OTC Cold meds


New member
Hi All!

Porter finished a round of Bactrum, was fine for a little over a week, then his nose turned back into a faucet! His Pulm. said to call her if it was still bad after a week. A week went by and it was not getting better, it was getting a little worse. She prescribed another round of Bactrum. I am fine with this , but am just curious to know why she doesn't have me give him Triaminic at the start of the runny nose to dry it up. She has never suggested an over the counter medicine for any of his "colds" at any point. Is this because he is too young? I have to admit, I have given my girls (both no CF) 1/2 teaspoons of Triaminic at times during their toddlerhood. Why wouldn't we try something like that right away to dry up a nose before it turns into an ear infection or something? I understand giving an antibiotic after a certain point, but wondering if any other's dr. have recommended OTC cold remedies.

Fairly new to all of this so any explanations would be appreciated! Thanks!


New member
Hi All!

Porter finished a round of Bactrum, was fine for a little over a week, then his nose turned back into a faucet! His Pulm. said to call her if it was still bad after a week. A week went by and it was not getting better, it was getting a little worse. She prescribed another round of Bactrum. I am fine with this , but am just curious to know why she doesn't have me give him Triaminic at the start of the runny nose to dry it up. She has never suggested an over the counter medicine for any of his "colds" at any point. Is this because he is too young? I have to admit, I have given my girls (both no CF) 1/2 teaspoons of Triaminic at times during their toddlerhood. Why wouldn't we try something like that right away to dry up a nose before it turns into an ear infection or something? I understand giving an antibiotic after a certain point, but wondering if any other's dr. have recommended OTC cold remedies.

Fairly new to all of this so any explanations would be appreciated! Thanks!


New member
Hi All!

Porter finished a round of Bactrum, was fine for a little over a week, then his nose turned back into a faucet! His Pulm. said to call her if it was still bad after a week. A week went by and it was not getting better, it was getting a little worse. She prescribed another round of Bactrum. I am fine with this , but am just curious to know why she doesn't have me give him Triaminic at the start of the runny nose to dry it up. She has never suggested an over the counter medicine for any of his "colds" at any point. Is this because he is too young? I have to admit, I have given my girls (both no CF) 1/2 teaspoons of Triaminic at times during their toddlerhood. Why wouldn't we try something like that right away to dry up a nose before it turns into an ear infection or something? I understand giving an antibiotic after a certain point, but wondering if any other's dr. have recommended OTC cold remedies.

Fairly new to all of this so any explanations would be appreciated! Thanks!


New member
Hi All!

Porter finished a round of Bactrum, was fine for a little over a week, then his nose turned back into a faucet! His Pulm. said to call her if it was still bad after a week. A week went by and it was not getting better, it was getting a little worse. She prescribed another round of Bactrum. I am fine with this , but am just curious to know why she doesn't have me give him Triaminic at the start of the runny nose to dry it up. She has never suggested an over the counter medicine for any of his "colds" at any point. Is this because he is too young? I have to admit, I have given my girls (both no CF) 1/2 teaspoons of Triaminic at times during their toddlerhood. Why wouldn't we try something like that right away to dry up a nose before it turns into an ear infection or something? I understand giving an antibiotic after a certain point, but wondering if any other's dr. have recommended OTC cold remedies.

Fairly new to all of this so any explanations would be appreciated! Thanks!


New member
Hi All!

Porter finished a round of Bactrum, was fine for a little over a week, then his nose turned back into a faucet! His Pulm. said to call her if it was still bad after a week. A week went by and it was not getting better, it was getting a little worse. She prescribed another round of Bactrum. I am fine with this , but am just curious to know why she doesn't have me give him Triaminic at the start of the runny nose to dry it up. She has never suggested an over the counter medicine for any of his "colds" at any point. Is this because he is too young? I have to admit, I have given my girls (both no CF) 1/2 teaspoons of Triaminic at times during their toddlerhood. Why wouldn't we try something like that right away to dry up a nose before it turns into an ear infection or something? I understand giving an antibiotic after a certain point, but wondering if any other's dr. have recommended OTC cold remedies.

Fairly new to all of this so any explanations would be appreciated! Thanks!


New member
Hi Melissa

My understanding is that CFers need the stuff to move. Taking anything that dries it up or stops it is worse for them, because it gives the bacteria a place to hide and grow. I've even had them give my son and expectorant to move MORE stuff. If you are worried about ear infections, maybe you could elevate his head at night.



New member
Hi Melissa

My understanding is that CFers need the stuff to move. Taking anything that dries it up or stops it is worse for them, because it gives the bacteria a place to hide and grow. I've even had them give my son and expectorant to move MORE stuff. If you are worried about ear infections, maybe you could elevate his head at night.



New member
Hi Melissa

My understanding is that CFers need the stuff to move. Taking anything that dries it up or stops it is worse for them, because it gives the bacteria a place to hide and grow. I've even had them give my son and expectorant to move MORE stuff. If you are worried about ear infections, maybe you could elevate his head at night.



New member
Hi Melissa

My understanding is that CFers need the stuff to move. Taking anything that dries it up or stops it is worse for them, because it gives the bacteria a place to hide and grow. I've even had them give my son and expectorant to move MORE stuff. If you are worried about ear infections, maybe you could elevate his head at night.



New member
Hi Melissa

My understanding is that CFers need the stuff to move. Taking anything that dries it up or stops it is worse for them, because it gives the bacteria a place to hide and grow. I've even had them give my son and expectorant to move MORE stuff. If you are worried about ear infections, maybe you could elevate his head at night.



New member
If you dry up the stuff in his nose, you also dry up the stuff in his lungs and then it is like cement in there. Its extremely difficult to cough it up. I would talk to the doc before giving him anything.


New member
If you dry up the stuff in his nose, you also dry up the stuff in his lungs and then it is like cement in there. Its extremely difficult to cough it up. I would talk to the doc before giving him anything.


New member
If you dry up the stuff in his nose, you also dry up the stuff in his lungs and then it is like cement in there. Its extremely difficult to cough it up. I would talk to the doc before giving him anything.


New member
If you dry up the stuff in his nose, you also dry up the stuff in his lungs and then it is like cement in there. Its extremely difficult to cough it up. I would talk to the doc before giving him anything.


New member
If you dry up the stuff in his nose, you also dry up the stuff in his lungs and then it is like cement in there. Its extremely difficult to cough it up. I would talk to the doc before giving him anything.


New member
OTC meds that dry you out are not good for cfers. However, I've found that Tussin CF is formulated to not cause drying. It contains guafenesein (which is an expectorant) that will keep the bad stuff coming out, but it has other ingredients to sooth the throat from post-nasal drip, and to help with the runny nose w/o causing CF problems. I used it last weekend and was SO pleased with how well it took care of my cough and cold without lingering problems. It didn't knock me out, but it helped tremendously.

Good luck!

p.s. if the oral antibiotics aren't working, you may need to go the IV route. I've never been able to absorb, let alone tolerate, oral abx


New member
OTC meds that dry you out are not good for cfers. However, I've found that Tussin CF is formulated to not cause drying. It contains guafenesein (which is an expectorant) that will keep the bad stuff coming out, but it has other ingredients to sooth the throat from post-nasal drip, and to help with the runny nose w/o causing CF problems. I used it last weekend and was SO pleased with how well it took care of my cough and cold without lingering problems. It didn't knock me out, but it helped tremendously.

Good luck!

p.s. if the oral antibiotics aren't working, you may need to go the IV route. I've never been able to absorb, let alone tolerate, oral abx


New member
OTC meds that dry you out are not good for cfers. However, I've found that Tussin CF is formulated to not cause drying. It contains guafenesein (which is an expectorant) that will keep the bad stuff coming out, but it has other ingredients to sooth the throat from post-nasal drip, and to help with the runny nose w/o causing CF problems. I used it last weekend and was SO pleased with how well it took care of my cough and cold without lingering problems. It didn't knock me out, but it helped tremendously.

Good luck!

p.s. if the oral antibiotics aren't working, you may need to go the IV route. I've never been able to absorb, let alone tolerate, oral abx


New member
OTC meds that dry you out are not good for cfers. However, I've found that Tussin CF is formulated to not cause drying. It contains guafenesein (which is an expectorant) that will keep the bad stuff coming out, but it has other ingredients to sooth the throat from post-nasal drip, and to help with the runny nose w/o causing CF problems. I used it last weekend and was SO pleased with how well it took care of my cough and cold without lingering problems. It didn't knock me out, but it helped tremendously.

Good luck!

p.s. if the oral antibiotics aren't working, you may need to go the IV route. I've never been able to absorb, let alone tolerate, oral abx


New member
OTC meds that dry you out are not good for cfers. However, I've found that Tussin CF is formulated to not cause drying. It contains guafenesein (which is an expectorant) that will keep the bad stuff coming out, but it has other ingredients to sooth the throat from post-nasal drip, and to help with the runny nose w/o causing CF problems. I used it last weekend and was SO pleased with how well it took care of my cough and cold without lingering problems. It didn't knock me out, but it helped tremendously.

Good luck!

p.s. if the oral antibiotics aren't working, you may need to go the IV route. I've never been able to absorb, let alone tolerate, oral abx