New member
Oh I love ghost stories!!!!!!!!! I have a bunch!!!
The day of my mom-mom's funeral I came home and took a nap. At that time I had moved in with my grandparents so I was in the same house she lived in for 54 years. In my dream she was walking towards me from the other room into my bedroom. I got up out of bed and met her in the other room and we sat down and talked. She had her legs (she had had both amputated) and was dressed in all white. She told me she knew about the baby and that we should wait to tell my pop-pop (my now SIL was preggo but they hadn't told anyone besides me - she was 5 months at that time). After a few minutes a bell chimed and she said she had to go. She gave me a huge hug and said she loved me. I cried and when I woke up immediately after I had been crying. I know she visited me in my sleep.
After my pop-pop died (hubby of mom-mom in other story) my brother and I decided to move into their house. So one weekend Tracy (now SIL) and I were going to start painting the house. I was staying there by myself. I wanted to get up at 7am to start but never set my alarm. Well at 7am I heard an alarm going off. I woke up and wandered around the house until I found the noise. Buried in the back of the closet in the room where my pop-pop had died was his alarm clock that was going off. It was in a box in the back. It was the same clock he had used up until his death. I took it out and put it in my nightstand after that.
My brother and SIL and nephew bought my grandparents old house. My SIL's dad was watching James one one night, well James was walking back to his room when he stopped and said hi pop-pop (he had met my pop-pop plenty of times so knew who he was). So Tracy's dad said Hi James. James said not you my other pop-pop, he is right here watching us.
I have a ton more but I'll save em for later haha!!!!
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The day of my mom-mom's funeral I came home and took a nap. At that time I had moved in with my grandparents so I was in the same house she lived in for 54 years. In my dream she was walking towards me from the other room into my bedroom. I got up out of bed and met her in the other room and we sat down and talked. She had her legs (she had had both amputated) and was dressed in all white. She told me she knew about the baby and that we should wait to tell my pop-pop (my now SIL was preggo but they hadn't told anyone besides me - she was 5 months at that time). After a few minutes a bell chimed and she said she had to go. She gave me a huge hug and said she loved me. I cried and when I woke up immediately after I had been crying. I know she visited me in my sleep.
After my pop-pop died (hubby of mom-mom in other story) my brother and I decided to move into their house. So one weekend Tracy (now SIL) and I were going to start painting the house. I was staying there by myself. I wanted to get up at 7am to start but never set my alarm. Well at 7am I heard an alarm going off. I woke up and wandered around the house until I found the noise. Buried in the back of the closet in the room where my pop-pop had died was his alarm clock that was going off. It was in a box in the back. It was the same clock he had used up until his death. I took it out and put it in my nightstand after that.
My brother and SIL and nephew bought my grandparents old house. My SIL's dad was watching James one one night, well James was walking back to his room when he stopped and said hi pop-pop (he had met my pop-pop plenty of times so knew who he was). So Tracy's dad said Hi James. James said not you my other pop-pop, he is right here watching us.
I have a ton more but I'll save em for later haha!!!!
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