our puppy needs a name......


New member
Our dog had four puppies on my husbands birthday in April. We are gonna keep one BUT we havent figured out which one. One of them is all black and very playful already ( hes the boy) go figure...lol... The girl is kinda laid back & she is also black w/ brown markings like a rotweiler.......she is the runt also...the momma is lab/chow mix...cant tell ya what the dad looks like....lol...the mommas name is Gracie...but I guess that doesnt matter...lol....thanks.


New member
Someone I know recently named their pup "Dyson" (like the vaccum cleaner) cause it ate everything in site! So, that's an idea if your pup is a doggie-vaccuum! I thought that was waaaaay cute!


Ever think of naming the black dog "Silver"? And give the "laid back one" the name "couch potato"? (I thought naming the dog "God" might be blasphamous, but funny if you would say "God, Sit!", or "God, Come!")
Anyway, to tell the truth, making original names to fit a dog's personality takes a little time, but seems fitting to me.
Or, how about giving the black dog your husband's middle name, since the dogs were born on the same day?
Just a brain-storm idea.


New member
I had a friend who kids named their dog D-O-G (you say it fast). I had a dog (girl) named Joyebell (pronounced Joy-e-bell).

I've known some dogs named Applejack, Popcorn, Thumper, Thunder, Lightning, Brewjo, Dominique, Dakota (actually a cat named that), Roxy, Chance, Shadow, or you could always watch 101 Dalmations and pick out some names. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Ha Ha! Is anyone familiar with Red Stangland?

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>A Dog Named Sex
(Wirtten by a Norwegian)

For protection, my grandfather got me a German Shepard dog. Ven he found out I vas Norvegian, da dog bit me. He vas a vonderful vatch dog. Vun night vhile I vas being held up by a robber, da dog vatched.

Most people who have dogs call den "Rover" or "Spot." I called my dog "Sex." As I later found out, Sex is an embarrassing name. Last veek I took Sex out for a valk and he ran away from me. I spent hours looking for da dog. A cop came over and asked me, "What are you doing in the alley at 4 in the morning?" I replied, "Looking for Sex." My case comes up Thrusday.</end quote></div>


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We LOVE to have very unusual names for our animals.

We have........

cat named MUDFLAP

cat named CLARATIN D

and just named our new addition....dog named SCOTCH



New member
I got one.....LIcorice (sp? like the candy). When we got our one cat who was yellow/orange, we named her Butterscotch & we were going to take her brother also who was black & name him Licorice, but decided 2 cats was to much. Anyway the names would have been Butterscotch & Licorice so Licorice I vote for!


Digital opinion leader
Our cats are Cosmo and Cooper. Our fish is Fluffy. My brother's dog is Banjo.

We saw a cat at the pet store today with the name EGG!


New member
Our rottie's name is Krieger (cry-gurr). It's german for Warrior.
Our other dog is Bodhi (bo-de). It's buddhist, means someting like giving up enlightenment to help others reach it.

Our cat is Missy and our other deaf cat is zain (zainey brainey).

I also like the name Appolo, Auzlon, Zander, Oreo, Torrence... that's about all for now <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Thanks...I like the name oreo....We also have thought of Chase for the boy cuz he is the most playful and always chasing things...sadie we like too for the girl....


New member
There are some really cute names listed already. I figured I would throw some of the many pet names we have had over the years. Many of them are for cats but a handful are for dogs.

Currently we have 4 cats - Riley, Kirby (though I wanted to name him Biggles), Kita (we call her skeeta) and Tasha (we call her prissy)-- Tasha and Kita were already named when we got them but we call them their adoptive names because Tasha likes to look at herself in any reflective surface and Kita makes this funny noise when you pet her.
1 Dog named Sula (sue - la), 1 fish named Indy, 2 ducks Donald and Daisy and some stray cats we have given names too - Ming and Ling 9they look like twins - and Harvey.

Past animals we have had include Sophie, Slinky, Cracker, Smokey, Shula, Molly, Slim, Stormy, Sassy, Penny, Zoe, Chleo

I always liked the name Zuma and Remmy too but never had a pet named those.

For those that read our list of pets ... many of these were stray animals that would hang around and we would feed them. That and we have always had multiple pets.

Kurt - my fiance - has been wanting to get a brother sister pair of dogs and name them Socks and Shoes.



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I wish I had known about this site when I was getting my current dog, Maya. I had such a difficult time deciding on a name that she went nameless for a good 2 weeks after we brought her home. Here puppy puppy...got old really quick and finally I decided on Maya.

For a while I was set on Brie, but my brother-in-law said it reminded him of stinky cheese! So I could use that name anymore. I also was set on some other name that was so pretty (can't remember right now), but my husband did a google on it and it was some famous porn star.....couldn't use that one! It was quite the process.

Now I know where to come for future names.


New member
Have you seen Mulan? Her dog's name is 'little brother' I like that or 'Monkey' it would fool some people if you called for your 'monkey'<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


I refer to my Mother-in-Law as "Terror-Bear", could that be useful for a pet?
We mostly had dogs, (Thank God, I'm allergic to cats, anyway!) and they had some interesting names:
Camou, (from some famous french dude), Sapa (I heard it was a Native American name, perhaps Siox), Smokey, Bubbles (white miniature poodle-hated it!), Yoko (after Yoko Ono-my sister liked the name),and Christy (cause we got it for Christmas).
Most definitely if I got a German Shepard, I'd want to give it a German name, but I think "Wolfgang" wouldn't fit...maybe "Mozart", similar to the movie "Beethoven"!!
Hey, there's an additional idea, name it after your favorite rock stars (or classics composer)..."Madonna"!!


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Our basset's hound is named Cosmo. My cousin names his pets after elderly relatives -- he had a pair of labs he called Walter & Gladys.

I suppose if you ask Reese he'd probably like Dora, Rocket, Blue -- after cartoon characters.


New member
Chase it is .....I think although Reece wants to call him Blackie now.....<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">