I've had 4 major bouts with pancreatitis. All happened prior to becoming pancreatic deficient. To start with I'm 46. Diagnosed when I was 34. The I've never been "small" and all the doctors never suspected CF because I looked so healthy. Just over the past 2 years I have started having low Vitamin D levels and some of the other typical CF/Pancreas issues.
Back to the pancreatitis... The things they narrowed it down to with me are fatty foods, chips, popcorn, any alcohol. Each of the 4 major attacks had me in the emergency room. Once I was in the hospital for 5 days with a tube up my nose, into my stomach and it wasn't enjoyable at all. All of these attacks started with a "pressure" from my gut all the way around and into my back. Almost felt like I was in a vise. It would gradually get worse (over a period of hours) until I ended up on the floor curled up in a ball in agony. I didn't learn my lessons quick enough to have only one bad attack, though I should have. As long as I watch what I eat, I'm OK. (Also, drink plenty of water when eating. That has helped too.)
Hope the info helps.