Hi Evy,
My situation is different because I'm the one w/ CF. But I can absolutely relate with your feelings.
Our daughter is 21 months old and the questions about #2 have already started rolling in. Ugh. Every time it is asked it is like a dagger to my heart. Of course in a PERFECT world, we would give our daughter a sibling. I have one brother and one sister and cannot imagine life without them. I feel tremendous guilt over the fact that my daughter will be an only child. When I see her play with her cousins I feel guilty and wish she had what they have (there are 3 of them). Then they go home and it's just us and she doesn't know what to do with herself for a while. When we go to the zoo with them she has an absolute blast, when we take her by herself, she she's not impressed. Ugh. It's those times when I really wish I could give her a brother or sister.
Like Liza, I always thought I'd have 2. But fertility issues held us up with number 1 for over 7 years. And to be boldly honest, having a baby has been harder than I ever imagined. Combine that with my health being not quite what it was, and number 2 is off the table. Also, now I feel that I need to focus all my energy into keeping myself healthy and make sure I live a long life for her. Another baby would once again take time away from my treatments, sleep, rest etc. Things that I'm already lacking with just one!
Also, as Liza said we are focusing on the benefits of having just one. We can focus all of our time, energy, money etc., on her. We don't give a darn if she is spoiled rotten! lol.
In my OPINION you are making the right decision for your family. We had my husband tested for mutations before we tried to have children. Had he been a carrier we would have chosen not to pursue biological children, or tried IVF w/PGD. I am unwilling to bring a child into the world that has a good chance at having CF. That being said, I want to emphasize that I do not judge other parents for the decisions they make regarding growing their own families. It's a super tough decision that each family has to make for themselves.
I'm so sorry you are struggling with this. Just know that there are those of us having the same issues that you can commiserate with whenever you need.

I'm hoping the desire (and pressure from others) to have another will ease over time. You are making a very hard, very selfless decision. You are a great mother and your little one is lucky to have you!
Take Care!!
Autumn 32 w/CF