Paige's Visit


New member
Thanks for the comments everyone! Right now, Dr. Black is still waiting on the results of the Genetic Test, he was just speculating that she had DF508. His nurse today, told me that it would still be a couple more days until they know what she has. Is every person supposed to have two variations?

Also, thanks for the input on the trial. Your comments made my decision, and I'm going to go ahead and try it!

Well, I'll be sure to update again soon. Right now, we're without internet, so I'm having to borrow my mom's computer lol. Some reacent bad weather knocked our phone line off our house, so our DSL is out until they can get to us <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Thanks again though everyone!


New member
Thanks for the comments everyone! Right now, Dr. Black is still waiting on the results of the Genetic Test, he was just speculating that she had DF508. His nurse today, told me that it would still be a couple more days until they know what she has. Is every person supposed to have two variations?

Also, thanks for the input on the trial. Your comments made my decision, and I'm going to go ahead and try it!

Well, I'll be sure to update again soon. Right now, we're without internet, so I'm having to borrow my mom's computer lol. Some reacent bad weather knocked our phone line off our house, so our DSL is out until they can get to us <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Thanks again though everyone!


New member
Thanks for the comments everyone! Right now, Dr. Black is still waiting on the results of the Genetic Test, he was just speculating that she had DF508. His nurse today, told me that it would still be a couple more days until they know what she has. Is every person supposed to have two variations?

Also, thanks for the input on the trial. Your comments made my decision, and I'm going to go ahead and try it!

Well, I'll be sure to update again soon. Right now, we're without internet, so I'm having to borrow my mom's computer lol. Some reacent bad weather knocked our phone line off our house, so our DSL is out until they can get to us <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Thanks again though everyone!


New member
Thanks for the comments everyone! Right now, Dr. Black is still waiting on the results of the Genetic Test, he was just speculating that she had DF508. His nurse today, told me that it would still be a couple more days until they know what she has. Is every person supposed to have two variations?

Also, thanks for the input on the trial. Your comments made my decision, and I'm going to go ahead and try it!

Well, I'll be sure to update again soon. Right now, we're without internet, so I'm having to borrow my mom's computer lol. Some reacent bad weather knocked our phone line off our house, so our DSL is out until they can get to us <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Thanks again though everyone!


New member
Thanks for the comments everyone! Right now, Dr. Black is still waiting on the results of the Genetic Test, he was just speculating that she had DF508. His nurse today, told me that it would still be a couple more days until they know what she has. Is every person supposed to have two variations?
<br />
<br />Also, thanks for the input on the trial. Your comments made my decision, and I'm going to go ahead and try it!
<br />
<br />Well, I'll be sure to update again soon. Right now, we're without internet, so I'm having to borrow my mom's computer lol. Some reacent bad weather knocked our phone line off our house, so our DSL is out until they can get to us <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Thanks again though everyone!


New member
Yes, everyone has two variations, one from each parent. Some pwcf have two copies of DF508 (one copy from each parent). In my kids case, they have one DF508 (from me I think), and one G551D (from my hb). I know there are over 600 variations or 1000 or something (last I heard it was 600+, but I seem to recall hearing differently).

I think here (Australia) they use the DF508 as the tester in the new born screen (could be wrong though), and then do a sweat test to confirm diagnosis. There is some debate regarding whether different variations establish differing intensity of cf. We were told that because our kids had G551D they had a milder form cf illness...not sure if this is true or not.

It is true that they have had milder cf then others, but cf does impact their lives. I wouldnt say that is definitely true though, especially since my 12yr old has been sicker then the older ones were...that's the main reason we went ahead and had our third child (after 15 yrs), because the older two were really well, neither had been sick or in hospital, so we thought that any other children would not be seriously affected by cf.

Anyhow, it's all interesting! Let us know (if you want) when you find out the variations...Glad things are beginning to fall into place for your family <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Hope you're back on line soon, we miss you already <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Yes, everyone has two variations, one from each parent. Some pwcf have two copies of DF508 (one copy from each parent). In my kids case, they have one DF508 (from me I think), and one G551D (from my hb). I know there are over 600 variations or 1000 or something (last I heard it was 600+, but I seem to recall hearing differently).

I think here (Australia) they use the DF508 as the tester in the new born screen (could be wrong though), and then do a sweat test to confirm diagnosis. There is some debate regarding whether different variations establish differing intensity of cf. We were told that because our kids had G551D they had a milder form cf illness...not sure if this is true or not.

It is true that they have had milder cf then others, but cf does impact their lives. I wouldnt say that is definitely true though, especially since my 12yr old has been sicker then the older ones were...that's the main reason we went ahead and had our third child (after 15 yrs), because the older two were really well, neither had been sick or in hospital, so we thought that any other children would not be seriously affected by cf.

Anyhow, it's all interesting! Let us know (if you want) when you find out the variations...Glad things are beginning to fall into place for your family <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Hope you're back on line soon, we miss you already <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Yes, everyone has two variations, one from each parent. Some pwcf have two copies of DF508 (one copy from each parent). In my kids case, they have one DF508 (from me I think), and one G551D (from my hb). I know there are over 600 variations or 1000 or something (last I heard it was 600+, but I seem to recall hearing differently).

I think here (Australia) they use the DF508 as the tester in the new born screen (could be wrong though), and then do a sweat test to confirm diagnosis. There is some debate regarding whether different variations establish differing intensity of cf. We were told that because our kids had G551D they had a milder form cf illness...not sure if this is true or not.

It is true that they have had milder cf then others, but cf does impact their lives. I wouldnt say that is definitely true though, especially since my 12yr old has been sicker then the older ones were...that's the main reason we went ahead and had our third child (after 15 yrs), because the older two were really well, neither had been sick or in hospital, so we thought that any other children would not be seriously affected by cf.

Anyhow, it's all interesting! Let us know (if you want) when you find out the variations...Glad things are beginning to fall into place for your family <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Hope you're back on line soon, we miss you already <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Yes, everyone has two variations, one from each parent. Some pwcf have two copies of DF508 (one copy from each parent). In my kids case, they have one DF508 (from me I think), and one G551D (from my hb). I know there are over 600 variations or 1000 or something (last I heard it was 600+, but I seem to recall hearing differently).

I think here (Australia) they use the DF508 as the tester in the new born screen (could be wrong though), and then do a sweat test to confirm diagnosis. There is some debate regarding whether different variations establish differing intensity of cf. We were told that because our kids had G551D they had a milder form cf illness...not sure if this is true or not.

It is true that they have had milder cf then others, but cf does impact their lives. I wouldnt say that is definitely true though, especially since my 12yr old has been sicker then the older ones were...that's the main reason we went ahead and had our third child (after 15 yrs), because the older two were really well, neither had been sick or in hospital, so we thought that any other children would not be seriously affected by cf.

Anyhow, it's all interesting! Let us know (if you want) when you find out the variations...Glad things are beginning to fall into place for your family <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Hope you're back on line soon, we miss you already <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Yes, everyone has two variations, one from each parent. Some pwcf have two copies of DF508 (one copy from each parent). In my kids case, they have one DF508 (from me I think), and one G551D (from my hb). I know there are over 600 variations or 1000 or something (last I heard it was 600+, but I seem to recall hearing differently).
<br />
<br />I think here (Australia) they use the DF508 as the tester in the new born screen (could be wrong though), and then do a sweat test to confirm diagnosis. There is some debate regarding whether different variations establish differing intensity of cf. We were told that because our kids had G551D they had a milder form cf illness...not sure if this is true or not.
<br />
<br />It is true that they have had milder cf then others, but cf does impact their lives. I wouldnt say that is definitely true though, especially since my 12yr old has been sicker then the older ones were...that's the main reason we went ahead and had our third child (after 15 yrs), because the older two were really well, neither had been sick or in hospital, so we thought that any other children would not be seriously affected by cf.
<br />
<br />Anyhow, it's all interesting! Let us know (if you want) when you find out the variations...Glad things are beginning to fall into place for your family <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />Hope you're back on line soon, we miss you already <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Yay, so I THINK we have our internet kinda makes me wonder because we haven't seen hide nor hare of our DSL provider, to fix our line. Oh well, I aint complaining lol.

I'll definitely let you all know what variations she has. You'll come to find out that I'm not a very private person lol. I'll post quite a bit on here now that we have our internet back. (I'm very talkative in person <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

I do have a couple new the AquDEK vitamins stain, and do they taste as awful as they smell lol


New member
Yay, so I THINK we have our internet kinda makes me wonder because we haven't seen hide nor hare of our DSL provider, to fix our line. Oh well, I aint complaining lol.

I'll definitely let you all know what variations she has. You'll come to find out that I'm not a very private person lol. I'll post quite a bit on here now that we have our internet back. (I'm very talkative in person <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

I do have a couple new the AquDEK vitamins stain, and do they taste as awful as they smell lol


New member
Yay, so I THINK we have our internet kinda makes me wonder because we haven't seen hide nor hare of our DSL provider, to fix our line. Oh well, I aint complaining lol.

I'll definitely let you all know what variations she has. You'll come to find out that I'm not a very private person lol. I'll post quite a bit on here now that we have our internet back. (I'm very talkative in person <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

I do have a couple new the AquDEK vitamins stain, and do they taste as awful as they smell lol


New member
Yay, so I THINK we have our internet kinda makes me wonder because we haven't seen hide nor hare of our DSL provider, to fix our line. Oh well, I aint complaining lol.

I'll definitely let you all know what variations she has. You'll come to find out that I'm not a very private person lol. I'll post quite a bit on here now that we have our internet back. (I'm very talkative in person <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

I do have a couple new the AquDEK vitamins stain, and do they taste as awful as they smell lol


New member
Yay, so I THINK we have our internet kinda makes me wonder because we haven't seen hide nor hare of our DSL provider, to fix our line. Oh well, I aint complaining lol.
<br />
<br />I'll definitely let you all know what variations she has. You'll come to find out that I'm not a very private person lol. I'll post quite a bit on here now that we have our internet back. (I'm very talkative in person <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />I do have a couple new the AquDEK vitamins stain, and do they taste as awful as they smell lol