If you GOOGLE cysticfibrosishealth.com you will fimd an area called A HISTORY OF CYSTIC FIBROSIS. In the 1930's it was described as "the condition that is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin A.
In the 1940's the abnormal secretion of mucus was connected to CF.
The 1950's saw the beginnings of the sweat test.
"THE GENE" was discovered in 1989.
I was born in 1940, more than 10 years prior to the introduction of a sweat test. Do you have any clue as to how different my world was compaired to the world that your children were dx in. You had to be on deaths door to be dx with CF in the 40s and 50s.
Do you know what it is like to be hospitalized over 56 times in seven years for pancreatitis only to be acused of being an alcholic (even tho I didn't drink). Or to be acused of faking the pain because I was a drug adict.
I was always the smallest (weight and height) throughout school. There was no such thing as failure to thrive, just small skinny sickly kids. It was during and post World War II, neither food, medicine or doctors were plentyful.
Be thankful that you live in a world where infants are tested within hours of birth and there is early treatment. Also be thankful that some interested people raised the money and funded the research that you benefit from now.
We don't need two lists for those over 40.