I have a question for all of the A students on this board. I just recieved a call from clinic with Andrew's culture results. He has grown staph for awhile now, and was on a three week coarse of bactrim a month ago. With the HTS we just started he is coughing up a bunch of gobby yellow, and sometimes green stuff. Although not at every treatment time and it's more yellow now that it is green. When clinic called last week they asked how he was doing on the HTS and I told them it was great because he was getting this colored stuff up. They wanted to see him so we went in Tues. for PFTs and a culture. His lung function is still awesome. He is coughing much more, especially at night and for a couple of hours after exercise, but the doc says it sounds more croupy to her so she put him on prednisone. His culture came back showing staph again, at a 2+ rather than a 2 from last time, so they are starting him on clindamycin? sp? I asked the nurse why the bactrim didn't work and she said that his last culture was resistant to oxytocin?sp and this one was resistant to penicillin. This was not our regular nurse and she tried to answer my questions but I'm still confused. Can anyone give me a little Antibiotics 101 crash course? What drug family would clindamycin fall under? Are there any questions I should be asking? Also, I have not mentioned to them that Andrew's appetitie has plummeted in the last week and he is having some major night sweats. I need to do that. Sorry this is jumbled. I'm super confused about resistance right now.
Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the help!