Obviously I am new to this! Anyway on a recent trip to the grocery store, once I entered the frozen foods department I began having a major coughing fit. Since I planned on only picking up one or two things I left my purse at home, with my inhaler in it. So all I could do was stand there and wait for it to cough. It was one of those bronchial spasm coughing fits, where you can't move and it feels like someone is wrapping there hands around your throat and cutting off your air. Anyway I tried to take a couple of nice relaxed breaths hoping to get the fit to stop when all of a sudden I realized I was surrounded by a bunch of senior citizens. I live in FL in a city big for the retirees. Anyway I couldn't talk but I did manage to get out that I would be ok. Before I realized it I had handfuls of hard candy. Old people I have found out keep hard candy in every pocket of every outfit they own. Of course a hard candy would have only worsened my coughing fit, but it's the thought that counts. It's hard for me to tell them I have CF when I start coughing like that. I am not your typical CFer. I have 4 kids and am severely overweight, between me and the millions of people who might access this site in a day, I weigh 350. I swear I am the result of mother nature's cruel joke. She gave me this disease that causes most of the people who have it to be skinny, but I don't get to be skinny. Then as if that is not bad enough, she makes me severely overweight and forgets to give me the chest of an obese women! I can't win. You all stay healthy, and God bless you all.