Not working


New member
Hi all again-
I was concerned about the money situation also. I know if I quit my job then I would have to move and that would be such a pain. I don't know if I could even find a cheap enough place in the city for me. I don't know, I have good days and bad, I just wonder how long I can keep up the teaching. It is tiring! But I don't know what I would do if i had no money. TOO HARD<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Sue 24w/CF


I've been out of work for nearly 5 months, and nothing had to do with health related issues. I was 'laid-off"!
I've been job hunting since then, even knocked on a few doors, so to say, and yet have not been able to even make one job interview in the five months of being unemployed.
Most of my time has been spent trying to clean up two disaster areas (the house we live in, and the house my wife owns), nurse-maid a mother-in-law, perform 'domestic duties', and job search. I also ended up finding a 'vent' for my frustrations over the basic depressions of not finding a job, dealing with the MIL, by playing video games on the PC! (Which also ended up taking quite a chunk out of my day, I got so 'into it' hehe)
But, amazingly, all of this never seems to end in a dull day, I seem to find the days, even weeks, go by too quick!! I realized after a few months went by that I should have been brushing up on my Japanese a little better!!
But, my major concern is when the unemployment is up, what'll I do for work!!
I may actually have to either find contract work, or part-time at some grocery store or something, just for pocket money!! God! this sounds like my years in college!!