Other Genetic Diseases


New member

In chat we were talking the other night and I realized that other ppl have in addition to CF, gentic disease.. It has me curious......

What other gentic diseases do you or your immediate family have...


Cystic Fibrosis,
Adrenal Insufficency
Bickerstaff Syndrome

Parents are healthy besides for non genetic stuff,



Aunt ( my dads sister

Cystic Fibrosis--- Suspected she died at 2 years old
Bi-Polar----both sides of family


New member

In chat we were talking the other night and I realized that other ppl have in addition to CF, gentic disease.. It has me curious......

What other gentic diseases do you or your immediate family have...


Cystic Fibrosis,
Adrenal Insufficency
Bickerstaff Syndrome

Parents are healthy besides for non genetic stuff,



Aunt ( my dads sister

Cystic Fibrosis--- Suspected she died at 2 years old
Bi-Polar----both sides of family


New member

In chat we were talking the other night and I realized that other ppl have in addition to CF, gentic disease.. It has me curious......

What other gentic diseases do you or your immediate family have...


Cystic Fibrosis,
Adrenal Insufficency
Bickerstaff Syndrome

Parents are healthy besides for non genetic stuff,



Aunt ( my dads sister

Cystic Fibrosis--- Suspected she died at 2 years old
Bi-Polar----both sides of family


New member
Well not everything is 100% genetic... but:

My dad has Parkinson's (and related dementia)
My grandfather had Alzheimer's
My sister has a genetic clotting disorder called Von Willebrand's (it's kind of an offshoot of hemophilia)

We've had several cancers in the family (uterus in my grandmother, prostate in my grandfather, brain in my uncle, I think breast in my grandma) I may be forgetting some cancers, I'm not sure.

I think that's all. I have a pretty big family and our genes suck so I may be forgetting someone, but that's all I can get for now.

Oh!! And I'm the only one with CF, in the whole family. My sister doesn't even carry it.


New member
Well not everything is 100% genetic... but:

My dad has Parkinson's (and related dementia)
My grandfather had Alzheimer's
My sister has a genetic clotting disorder called Von Willebrand's (it's kind of an offshoot of hemophilia)

We've had several cancers in the family (uterus in my grandmother, prostate in my grandfather, brain in my uncle, I think breast in my grandma) I may be forgetting some cancers, I'm not sure.

I think that's all. I have a pretty big family and our genes suck so I may be forgetting someone, but that's all I can get for now.

Oh!! And I'm the only one with CF, in the whole family. My sister doesn't even carry it.


New member
Well not everything is 100% genetic... but:

My dad has Parkinson's (and related dementia)
My grandfather had Alzheimer's
My sister has a genetic clotting disorder called Von Willebrand's (it's kind of an offshoot of hemophilia)

We've had several cancers in the family (uterus in my grandmother, prostate in my grandfather, brain in my uncle, I think breast in my grandma) I may be forgetting some cancers, I'm not sure.

I think that's all. I have a pretty big family and our genes suck so I may be forgetting someone, but that's all I can get for now.

Oh!! And I'm the only one with CF, in the whole family. My sister doesn't even carry it.


New member
I have mild scoliosis, and heart disease runs in my family. Other than that, nothing I know of.


New member
I have mild scoliosis, and heart disease runs in my family. Other than that, nothing I know of.


New member
I have mild scoliosis, and heart disease runs in my family. Other than that, nothing I know of.


New member
alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
Marfan syndrome <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.marfan.org/nmf/GetContentRequestHandler.do?menu_item_id=4">http://www.marfan.org/nmf/GetC...dler.do?menu_item_id=4</a>


New member
alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
Marfan syndrome <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.marfan.org/nmf/GetContentRequestHandler.do?menu_item_id=4">http://www.marfan.org/nmf/GetC...dler.do?menu_item_id=4</a>


New member
alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
Marfan syndrome <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.marfan.org/nmf/GetContentRequestHandler.do?menu_item_id=4">http://www.marfan.org/nmf/GetC...dler.do?menu_item_id=4</a>


New member
Wow! I am a CF and a genetic counselor, and I must say you would make an interesting patient. CF is all that is known to be in my family, and out of about 45 second degrees relatives, I am the only one who has CF. Un"luck" of the draw!


New member
Wow! I am a CF and a genetic counselor, and I must say you would make an interesting patient. CF is all that is known to be in my family, and out of about 45 second degrees relatives, I am the only one who has CF. Un"luck" of the draw!


New member
Wow! I am a CF and a genetic counselor, and I must say you would make an interesting patient. CF is all that is known to be in my family, and out of about 45 second degrees relatives, I am the only one who has CF. Un"luck" of the draw!


New member
Diabetes on both sides of the family, heart disease, arthritis, depression, bipolar (suspected), ALS (but not in a blood relative), several different cancers.


New member
Diabetes on both sides of the family, heart disease, arthritis, depression, bipolar (suspected), ALS (but not in a blood relative), several different cancers.


New member
Diabetes on both sides of the family, heart disease, arthritis, depression, bipolar (suspected), ALS (but not in a blood relative), several different cancers.