O2 saturation monitor


New member
What oximeter do you use? I was having issues with tachycardia from
albuterol when they tried to switch me from nebbed to inhaler and
so I had to do a sweat test.  No bad results except they said
my sats dropped more than would be expected.  Not so low as to
be dangerous (like 95 as teh lowest), but odd, so I think it would
be interesting to play with...


New member
My son w/CF is 3. He gets O2 sat measured at every clinic. His clinic is an accredited CF clinic.

I'd second the comment that if you want it done, just tell them. You don't have to get them to believe it's important - you just have to get them to do it and if the numbers look poor compared to your childs norm, you can press them about it


Staff member
They use the little finger pulse-ox thing on DS and he usually squirms around, they try showing him how it's used on us. That's about it. Kinda doubt they get an accurate reading.