Go ahead, let your children swim/play in a hot tub. But after reading Liza's article -- ewww!!! We too had a hot tub and got rid of it shortly after DD was born. I KNOW how nasty those things can get from the water stagnanting and trying to alleviate it by shocking it, throwing massive amounts of bromine in there. Forgetting to change the filter, pulling it out to find it had gotten green and slimy. A number of times because of our "home cooking" the chemical levels got too high and not only bleached our swimsuits, but DS and I developed coughs from breathing in the fumes. We had to drain it on occasion after people would come to visit and their kids would pee in it or people who didn't practice good hygeine left a big oil slick. So after owning one ourselves and realizing how complicated it is to keep it clean -- just imagine what ones are like at hotels, etc. Eww!