orthnognathic surgery


New member
Has anyone had, or considered having, orthognathic surgery? (e.g. to correct an underbite, overbite, etc...) Everytime I see the dentist I revisit this possibility. I wouldn't consider my situation painful, but would say it's uncomfortable on a routine basis. I'm wondering if any CFer's (or anyone else for that matter) have done it and lived to blog about it. I'm having a hard to gauging if it's worth the risks. If all goes well it would create a comfortable bite with a subtle improvement in appearance. If it went badly, my standard of living could drop like the DOW jones. Any thoughts? Thanks.


New member
Has anyone had, or considered having, orthognathic surgery? (e.g. to correct an underbite, overbite, etc...) Everytime I see the dentist I revisit this possibility. I wouldn't consider my situation painful, but would say it's uncomfortable on a routine basis. I'm wondering if any CFer's (or anyone else for that matter) have done it and lived to blog about it. I'm having a hard to gauging if it's worth the risks. If all goes well it would create a comfortable bite with a subtle improvement in appearance. If it went badly, my standard of living could drop like the DOW jones. Any thoughts? Thanks.


New member
Has anyone had, or considered having, orthognathic surgery? (e.g. to correct an underbite, overbite, etc...) Everytime I see the dentist I revisit this possibility. I wouldn't consider my situation painful, but would say it's uncomfortable on a routine basis. I'm wondering if any CFer's (or anyone else for that matter) have done it and lived to blog about it. I'm having a hard to gauging if it's worth the risks. If all goes well it would create a comfortable bite with a subtle improvement in appearance. If it went badly, my standard of living could drop like the DOW jones. Any thoughts? Thanks.


New member
Has anyone had, or considered having, orthognathic surgery? (e.g. to correct an underbite, overbite, etc...) Everytime I see the dentist I revisit this possibility. I wouldn't consider my situation painful, but would say it's uncomfortable on a routine basis. I'm wondering if any CFer's (or anyone else for that matter) have done it and lived to blog about it. I'm having a hard to gauging if it's worth the risks. If all goes well it would create a comfortable bite with a subtle improvement in appearance. If it went badly, my standard of living could drop like the DOW jones. Any thoughts? Thanks.


New member
Has anyone had, or considered having, orthognathic surgery? (e.g. to correct an underbite, overbite, etc...) Everytime I see the dentist I revisit this possibility. I wouldn't consider my situation painful, but would say it's uncomfortable on a routine basis. I'm wondering if any CFer's (or anyone else for that matter) have done it and lived to blog about it. I'm having a hard to gauging if it's worth the risks. If all goes well it would create a comfortable bite with a subtle improvement in appearance. If it went badly, my standard of living could drop like the DOW jones. Any thoughts? Thanks.