overwhelmed with RX $$$


Sorry to hear about your son's dx, but at least now you know what you are dealing with. Just thought I might mention this. If your son is taking Ultrase pills, there is a program that my CF clinic hooked me up with. They will send you Scandishakes and ADEK vitamins with the proof of purchase of your Ultrase pills or they will reimburse you for the cost up to $20.00. I don't get the shakes or the ADEK vitamins, but I think they will send 1 bottle of ADEK's and 24 envelopes of Scandishake. This may be different now as I have been doing this for several years and the info I have is old. I choose to be reimbursed, which is really nice. You may want to check with your clinic or you can try this number (1-800-541-4959 Comprehensive Care Program for CF). I'm not sure if it is a current #, so you may have better luck with the clinic. Hope that works for you!!


Sorry to hear about your son's dx, but at least now you know what you are dealing with. Just thought I might mention this. If your son is taking Ultrase pills, there is a program that my CF clinic hooked me up with. They will send you Scandishakes and ADEK vitamins with the proof of purchase of your Ultrase pills or they will reimburse you for the cost up to $20.00. I don't get the shakes or the ADEK vitamins, but I think they will send 1 bottle of ADEK's and 24 envelopes of Scandishake. This may be different now as I have been doing this for several years and the info I have is old. I choose to be reimbursed, which is really nice. You may want to check with your clinic or you can try this number (1-800-541-4959 Comprehensive Care Program for CF). I'm not sure if it is a current #, so you may have better luck with the clinic. Hope that works for you!!


Sorry to hear about your son's dx, but at least now you know what you are dealing with. Just thought I might mention this. If your son is taking Ultrase pills, there is a program that my CF clinic hooked me up with. They will send you Scandishakes and ADEK vitamins with the proof of purchase of your Ultrase pills or they will reimburse you for the cost up to $20.00. I don't get the shakes or the ADEK vitamins, but I think they will send 1 bottle of ADEK's and 24 envelopes of Scandishake. This may be different now as I have been doing this for several years and the info I have is old. I choose to be reimbursed, which is really nice. You may want to check with your clinic or you can try this number (1-800-541-4959 Comprehensive Care Program for CF). I'm not sure if it is a current #, so you may have better luck with the clinic. Hope that works for you!!


My son got his vest from Hill-Rom last month. The Hill-Rom representative told me not to worry about the cost. If I could not pay what my insurance company does not, that the Hill-Rom Foundation will cover it. You just need your doctor to order your vest from Hill-Rom.


My son got his vest from Hill-Rom last month. The Hill-Rom representative told me not to worry about the cost. If I could not pay what my insurance company does not, that the Hill-Rom Foundation will cover it. You just need your doctor to order your vest from Hill-Rom.


My son got his vest from Hill-Rom last month. The Hill-Rom representative told me not to worry about the cost. If I could not pay what my insurance company does not, that the Hill-Rom Foundation will cover it. You just need your doctor to order your vest from Hill-Rom.


New member
Thank you all so much for the information. Yesterday I found out that it's not as bad as I thought it would be. We did get hooked up with the ADEK/Scandishake program which reduced the cost of the enzymes considerably. I also called my son's insurance program and found out that 75% of prescription $$ are covered, but I have to submit paperwork myself (info that was conveniently not made easily available). What a huge relief!!!!!
BTW, we are in Montana. There are assistant programs, but we fall in that middle ground where we don't qualify. The difficult part is that my husband was laid off in July (turned out to be a blessing) so is back in school. He graduates in June, but we're depending on our small business to support us (and pay tuition). Once he get's a job (fingers crossed) I'll breathe a lot easier. We are also lucky to have a supportive family willing to help. I just have a hard time accepting it.


New member
Thank you all so much for the information. Yesterday I found out that it's not as bad as I thought it would be. We did get hooked up with the ADEK/Scandishake program which reduced the cost of the enzymes considerably. I also called my son's insurance program and found out that 75% of prescription $$ are covered, but I have to submit paperwork myself (info that was conveniently not made easily available). What a huge relief!!!!!
BTW, we are in Montana. There are assistant programs, but we fall in that middle ground where we don't qualify. The difficult part is that my husband was laid off in July (turned out to be a blessing) so is back in school. He graduates in June, but we're depending on our small business to support us (and pay tuition). Once he get's a job (fingers crossed) I'll breathe a lot easier. We are also lucky to have a supportive family willing to help. I just have a hard time accepting it.


New member
Thank you all so much for the information. Yesterday I found out that it's not as bad as I thought it would be. We did get hooked up with the ADEK/Scandishake program which reduced the cost of the enzymes considerably. I also called my son's insurance program and found out that 75% of prescription $$ are covered, but I have to submit paperwork myself (info that was conveniently not made easily available). What a huge relief!!!!!
BTW, we are in Montana. There are assistant programs, but we fall in that middle ground where we don't qualify. The difficult part is that my husband was laid off in July (turned out to be a blessing) so is back in school. He graduates in June, but we're depending on our small business to support us (and pay tuition). Once he get's a job (fingers crossed) I'll breathe a lot easier. We are also lucky to have a supportive family willing to help. I just have a hard time accepting it.