pancreatic insufficiency


New member
Hello, I was just diagnosed last year with cf. I am 37 now. I have been in and out of the hospital for the last 10 years with pancreatitis. So far I haven't seen anyone with the same situation and I already know the type of cf I have is not common. I live in a rural town that has no cf clinic and my doctor isn't doing anything for me. My story is long and very intense. At this point I am in the hospital at least once a month. I get nothing by mouth for most of the stay and I only receive 75mg of demerol every 3 hours and that holds the pain off barely. I take enzymes and prescription heartburn meds at home. I also take vicodin for frequent stomach pain. Is there anyone who has the same situation? This is really getting tough to find information for my particular needs.dennis moxley


New member
Hi! Im the mother of a 7 yr old with pancreatitis, in fact thats how she was diagnosed with CF. She had so much "stomache"pain they finally did blood work whick showed pancr. Has your gotten worse over time becaUSE THE gi DR TOLD ME IT WOULD GET BETTER AS SHE became more and more pancreatic insufficient. He also questioned her high fat diet because the more fat the harder the pancrease has to work. It isnt very common to have pancreatitis and i dont know anyone else with it. Good luck, wish i had some advise but my daughters hasnt gotten to the point where its untollerable yet. i WISH I COULD HELP YOU AND I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER AND FIND SOMETHING THAT HELPS. Jennifer