Odd bowel movements in 6 mos old w cf


New member
My daughter has that same problem and her doctor said it was from swallowing her mucus instead of spitting it out..I dont know if I agree whole heartedly or not.


New member
My daughter has that same problem and her doctor said it was from swallowing her mucus instead of spitting it out..I dont know if I agree whole heartedly or not.


New member
My daughter has that same problem and her doctor said it was from swallowing her mucus instead of spitting it out..I dont know if I agree whole heartedly or not.


New member
My daughter has that same problem and her doctor said it was from swallowing her mucus instead of spitting it out..I dont know if I agree whole heartedly or not.


New member
My daughter has that same problem and her doctor said it was from swallowing her mucus instead of spitting it out..I dont know if I agree whole heartedly or not.