Odd Food Combinations


New member
Roastbeef sandwich with butter, ketchup,salt and pepper on white bread!(lots of butter on both pieces of bread) YUMMY!


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Hehe. Odd foods.

Potato chips with peanut butter.

Grilled peanut butter and bacon sandwich. Think grilled cheese. The peanut butter gets all gooey. Yum.

Pickles (dill or sweet), cream cheese, and pepperoni. A bite-size variation of the ham-cream cheese-giant pickle roll. It sounds weird, but it's tasty (especially with the sweet pickles).



New member
1)popcorn and malteasers
2)chocolate spread, white bread and cheese and onion crisps (sometimes cheese)
3)oxo with a crunchie (to dip)

only problem is you guys probably have no idea what i'm talkin bout 'cos the foods over here are probably different to america! ah well!


french fries dipped in that cinnamon apple sauce yum

Monterrey jack cheese with a type of butter dipping sauce. [butter with marjoram, oregano, and parsley flakes] Sounds ew but I think it's good.


New member
Bully Beef + Baked Beans + Tuna mixed up and spread over toast.

Everyone looks at me like I'm a hobo when I eat it.


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I just remembered a sandwich I used to make... I would be sick to my stomach every time after I ate it, but the taste was sooooo worth it! Anyway, i'd make a BLT, except I'd save the bacon grease and mix it with barBQ sauce and then smother the sandwich with it. Ha ha, i called it "Heart-attack sandwich" 'cause of all the grease in there. You know how after you eat a bunch of grease and it actually feels like your arteries are actively clogging? =-)

Know what else I like? Brussel sprouts! =-) Seriously, I know they taste kinda bitter, but I've always been a big vegetable eater, so I don't see why people hate them so much. Really, the taste isn't all that much different from collard greens or cooked spinach.

To princess giggles, I've heard of Popcorn and malteasers (american equivalent popcorn and Whoppers {the candy, not the hamburger =-) Chocolate with cheese and onion just sounds plain nasty. =-) But what is oxo and what exactly is a crunchy? =-) I also wanna know from Cheyene what bully beef is. =-)


New member
Lol. Bully Beef is dodgey stuff.

It's proccessed canned meat which resembles mince. I always take it with me when I go fishing (and no, it's not because I don't catch...)

I think your heart attack sandwich takes the prize though.


New member
Is it like Spam (a processed ham looking meat that comes in a can that military use to use...dont know if they still do) which I personally think is gross, but my husband loves?!


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after reading your guys posts iv'e come to the realiazation that i am more normal than i had thought! lol !!! the only thing that i lile that most people probably won't is dry dog food. it is the nutro large breed formula and is quite tasty. it is a bit on the greasy side but some nonfat milk washes it down nicely!


I thought some of the Japanese dishes I've seen were bad, but YUCCKK!
Some of you guy's stuff I'd like to try, but they don't have some of the stuff (ie. american cheese or cottage cheese) here. I sometimes get cravings, but mostly for normal stuff; hot dogs, Chili, Grilled Cheese (Velveeta) sandwiches with kechup.
In Japan, just about anything can go well with Mayonaise, but the normal kind, not the "Miracle Whip"--They don't have that here.
For those who use a lot of vinegar, lemon, or the like, good for you! It's been known to be good for the liver and helps take away exhaustion!
However, last summer, my wife fed me "Snake Soup" one time, because there was level of "potency" in it!
When I am in serious need of sugar, I'd take it straight, when my hands start shaking. Other times, I'll put a slice of pasturized cheese on bread, toast it and add salt, pepper and mayonaise on it. Sometimes, I'll add tuna fish.
During my ten years of marriage, I had to make my own breakfast--ten years of eggs on toast with cheese--I had gotten so tired of it, I'd try some varieties after a while. I'd put some Japanese "Barbeque" sauce, ketchup, mustard (Chinese Mustard), and flaked bonito (a type of fish), then chow down!
I've had some unusual stuff, too. I like Octopus! Dried Squid (like beef jerky) is good, too! Anyone for raw Tuna?
(someone try eating that with Chocolate Milk!)
By the way, I used to enjoy an occasional MacShake and Fries, too!;<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">
Anybody try feeding Peanut Butter to their dog? I did, it's hillarious!<img src="i/expressions/puppy_eyes.gif" border="0">


New member
Ha ha! You fell for the puppy eyes thing too! =-) Here's a secret; Velveeta is actually nothing more than american cheese itself. I think they call processed cheese 'American' because it's so fake. =-)

I actually had a Japanese roommate in college, and when he moved away he left a whole bunch of stuff in the fridge. I forget everything that was in there, but there was some stuff that I tried and I've always wondered just exactly what it was. it was like really thick jelly except not as sweet, and it had something like whole chestnuts stuck inside it. Sound like anything familiar?


New member
oops. I take it back about the velveeta thing. I started to doubt myself so I looked it up. Turns out Velveeta is american cheese, but with stuff like milk, sugar, and nutrients added to it. =-)


So, are you suggesting there's a difference in taste between the "American Processed Cheese" in Japan (For one thing "American" is deleted!), and the taste in Velveeta (Though that's what I remember the last time I've tried it)?
If you are, then I don't have to spend the extra time and money in importing it, and just live with the "(American) Processed Cheese".

Oh, I think the stuff your Japanese Friend may have left was called "An". There's another name for the way it was served (Depending on the description) but if it's what I think it is, it's a sweet bean paste, usually in a dark brown color (was it dark brown?). If the "An" has little beans in it (Like Chunky Peanut Butter), it would be called "Okura". The chestnut was probably a Chinese Chestnut, the Japanese like to put that kind of nut in their "Okashi", or "Japanese Confectionaries".

I'm sure the military still uses SPAM (The labeling that Hormel(?) insists on using as their trademark because they dislike the other definition to be mistaken by it), but I can ask my brother-in-law. I don't think they use "M&M's" anymore, though (Another trivia about rations for Military).

By the way, The military loves acronyms! The Jeep was come to known by the acronym "G.P.-General Purpose Vehicle", so SPAM might also be an acronym for something...


New member
I will ask my nephew who is actively serving in Iraq with the Army. He likes it when his crazy Aunt sends ??? to him that if he doesnt know can ask his buddies (to show how crazy his family is I think).


New member
yumm! haha i love american cheese and chocolate milk <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
some of these i've seen already but i really like...

popcorn (extra butter and salt) with chocolate milk
chocolate milk as a drink for any meal <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> my nickname is 'the cow'
frozen french fries are awesome
i like homemade french fries with a little bowl of oil and a salt shaker to dip them in <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I love chocolate chip pancakes! i live off of theM! i have them for breakfast and dinner almost everyday! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

a good snack with a good amount of calories: as much peanut butter as you can handle on a bulkie roll <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> yumm


Yuck! Chocolate Chips and Pankakes!
My Niece eats Chocolate Chips on her Waffles! (Try that combo!)

Mockingbird, ever hear of "Anpan", or "An Doughnuts"? How about "O-hagi"? That's my favorite! Depending on the variation, the "An" is placed inside a ball of sweetened rice, and sometimes the rice is balled up, surrounded by the "An", then dipped in a light-brownish sweetened powder (made from the outer casing of rice). It's also healty, said to take away exhaustion.
Any other "unusual" foods your Japanese Roomate may have left, or mentioned? Cup Ramen? There's a larger variety here than in the U.S. (But too many preservatives are added, so Instant Ramen is not considered healthy!)

However, Roast Beef on White (or Wheat, or Rye) with Salt, Pepper, Butter (I like it just for taste), and sometimes Kechup (among various spellings), sounds great! For the price of a gallon of gas, you can get about 100g of Roast Beef here! (hardly enough to make a hearty sandwich!) Probably because they spend so much time massaging the cow and giving it a Budwiser, after!
Anyone ever have Kobe Beef? It'll set you back about $100, but it "melts" in your mouth as you chew it, and better than American Beef! I've had it twice so far since I've been here (Both on company expense!). (Obviously, not an "odd food combination", but FYI)
My wife sometimes throws some strange concoctions together for dinner! Sometimes it's great, sometimes it's not, and sometimes her mother helps and ends up burning it!
(Too many cooks spoil the dinner!)
I still get a craving for Hashed Beef (or Hashed Corn Beef) and eggs, with Coffee, or Steak and Eggs! But due to the BSE problem, American Beef Importing has been stopped (Thus, no Hashed Beef!) until the problem is solved.