A couple of weeks ago my one year old son had a sweat test that was positive. The number was 70. Then he just had another on Monday and it was negative. It was 17.
Anyone ever heard of this happening? We still have to see the pulmonologist not sure what is going to happen. I am just worried.
He does not have many symptoms, but the biggest is weight loss. He has always struggled with gaining weight, but he is now losing it. He is almost 15 months and oly 14lbs. He does not have oily poop, but he seams to have mucus in it, some times more than others. He has only had phenomena once at 6weeks old. Then back in February for six weeks he was on three different antibiotics of ear and sinuous infections with a cough the whole time. But other then that has been really healthy.
I would also like some info on what questions I should be asking the pulmonologist when we go.
Thanks in advance
Anyone ever heard of this happening? We still have to see the pulmonologist not sure what is going to happen. I am just worried.
He does not have many symptoms, but the biggest is weight loss. He has always struggled with gaining weight, but he is now losing it. He is almost 15 months and oly 14lbs. He does not have oily poop, but he seams to have mucus in it, some times more than others. He has only had phenomena once at 6weeks old. Then back in February for six weeks he was on three different antibiotics of ear and sinuous infections with a cough the whole time. But other then that has been really healthy.
I would also like some info on what questions I should be asking the pulmonologist when we go.
Thanks in advance