
New member
I was just on myspace, my sister who also i talked to said this . she posted this to one of our friends evidently my mother called the hospital and talked to the hospital about the RGNR in my system. they never told me where i had it all they just said was it has no cure and it could hurt me and the baby but this is what i found out.
Mom called my sister bawling bc she talked to the doc. She told my sister and my brother that if this doesnt go away on its own it could kill me!!!!! i never knew about this im very upset with this right now! If this is true how could they not tell me! im requesting tomarrow to go to OSU to check on the baby. Im so confused!!!! maybe they didnt tell me to make sure i didnt get to upset about this and harm the baby or whatever. im not sure. god ihave a headache


New member
<span style=" font-size: x-small;">First off I want to say I am
sorry you got such bad news. That is a horrible way to find out. If
I was you I would be very pissed off that they gave my mom more
info about it than me!!! That is against the law first off and very
inappropriate. But all that aside I don't know  anything about
RGNR. I don't even know what it is, I am assuming that it is
another bug that we get. It easy for me to say try not to worry. I
just hope it all gets better! Please hang in there it might just be
a misunderstanding. Keep us posted!


New member
i didnt know what to say i never heard of a RGNR before and the way they explaned it seemed like a comman cold. i wasnt really worried about it. i asked to talk to my nurse about this whole thing. i want to know the whole truth. honestly im shocked if they knew this and didnt tell me. even my pulmonary doctor never said anything about it. they didnt even explain what RGNR was just my nurse did OOOO ouch my sides are hurting X_X i hope the baby is ok. thats it im going to OSU to check on the baby


New member
Okay, if I am reading this right...your nurse told your mom this? Isnt that an illegal? Like a hippa violation or something? Giving a patient's (who is over 18yrs old) information to family member? Even though that is your mom, unless you have signed something saying they can tell her you medical information, then she shouldnt be discussing it with her.

Calm down. Sometimes nurses can get information wrong. Any bacteria can be bad or have the potential to kill. I would suggest that you make a list of questions about the RGNR that you want to ask you doctor and have it close by when he comes in. That way you wont forget to ask something. Ask things like how is it treated, how do u get it, just exactly what is it, where it is located in your body, how dangerous is it...etc. Dont freak out too much until you talk to your doctor. If you feel he is giving you the run around. Tell him what you heard about it and u want to get the story straight. Sometimes nurses can be mis-informed themselves and pass that information along without checking the facts. I have had it happen to me before. Talk to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully get things straight. Hang in there. I hope you get better. Congrads on the baby again. Keep us updated.

Note: From what I read RGNR just stands for Resistant Gram Negative Rods. You need to find out what bacteria you are actually growing. there are a few that can fall under that catagory. Once you find out what bacteria it is, take a culture and get a sensitivity done, sometimes a single antibiotic wont work, but a combo (even it if is resistant to both) can work. Good luck.


New member
I think you talking to the doc and getting more info is great I agree with everyone else with what they have said for the most part.

Also wanted to add - yes if you haven't agreed to your mother getting that info it is a violation of HIPPA. I also wanted to add that when I first went to my new doc they had a spot to fill out anyone that was able to get my medical info - basically any info (medical, PFTs, bloodwork, test results, insurance info, billing info anything). I put a list of people down and a password I wanted them to say before being given the info. I will not have to sign anything from now on to make those people eligible to get info. I will have to make them (the docs office) aware if I do not want those people to get my info anymore, but they do that in case you are unable to sign papers (out of town, not capable due to health whatever).

Ask any question you can think to ask ANY QUESTION - no matter how silly it may seem if you are wondering it needs to be answered.

I hope the appointment relieves some of your fears.



New member
Any updates today, Vampy?
We're all hoping that this has been a huge mis-communication and that it's not as serious as your mom thought it was.
Please let us know.