grocery
stores etc. So know I`ve just today signed a contract for an
assistant manager`s job, that pays 5000 euro less, but is only 39
hours, and will involve selling computer games to kids. Any time
I`ve been off sick, all I`ve done is sleep in Hospital, or sit at
home watching t.v., counting the minutes until the missus comes
home, so I can act all "I`m not sick, it`s just a cold".
The only good thing is that, in Ireland, we don`t pay for meds, or
Hospitalisation, as it would be well out of my means, even with a
decent salary. Insurance wouldn`t cover the cost of a fart plaster
over here.<br>
34, Cfer, living in a VERY wet Dublin tonight.


New member
I clean house, do all of my treatments, I try to find little projects to do around the house, surf the net, visit with family when I can, I go for walks. I'm starting to look into volunteer work too. I haven't quite decided yet, but I'm looking. There's a pet store down my street that's always looking for voluteers for their cat shelter. I might do that for a few hours a day.


New member
Hi Vincent,

Nice to see an Irish bloke on the site. I myself am from Kerry but live in the states now. How are you doing there? Dee


New member
Thank you all for the responses!

I am still working but each day I wake up knowing that I shouldn't be. I am going to try and finish the year but who knows how winter will be. I think most of it is the disappointment that I will be for my parents. They do not understand this at all and my father would think I am just being a baby. I know that isn't a reason to work but deep down i am sure that it has something to do with it.

Volunteer work would be nice to do. I think I would need to do something so as to get on a schedule. I am one who needs some kind of schedule<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Sue 24w/CF


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>
I think most of it is the disappointment that I will be for my parents.</end quote></div>

Bottom line is that you have to think of you. Forget about everyone else - its your health, your life - how do YOU feel about quiting and knowing that it will improve your health and stress levels?


Well, I currently work part-time in an office. I don't have kids (but I do have a husband and 7 animals if that counts - lol). I used to work full time up until 2003. As much as a I hated to, I just had to quit. I was missing more and more work and didn't want to jeapordize my health any more than it was. It was a very hard decision (mostly financially). I took several months off from working and then later that year found a part-time job working 10 hours a week (now working 15 hours a week). I'm pretty much a home-body, so when I'm not working I'm at home spending time with hubby, surfing the net, scrapbooking, cleaning, etc. I do visit with my sis and my best friend on occassion.

Are there any other jobs besides teaching that you are interested in? Maybe you could check into something that would be less demanding and fewer hours. Just a thought! Good luck!


New member
I work 15-20 hours a week sometimes a little bit more.  But at
the rate of my health decline I probably won't beable to work.<br>
But my daily schedule is getting up 2 hours before work cause my
treatment plan takes about 1 hour.  go to work for 3-5 hours.
 Get off work do another xopenex treatment.  If
room/house dirty tidy it up a bit.  Then I usually go online
and play games.  And a final 1 hour treatment before bed.<br>
It does vary from day to day.  Might go do some night fishing
to catch them 15 pound catfish out of the good old YellowStone
river.  I also might drive about 25 miles and spend some time
with a good buddy.  Their is so much to do around here.<br>


New member

Sometimes I do get sad that I don't have a real job like everyone else. But I have to remember that much more defines a person than just their job.

In my free time, I take my dog on walks, take enrichment courses at the local community college, use the computer, do my therapies, keep the house clean, read good books, exercise, shop, visit my family, call out of town family and friends, cook, and run errands. In fact, I know plenty of women who don't have jobs (and they don't even have CF!) mom is one of them! With their kids in school, they keep busy by running all kinds of mom walks laps in the mall before treating herslef to a Starbucks every morning!

I just became interested in volunteering again, and I will begin taking my dog Roxy, as a "Pet on Wheels" dog, to local nursing homes. We just finished the interview and health paperwork, and we will be scheduling visits very soon! I found out about them on <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

I hope you find the strength to decide what is best for you (leaving your job or not). But please know, you will have my support! Good Luck!


New member
Kinda in the same boat as you Sue! After this hospitalization I had to quit my job, for now I'm just still getting better, but after that I do have hobbies and interests but it will be a change since I've always worked part-time. But definately don't work just because you would disappoint your parents, your health is way more important!


New member
Hey Sue~<br>
Sorry to hear that teaching isn't working out so well for you. It's
been a rough ride so far for me too. I often wonder how long I am
going to be able to keep up with the demands of the job. What do
you plan to do for money if you don't work? Do you have
<b>I have a question for everyone that I really have been wondering
lately: What does everyone who doesn't work do to pay their
bills/rent/ and  live on? Do you all just get aid from the
government? IS that enough to live comfortably? Do you live on your
own (not with the parents)?<br>
Thanks for any answers...I just want to have a game plan incase
teaching doesn't work for me/ I can't work eventually.


New member
Well, I live with my fiance now ( the gov doesn't know that) But before/now too I get food stamps and tenncare, I am currently appying for disability and then be fore that my mom helped out b/c I had no choice but to move out or I wouldn't be able to keep my tenncare and my parents know that so they help alot. My grandmother owns a duplex and rents it our so she lets me stay in one side so basically I only have to pay bills ( well my fiance has to pay rent) But its gets hard sometimes and VERY stress full because I feel so useless