
New member
We just got back Madison culture and it was positive for PA. they said the results say few PA. I am just so upset know. Any advice would be helpful. She is only 21 mouths. They are putting her on 2 weeks of Tobi.



New member
We just got back Madison culture and it was positive for PA. they said the results say few PA. I am just so upset know. Any advice would be helpful. She is only 21 mouths. They are putting her on 2 weeks of Tobi.



New member
We just got back Madison culture and it was positive for PA. they said the results say few PA. I am just so upset know. Any advice would be helpful. She is only 21 mouths. They are putting her on 2 weeks of Tobi.



Staff member
I feel your pain! It's kinda like a punch in the stomach. For us, it brought home the reality that DS actually DID have CF. I cried for hours! He first cultured it when he was 3 month old. Tobi twice a day for 4 weeks, every other month.

There are different types of psuedo -- mucoid vs. non-mucoid. DS has cultured the non-mucoid off and on. We just finished a course of tobi yesterday.


Staff member
I feel your pain! It's kinda like a punch in the stomach. For us, it brought home the reality that DS actually DID have CF. I cried for hours! He first cultured it when he was 3 month old. Tobi twice a day for 4 weeks, every other month.

There are different types of psuedo -- mucoid vs. non-mucoid. DS has cultured the non-mucoid off and on. We just finished a course of tobi yesterday.


Staff member
I feel your pain! It's kinda like a punch in the stomach. For us, it brought home the reality that DS actually DID have CF. I cried for hours! He first cultured it when he was 3 month old. Tobi twice a day for 4 weeks, every other month.

There are different types of psuedo -- mucoid vs. non-mucoid. DS has cultured the non-mucoid off and on. We just finished a course of tobi yesterday.


New member
hello,my brother has just cought pa and he is on therapy.i would say don't worry too much i know that if you culture pa at an early age you get rid of it.and at an older age you have many be patient and pray to God and everything will be ok i am sure.

relat,27,having brother 26 w/cf.


New member
hello,my brother has just cought pa and he is on therapy.i would say don't worry too much i know that if you culture pa at an early age you get rid of it.and at an older age you have many be patient and pray to God and everything will be ok i am sure.

relat,27,having brother 26 w/cf.


New member
hello,my brother has just cought pa and he is on therapy.i would say don't worry too much i know that if you culture pa at an early age you get rid of it.and at an older age you have many be patient and pray to God and everything will be ok i am sure.

relat,27,having brother 26 w/cf.


It is a shock the first time you get the results that state that your little one has PA. We were fortunate in that my oldest has yet to culture it, and my youngest just did in September for the first time. They do say that the younger they are when they first culture it, the better chance that they can rid it of the lungs.

We did two rounds of Tobi and Cipro, and did not culture it this past December after two positive cultures during the fall. I will feel better about it when I don't see if pop up in cultures for about a year, but am still pleased that it is at bay for now.

I do understand how it can bring a reality to this entire CF issue. It was for me, especially being that it was my younger one because she has had no lung involvement, ever! She has cultured MRSA and staph for a few years, but it has caused no problems at all. So this was a complete 'What the heck!?!' for me. And I was very concerned about my older one catching it because she does have more lung involvement, even though she only cultures MRSA and staph. But so far, she has not cultured the PA, although treated with Cipro and Tobi when having an increase in cough just in case it's in there and not showing up in her cultures.

But catching it early and keeping it non-mucoid is the key, and being aggressive in treatments.


It is a shock the first time you get the results that state that your little one has PA. We were fortunate in that my oldest has yet to culture it, and my youngest just did in September for the first time. They do say that the younger they are when they first culture it, the better chance that they can rid it of the lungs.

We did two rounds of Tobi and Cipro, and did not culture it this past December after two positive cultures during the fall. I will feel better about it when I don't see if pop up in cultures for about a year, but am still pleased that it is at bay for now.

I do understand how it can bring a reality to this entire CF issue. It was for me, especially being that it was my younger one because she has had no lung involvement, ever! She has cultured MRSA and staph for a few years, but it has caused no problems at all. So this was a complete 'What the heck!?!' for me. And I was very concerned about my older one catching it because she does have more lung involvement, even though she only cultures MRSA and staph. But so far, she has not cultured the PA, although treated with Cipro and Tobi when having an increase in cough just in case it's in there and not showing up in her cultures.

But catching it early and keeping it non-mucoid is the key, and being aggressive in treatments.


It is a shock the first time you get the results that state that your little one has PA. We were fortunate in that my oldest has yet to culture it, and my youngest just did in September for the first time. They do say that the younger they are when they first culture it, the better chance that they can rid it of the lungs.

We did two rounds of Tobi and Cipro, and did not culture it this past December after two positive cultures during the fall. I will feel better about it when I don't see if pop up in cultures for about a year, but am still pleased that it is at bay for now.

I do understand how it can bring a reality to this entire CF issue. It was for me, especially being that it was my younger one because she has had no lung involvement, ever! She has cultured MRSA and staph for a few years, but it has caused no problems at all. So this was a complete 'What the heck!?!' for me. And I was very concerned about my older one catching it because she does have more lung involvement, even though she only cultures MRSA and staph. But so far, she has not cultured the PA, although treated with Cipro and Tobi when having an increase in cough just in case it's in there and not showing up in her cultures.

But catching it early and keeping it non-mucoid is the key, and being aggressive in treatments.


New member
My son cultured PA once at about six months old. They put him on Tobi, I can't remember for the life of me if it was 2 or 3 weeks, but I think 2. And two weeks of Cipro. He has never cultured it since, he's almost 2. So it's very possible you caught it early enough to erradicate it. Even if your daughter does still have PA, there are some good drugs, or combos of drugs, to treat it with when it acts up, and I read today in "Commitment" The News Publication of the CF Foundation, that Aztreonam is now in phase 3 of development. It's a promising new inhaled antibiotic for people who culture PA. So try not to worry yourself too much, even though as a mom of a CFer I know its about impossible not to.


New member
My son cultured PA once at about six months old. They put him on Tobi, I can't remember for the life of me if it was 2 or 3 weeks, but I think 2. And two weeks of Cipro. He has never cultured it since, he's almost 2. So it's very possible you caught it early enough to erradicate it. Even if your daughter does still have PA, there are some good drugs, or combos of drugs, to treat it with when it acts up, and I read today in "Commitment" The News Publication of the CF Foundation, that Aztreonam is now in phase 3 of development. It's a promising new inhaled antibiotic for people who culture PA. So try not to worry yourself too much, even though as a mom of a CFer I know its about impossible not to.


New member
My son cultured PA once at about six months old. They put him on Tobi, I can't remember for the life of me if it was 2 or 3 weeks, but I think 2. And two weeks of Cipro. He has never cultured it since, he's almost 2. So it's very possible you caught it early enough to erradicate it. Even if your daughter does still have PA, there are some good drugs, or combos of drugs, to treat it with when it acts up, and I read today in "Commitment" The News Publication of the CF Foundation, that Aztreonam is now in phase 3 of development. It's a promising new inhaled antibiotic for people who culture PA. So try not to worry yourself too much, even though as a mom of a CFer I know its about impossible not to.


New member
My daughter also cultured PA at about 6 months. They also told us it was not too much and just a few. We admitted her for two weeks doing IV Tobi and Cipro, then they continued two weeks at home. It has been ten months since then, and we have had four clean cultures since! So the fact they caught it early is really good.

Mom to Kate wCF


New member
My daughter also cultured PA at about 6 months. They also told us it was not too much and just a few. We admitted her for two weeks doing IV Tobi and Cipro, then they continued two weeks at home. It has been ten months since then, and we have had four clean cultures since! So the fact they caught it early is really good.

Mom to Kate wCF


New member
My daughter also cultured PA at about 6 months. They also told us it was not too much and just a few. We admitted her for two weeks doing IV Tobi and Cipro, then they continued two weeks at home. It has been ten months since then, and we have had four clean cultures since! So the fact they caught it early is really good.

Mom to Kate wCF


New member
Thank you everyone for the responses it makes me feel better to know that she will be ok. I cried almost all night. But thanks again. I know I don't post that often but I always read posts. I hope to be able to get to know everyone on here. this is a great site.


New member
Thank you everyone for the responses it makes me feel better to know that she will be ok. I cried almost all night. But thanks again. I know I don't post that often but I always read posts. I hope to be able to get to know everyone on here. this is a great site.