My daughter is almost 14 and last year we got a diagnosis of cf after a long 7 year search for an answer to her health issues, mostly weight and malabsorption issues. She had two positive sweat tests, 87 and 89, but the Ambry full panel only revealed one mutation. Curious. After a year of treatment at a CF center, they are now telling us that she may not have cf and she is being sent to a children's hospital in Cincinnati, OH for evaluation by their GI and nutrition department. She doesn't have any lung issues, doesn't even do breathing treatments and they took her off of the enzymes since she tested pancreatic sufficient and even trying them anyway yielded no help. She contiues to drop weight due to malabsorption, has large BMs with clearly undigested food in them, we have seen a GI who actually found the elevated sweat chloride and ruled out celiac, chron's. She is on a growth hormone because she does not produce enough on her own, but has barley grown. She is 50 inches tall and weighs 61 lbs. and will be 14 next month. I am so confused and I don't even know what kind of specialists to turn to. What do you do when nobody is able to tell you what is wrong with your child? Where do you go for answers when you feel like you have been everywhere? Is it possible that I may never know what is wrong with my daughter? Sorry to rattle on I am just feeling frustrated and defeated in my search for answers. After so many years we thought we had it figured out with the CF and to be told once againg that we don't know is hard to swallow. What would you do now?