New member
Since October 16th of this year, I've been on two week courses of Levaquinn <b>THREE</b> times. I just got off of Levaquinn for the third time the beginning of last week and I'm sick again. I'm up all night coughing and my throat has also been sore. I think I may have run a fever a couple of times. I go back to the doc next Friday and I'm not sure what I should do. I'm 20 years old and have NEVER been in the hospital or on IV's. My FEV1 two years ago was in the 90s and now I can't get it above 70%. I don't want to be in the hospital and my doctor doesn't seem to want to put me in. She said something about doing the oral abx for longer than two weeks. I guess I'm just wondering if I should try that or go ahead and try to do IVs. Levaquinn always makes me feel better, but it doesn't last long.