OT -- Moving Question


New member
Ok, here is my very STUPID and very Off Topic question...

If you have moved recently or ever...does it seem that no matter how much you box up, you don't make ANY headway? I'm drowning in junk and we've already had a moving sale and taken three minivan loads to Goodwill! I don't know what to do...I'm at my wit's end. My dining room is packed box central and it is full. Maybe I'm just overtired. I keep thinking if I close my eyes and wish really hard, the little moving faries will come and take care of it for me!

Suggestions to help us during our last three days of packing?



New member
Em my dear,

I don't have any advice because I always end up feeling the same way that you do, every freaking time we move....

Is there anyone, relative, mom, friend.... who can come and help you out, give you some company? I know that was helpful to me.

Hugs, prayers and thoughts coming your way!!!


New member
NOOOOOO! Don't tell me that!

Lucy's not much help. She unpacks as fast as I get a box packed, hollering NOOOOOOOOO! MINE!!!! even if it is a box of mixing bowls from the kitchen!!!

:) At least it keeps me honest. OK WHATEVER.

I'll have to call on some friends or something. Mom's working and so is my sister.