

New member
i use overnight oxygen, am on 2 litres, through an oxygen concentrator. have found that i have much more energy since starting it and also dont wake up half as breathless!!!! i believe the criteria for oxygen is sats in the 80s, mine were 88% hope that helps <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Thanks so much for replying. My husband also uses oxygen at night and has found over time needing it during the day. He is struggling with this change in lifestyle. Understandably it's a hard fact to accept needing the oxygen more and more.


New member
it is an incredibly frightening thing, and very hard to accept. when my hospital first suggested it i burst into tears and found it very hard to even think about. it just seemed to signify another step down! however i discussed it a lot with my social worker (who is fantastic) and she said to try and view it more as "another treatment" ie, "ok i am going to accept this, using it is going to make me feel better, and i will be able to carry on doing more of the things i want to do in life. its not a step downward, its me taking control and fighting back with the use of some oxygen!"i hope ur husband is able to come to terms with it and accept it, am sure he is doing brilliantly and it sounds like he is lucky to have you to support him <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
My husband's been on Oxygen since May. He's on 3 liters 24 hours. His physical therapist just suggested that she will ask dr. to increase to 4 liters when he's exercising.My husband's 44, and yep, everyone stares, asks what's wrong, he's so young, etc. He's been so totally awesome about it. Just looks them straight in the eye and answers, like it's no big deal. I know it makes him feel very weak and uncomfortable, but he does everything, just like he used to. He runs the tube up his shirt, so it's only visible on his face (I wouldn't care if it was visible, that's his thing.) He also puts the portable unit in a back pack. Makes it easier to carry, less noticeable. Of course, I don't know how good it is for the unit, but that's what he needs to do to make the situation acceptable for him. And he always has to tell stores, etc., why he's carrying a back pack so they don't think he's a shoplifter or carrying a bomb or something.He couldn't live without it, so I'm thankful for it. Good luck to everyone. Jan


New member
I am on 3 to 4 litters 24 hours a day. i used to be really self concience about it. and eventually i just excepted it because i was tired of staying in the house all the time and never going out.