OT: Is anyone else creeped out by......


New member
that King guy on the Burger King commercials? That thing just weirds me out each time I see it. I would crap my pants if that guy showed up at my house with that scary smile and a sandwich.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">


New member
I've heard that a radio station ran a promotion where they would dress one of their own up as the King and sneak him into your house to scare the crap out of whoever you wanted to pull the prank on. Dunno if it was real or a rumor, I haven't been able to find it on the net lately... Jessica threatened me with it a while ago, though. And yes, that King is perhaps scarier than Ronald McDonald.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>WinAce</b></i><br> Jessica threatened me with it a while ago, though. And yes, that King is perhaps scarier than Ronald McDonald.<hr></blockquote>

Just because I don't work for the Burger King anymore doesn't mean you're safe. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
I agree... Everytime I see a Burger King commercial starting I flip the channel. For some reason, those little monkey-things that they used to have on the Quizno's commericals didn't freak me out as much as this guy...


New member
OMG, I HATE those commercials!! That thing is very creepy...I think I would freak if something like that creeped up on me, even if he was handing out food!!!LOL!! Hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Does anybody LIKE the king? I like the king. For the first month when those commercials came out I'd laugh my butt off each time. It's gotten old by now, of course, but every time I see the commercial, i still stick around simply to look at the king. It's like oompa-loompas (spelling) (The workers in Willy Wonka's factory... Well, in the original movie, anyway. i never saw the new one) Anyway, i still think the king looks freaky, but it's an addictive kind of freaky


New member
I can never tell if his eyes are painted on or if they blink. That bothers me. Plus, who eats food a total stranger dressed like that hands you? Not me.


New member
ya id have to say he is creepy.. he rates right up there with the quaker guy who stands on the side of the road with granola bars...



New member
Mockingbird - the new oompah loompahs are even worse than the originals. Of course, Johnny Depp as Willy is even scarier. You should see it at the cheap theater. It's a good movie but definitely freaky looking...


New member
We should be disgusted by the amount of royal burger propaganda on TV (protected by the so-called "democratic" burger government and paid for by the exploited burger consumer). The burger king is an illegal and unjust head of the burger-state. Despite what royalists claim, the king's family wields an enormous amount of political power. In ever more desperate attempts to hold on to its privileges, it abuses the burger court system to silence dissent and issue injunctions against those who would seek to broadcast its embarrassing secrets. In recent years, we have seen alternative burger broadcasts gagged or forced to use vague, coded speech ("I'm lovin' 'it'") and opposition burger leaders humiliated (called "hamburglers" or even "clowns") or relegated to insignificant local burger offices (Mayor McCheese). The royal family and the burger establishment that maintains it are even adopting phychological scare tactics, using the threatening images of chainsaw-weilding loggers and steroid-enraged football players to ensure the burger-eating public that bankrolls the royals' debauched lifestyles never calls attention to the truth. But we must strive to ensure the burger public is kept informed. We must urge all our fellow burger "subjects" to hold not only the pickles and the lettuce but the entire burger. We hope we are witnessing the last few years of the burger monarchy and that one day soon, we may become a free and democratic burger society like that of our closest European friends, the British.

John McRotten


New member
I think its something about the voice too, especially the one where they say "egg and meat and cheese, and meat and cheese.."

its like he is talking but...not really


New member
Hello everyone, This is about the funniest thing I've read in a while...so I just had to respond with some thoughts of my own! I'm in agreement with most of you! I find the "King"...veeeeerrrrryyyy creepy!! When I saw the commercial where he was pushing the girl on the swing...well...let's just say I got a very uncomfortable feeling!! Kind of like a "B" movie!! Ha! Now, everytime I see him, I run!! Sometimes for the phone...sometimes for the refrigerator...sometimes to my computor, to check and see if anyone has answered my posts!! Ha! Well...thanks for the good laugh...and I hope everyone is doing well! Hugs! Chloe