New member
Thanks for the comments everyone! Right now, Dr. Black is still waiting on the results of the Genetic Test, he was just speculating that she had DF508. His nurse today, told me that it would still be a couple more days until they know what she has. Is every person supposed to have two variations?
Also, thanks for the input on the trial. Your comments made my decision, and I'm going to go ahead and try it!
Well, I'll be sure to update again soon. Right now, we're without internet, so I'm having to borrow my mom's computer lol. Some reacent bad weather knocked our phone line off our house, so our DSL is out until they can get to us <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Thanks again though everyone!
Also, thanks for the input on the trial. Your comments made my decision, and I'm going to go ahead and try it!
Well, I'll be sure to update again soon. Right now, we're without internet, so I'm having to borrow my mom's computer lol. Some reacent bad weather knocked our phone line off our house, so our DSL is out until they can get to us <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Thanks again though everyone!